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my dog 英语作文 有翻译的

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 12:23:13
my dog 英语作文 有翻译的
my dog 英语作文 有翻译的
In this winter I got a little puppy.She was one month old with coffee hair,black face and white paws.She was very cute and small for 1KG,but she is growing up now with 4KG heavy and not as beauty as younger.At first I don’t like her,because I am afraid of dogs.I always worry she would bite on me and I have to inject some rabies vaccine.Compare with time passed by,we build deep friendship through feed,training and playing.I don’t fear her no longer,even I can touch her head and mouth.I call her Milk and speak English to her.How amazing she can understand “sit down,come here and jump”some simple orders soon.Thoug Milk is a clever dog,but she is really a naughty girl.She bites everything:shoes,paper,dustbin and so on.Her sharp paws makes my sofa terrible and some times she excretes waste matter on the floor.Our toilet training is not successful.Milk is a lucky dog,because we spoil her very much that we give her own red house,fashion clothes,even taking her to the restaurant having tasty food and traveling as we are.She bring us happy as same as trouble.We see her as a member of our family and we love her,the cute,naughty little dog.这个冬天我拥有了一只有小狗,她当时只有一个月大,咖啡色毛发,黑面,四只爪儿是白色.她非常很可爱,也很小,只有1公斤重.但现在他已经4公斤重了,而且不再像小时候那么漂亮了.起初我不喜欢她,因为我怕狗,总是担心她会咬我,而我还要去注射狗狂犬疫苗.与狗相处的时间一天天过去了,通过喂养,训练和嬉戏,我们朝夕相伴建立起了深厚的友谊,我不再怕她,甚至可以摸摸她的头和嘴.我叫她牛奶和她说英语.她很快能听得懂“坐下,来这里,跳”一些简单的命令,多么令人惊奇!虽然牛奶是一个聪明的狗,但她确实是一个顽皮孩子,她肯咬一切东西,诸如:鞋,纸,垃圾桶等,她尖锐的爪子使我的沙发一团糟.有时还在地板上排泄,可见我们的如厕训练比较失败.牛奶是个幸运儿,因为我们很宠她,我们给她自己的红房子,时尚的衣服,甚至带她到餐厅享用美味的食物,带她去旅行.她带给我们欢乐,同时也带给我们困扰.作为我们家庭的成员,我们爱她,可爱,一只顽皮的小狗.