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英语翻译I don't speak Chinese,so forgive me for the English repl

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 10:54:41
I don't speak Chinese,so forgive me for the English reply.
I took a look at this game record.The short answer is -- this is a very rare situation,but we probably need to fix this,and thank you for letting us know.
The long answer is a bit more complicated...
Matchmaking is always trying to do 3 things.It usually can do all of these things,but sometimes it can only do some of these things.These things are:
1) It wants to get you a match quickly.
2) It wants you to get a match with a 50% chance of each team winning.
3) It wants you to get a match with people around your level.
As people wait in the queue for a long time,the matcher will put less priority on the 2nd and 3rd goals,and just give any match.I am certain that one of these teams was in the queue for a long time,probably the 30 and 12 that were premade together.
The reason this took a long time was because the 30 was fairly pro while the 12 was fairly newb.The 2 and 3 were smurfs – they had VERY high ratings and probably had won nonstop games prior to this match.When people win their early game,their rating goes up quickly,and they sometimes get identified as smurfs.These players had VERY high ratings for level 2/3 players,so they either were identified as smurfs or ‘pro’ players from another game.It’s also possible they said they were expert players in the questionnaire you fill out when you start.Combine this with twisted treeline which is less popular,and with newbies,and you have a situation where it's hard to get a match,so the match you do get is bad.
As for why the matchup was 30:12:30 vs 22:2:3,right now,the matcher only balances levels when it sets people in the game at all,and not on the teams.Once it has determined who is in the game,is just balances the teams around secret elo rating to give the most even match.Usually this works really well and you don't see a big problem.But once in a while,you get a game like this...Which I agree would be very frustrating.
I am adding a feature change to try to optimize this in the future,but it probably won't be live for a month or two,because we have to make it,test it,then deploy it.Thanks for bringing this to our attention.Sorry about that.Hopefully you don't see too much of this.
- Zileas
(Riot Games Design Director)
英语翻译I don't speak Chinese,so forgive me for the English repl
  当人们在排队等了很长时间,这本matcher要把优先权放在2nd少和3rd目标,只要给任何一场比赛.我确信一个这样的团队在队列中等待很长一段时间,大概30岁了,premade 12,在一起.
至于为什么是22:2:3 30:12:30与的比赛,现在,只有当它matcher平衡水平集的游戏的人,而不是靠团队.一旦决定谁是在游戏中,是公道的天平球队在秘密现代化给予最甚至等级的比赛.通常这工作得很好,你没有看见一个大问题.但偶尔,你会得到一个游戏一样,这…我同意将是非常令人沮丧的.
  - Zileas