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英语翻译【摘要】 法律与道德的关系问题是法哲学之永恒主题与难解之迷.法律与道德犹如车之两轮、鸟之两翼不可分离,道德强调人

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 14:31:57
【摘要】 法律与道德的关系问题是法哲学之永恒主题与难解之迷.法律与道德犹如车之两轮、鸟之两翼不可分离,道德强调人类的道德理念铸化为法律,法律强调法律内化为人们的品质、道德.法律属于制度的范畴;而道德则属于社会意识形态的范畴.法律规范的内容主要是权利与义务,强调两者的衡态;道德强调对他人、对社会集体履行义务,承担责任.法律规范的结构是假定、处理和制裁或者说是行为模式和法律后果;而道德规范并没有具体的制裁措施或者法律后果.法由国家的强制力保证实施;而道德主要凭借社会舆论、人们的内心观念、宣传教育以及公共谴责等诸手段.
【关键词】法律价值标准 道德观念 法律价值观 道德评价 社会道德
英语翻译【摘要】 法律与道德的关系问题是法哲学之永恒主题与难解之迷.法律与道德犹如车之两轮、鸟之两翼不可分离,道德强调人
Legal and ethical relationship with the eternal theme of the philosophy of law is difficult to overcome the last.Law and morality like the two wheels of vehicles,the two wings of birds inseparable,ethics stressed the moral concepts of human Cast into law,the law emphasizes law into people's quality,ethics.The scope of the legal system; Ethics is a social and ideological context.Legal norms of rights and obligations is the main content,emphasizing both for itself; Moral emphasis on others,collective obligations to the community and responsibility.Legal norms is that the structure,processing and sanctions or a pattern of behaviour and legal consequences; And ethics are no specific sanctions or legal consequences.France by the coercive power of the State to ensure implementation; Relying on the main moral and social opinion,the concept of people's hearts,education and public condemnation,Zhu means.
法律价值标准 Legal values
道德观念 Ethics
法律价值观 Legal values
Moral evaluation
社会道德 Social ethics