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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 02:22:37
rude, rough, crude, raw, coarse, primitive:这些形容词共同的中心意义是“缺少技巧和精致的”. 这组形容词的一般含义为“粗”.
rude: 可以用来修饰人、思想、行为,或者修饰人所做的事情.修饰人或其思想时,意思是“粗鲁”、“没有礼貌”或“村野”;在修饰物时,表示缺乏技艺,或者由于没有合适的材料或适当的工具,做出的东西是“粗糙的”.
1.You needn't be so rude about it, my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror. 关于这个嘛,你不必那么没礼貌,我妻子一面照镜子一面回答说.
2.…, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.…… 然而公牛突然看到了醉汉,当时他正在高声喊着一些粗鲁的评论话,并且挥舞着一顶红帽子.
3.The old man lived alone in a rude hut. 老人独自住在一个粗陋的小屋里.
rough:在修饰人和思想、行为时,仅仅表示“粗”,比如我们常说的“大老粗”,并不含有“粗鲁”、“无礼”及“村野”的意思.在修饰物或所做的活儿时,rough表示非精心制作的,有时表示有意做的粗糙,因为只要满足了需要就行,不必做得精细;有时表示半成品, 有待继续加工;有时制作人为了表示谦虚,把自己完成的工作说成rough work.
1.The English gentlemen always keep themselves away from the rough quarter of the town. 英国的绅士们总是不肯接近这个城市的粗人居住的地区.
2.The lawyer ascertained that a po’liceman had indeed dealt roughly with foreigners on several occasions. 那位律师查明有个警察的确在好几个场合中粗暴地对待了外国人.
3.The rough road across the plain soon became so bad that we tried to get Bruce to drive back to the village we had come from. 穿越原野的粗糙道路,不久变得非常糟糕,以致我们努力说服布鲁斯,把车开回我们出发的村子.
4.a rough sketch 草图
crude: 的原义是“天然状态的”,在修饰物时指的是“未加工的”、“粗糙的”.在修饰人或思想、行为时,指的是“未开化的”、“低级的”、“粗鲁的”.
1.I've never appreciated his crude sense of humor. 我从不欣赏他那低级趣味的幽默.
2.However, boxing was very crude, for there were no rules and a prizefighter could be seriously injured or even killed during a match. 然而,当时拳击非常粗野,因为没有规则,在比赛中职业拳击家可能受重伤,甚至被打死.
3.Yet there is little resemblance between these crude vehicles and a modern scientific balloon,…然而这种原始的运载工具与现代科学性的气球之间很少有相似之处.
4.a crude drawing 粗糙的画
raw:在修饰物时,意思是“生的”(即未加工处理的)、“未熟的”.如raw meat(生肉),raw eggs(生蛋),raw material(原材料),raw hides(生牛皮)等等.在修饰人及思想、行为时,raw指的是“未成熟的”、“无经验的”、“不老练的”.
1.They are raw recruits. 他们是些新兵.
2.The bulk and weight of coal required in the majority of manufacturing industries is large in comparison with the bulk and weight of other raw materials. 在大多数制造工业中,所需要的煤的体积和重量,与其他原材料的体积和重量相比都显得很大.
3.a raw wooden canoe 天然的木制独木舟
coarse:在修饰物时,其“粗糙的”含义实际上指的是“精细的”(fine)的反义词.如coarse sand(粗砂),fine sand(细砂),coarse cloth(粗布),fine cloth(细布);在修饰人及思想行为时,主要指“粗俗的”而言.
1.Refrain from using such coarse language. 别使用这样的粗俗的语言.
2.Such inns as there were generally dirty and flea ridden; the food simply local cheese accompanied were by bread often twelve months old, all washed down with coarse wine.当地的那些小旅馆通常是既肮脏又尽是跳蚤;食物只不过是本地土产乳酪就着存放12 月的陈面包,都用粗制的酒送下肚去.
primitive:Primitive [‘primitiv] is characterized by simplicity or crudity; unsophisticated; 简单的:以简单或粗糙为特征的;朴实无华的.
1.primitive weapons 简陋的武器
2.The native of that region still live in primitive straw huts. 那个地区的居民依然住在古老的茅草屋里.
3.Small seashells were once used as a primitive kind of money. 小贝壳曾经被用作简单的钱币.
4.rude primitive kitchen facilities 原始的厨房用具