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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/02 08:36:12
Enterprise informatization is a revolution which has realistic and far-reaching significance to improving enterprise management level,tranforming operational mechanism and enhancing market competitiveness and economic efficiency,etc.To evauate the level of enterprise informatization is not only conducive to promote enterprise informatization,but also helpful in indicating the right direction of information technology for the enterprise.However,the evaluation of enterprise informatization level is a very complex system with vast index,complex data and enormous calculation,which is rather difficult for manual operation.
To reduce the workload of evaluation and improve work efficiency,thus promoting the effective implementation of the enterprise informatization evaluation,I've designed a computerized software for evaluating enterprise informatization level.The system is developed on PowerBuilder9.0 with its database set up from ASA database provided by PowerBuilder9.0.Its main functions include the following four:system management,evaluation of enterprise informatization level,social statistics,and government monitoring.System management is used by system administrators to manage different user information,including add,delete,or modify account information; evaluation of enterprise informatization level is the core of the system,business users can calculate the informatization level scores according to the built-in evaluation index so that decision-makers can recognize what the weak points are in implementing informatization,thus laying the foundation for the smooth implementation of the informatization; social statistics and government monitoring are the two major characteristics of the system,the Government Census and Statistics department can view the different informatization levels of distinct enterprises of different industries in diverse regions through different types of graphical display windows; government department of commerce and administration will know the enterprise informatization level by general inquiries,fuzzy query or precise queries.
On the premise of ensuring the clean page and strong user friendliness,the system simplifies operation steps to the maximum,reducing the calculation workload and improving work efficiency.It shows that this system plays an unparalleled role in carrying out evaluation of the enterprise informatization level at the present stage in China.
英语翻译企业信息化是一场革命,其对提高企业管理水平、转换经营机制、增强市场竞争力、提高经济效益等方面都有着现实和深远的意 英语翻译人力资源管理作为企业管理的四大支柱之一,对企业的发展和社会人力资源的配置都产生着越来越深远的影响.要想在今天的人 英语翻译应收账款是流动资产中的一种,它对一个企业的资金周转、信用等方面都有着重要的影响.本文对企业应收账款的形成原因进行 英语翻译摘要:了解消费者心理特点是科学制定营销策略的基础,一个适合中小型玩具企业的营销策略是提高其市场竞争力的一个重要因 英语翻译在现代经济社会中,培育和发展核心竞争力,对任何一个企业都至关重要,因为核心竞争力一旦形成,就成为企业的战略性资产 英语翻译企业信息化是一个社会系统工程,需要社会环境的配合,离开政府的协调、引导和支持,企业信息化的效率、效益都将难以保障 英语翻译“我们一贯专注和持续改进的创新精神,不断追求自我完善,提高市场核心竞争力,积聚新资本,创造新动力,快速推动企业的 英语翻译请大家帮个忙,帮翻译下面的这段文字,不要用在线翻译丢给我哈!营销方式和内容的发展是提高企业市场竞争力的最根本、最 英语翻译水产品品牌战略的实施,不仅是水产品营销的必然趋势,也是提升渔业企业市场竞争力的主要途径.通过对中国水产品品牌创建 英语翻译随着经济全球化及市场竞争力度的加剧,许多企业加快了信息化的步伐,以提升企业的竞争力.企业在实现会计信息化之后,会 英语翻译财务管理作为企业管理的重要组成部分,对提升企业价值起着越来越重要的作用;我国中小企业却普遍存在生存能力弱、竞争力 英语翻译存货是企业得以生存和发展的基本元素,所以存货的管理是企业管理的重要组成部分.随着经济社会化和信息化程度的加强,必