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状语从句 全部 以及时态 最好有例句.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 23:38:12
状语从句 全部 以及时态 最好有例句.
状语从句 全部 以及时态 最好有例句.
英语时间状语从句讲解与练习 引导时间状语从句的普通类从属连词有when(当……时),while(在……期间),as(当……,一边……一边……),before(在……之前),after(在……之后),since(从……以来),till/until(直到),whenever(无论何时),as soon as(一……就)等.如:When I went into the classroom,he was reading.当我走进教室时,他正在看书.He read a newspaper as he went along.他边走边看报纸.
We must strike while the iron is hot.我们必须趁热打铁.
I will tell you after they leave.等他们走后我再告诉你.
I told him to come back whenever he wants to.我告诉他什么时候想回来就回来.I waited till/until she was back.我一直等到她回来.
Once time is gone,you will never get it back.时间一旦失去就再也得不到了
I’ll telephone you as soon as I get there.我一到达那里就打电话给你.
She said she would phone me as soon as she got there.她说她一到达那里就给我电话.
Don’t get off the bus until it has stopped.等车停稳后才下车.
when,while 和 as 引导时间状语从句的用法
一、when 的用法
如果只从现象来看,when 从句用的最多的是一般过去时,而主句的时态没有限制,根据具体情况而定.
1.When he was a child he was always trying out new ideas.
2.When she came into my room,I was just reading a book.她走进我房间时,我正在看书.
3.Were you writing when the teacher came in?老师进来的时候,你在写信吗?
4.Sorry,I was out when you called me.对不起,你打电话来的时候我出去了.
5.He was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the door.
6.I thought of it just when you opened your mouth.就在你要说话的时候,我也想到了.
7.I had hardly[scarcely] closed my eyes when someone knocked at the door.
根据以上的例句,我们可以总结出一点:when 从句的A事件,相当于另一个事件B发生的时间点.也就是说,when 从句的重点不在动作本身发生的状态,而只是把它作为一个时间点,所以when 多数情况下用的是一般过去时,则不用正在进行时.因为如果用正在进行时,它表示的就是一段时间而不是一个时间点了.根据这一点,有的文章补充说:when 从句的动词大多是瞬时动词.这种说法也可以参照.实际上,when 从句也可以有其它的时态,但几乎也不用进行时,因为它也只是作为一个时间参照点.例如:
1.When I got to the airport,the guests had left.当我赶到飞机场时,客人们已经离开了.
2.When he had finished his homework,he took a short rest.
3.Why do you want a new job when you have got such a good one already?
4.You shall borro
再问: 你没完整。
再答: 之前),after(在……之后),since(从……以来),till/until(直到),whenever(无论何时),as soon as(一……就)等。如: When I went into the classroom, he was reading. 当我走进教室时,他正在看书。 He read a newspaper as he went along. 他边走边看报纸。
We must strike while the iron is hot. 我们必须趁热打铁。
I will tell you after they leave. 等他们走后我再告诉你。
I told him to come back whenever he wants to. 我告诉他什么时候想回来就回来。 I waited til打电话来的时候我出去了。
5. He was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the door.
6. I thought of it just when you opened your mouth hardly[scarcely] closed my eyes when someone knocked at the door.
根据以上的例句,我们可以总结出一点:when 从句的A事件,相当于另一个事件B发生的时间点。也就是说,when 从句的重点不在动作本身发生的状态,而只是把它作为一个时间点,所以when 多数情况下用的是一般过去时,则不用正在进行时。因为如果用正在进行时,它表示的就是一段时间而不是一个时间点了。根据这一点,有的文章补充说:when 从句的动词大多是瞬时动词。这种说法也可以参照。 实际上,when 从句也可以有其它的时态,但几乎也不用进行时,因为它也只是作为一个时间参照点。例如:
1. When I got to the airport, the guests had left. 当我赶到飞机场时,客人们已经离开了。
2. When he had finished his homework, he took a short rest.
3. Why do you want a new job when you have got such a good one already?
4. You shall borro
再答: 太多了
再答: 我复制不上你来吧
再问: 额。
再问: 你把网址给我吧。
再答: 百度一搜都出来了
再答: 亲我没给你复制完啊
再问: 但是我有百度了。
再问: 给你采纳还不好喽?
再答: 当然好,thankyou