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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 13:33:53
动物具有显著的特性,英语和汉语对这些特征的看法总体是相同的,因此无论是英语还是汉语,大多数动物词语喻义都是相同或相近的.但是由于中西方人们生活在不同的文化背景中,对动物形象所产生的联想和产生的喻义有着相似或相异之处,也存在着相同之处.语言是社会生活的反映,是社会文化的一部分.英汉动物词语作为社会文化的一部分,在进行英汉互译时必须考虑文化的影响和制约,避免出现歧义.因此,分析英汉动物词汇的文化内涵,对于更好地掌握英语语言,顺利地进行跨文化交际很有必要.本文通过对动物喻体相同,喻义相同、动物喻体相同,喻义相异、动物喻体相异,喻义相同、内涵空缺这四个方面的文化差异来分析论述动物词语在英汉文化中的喻义差异,并对动物词语翻译策略进行论述和分析.Significant characteristics of animals in English and Chinese views on these general characteristics are the same,so whether it is English or Chinese,most animals share the same figurative meaning words or similar.However,because living in different cultural background,the image produced by the animals and the resulting associations have similar figurative meaning,or differences between,there are also common.Language is a reflection of social life,is a part of social culture.Animal Words in English as part of social culture,English translation must be considered when making cultural influences and constraints,to avoid ambiguity.Therefore,the analysis of animal words in English and Chinese culture,for better grasp of the English language,smoothly cross-cultural communication is necessary.Vehicle Based on the same animal,the same figurative meaning,Animal Metaphor same figurative meaning different,and Animal Metaphors different,the same figurative meaning,connotation,these four aspects of vacancies to analyze the discourse of cultural differences in English and Chinese Animal Words Differences in the figurative meaning,and discusses the animal word translation strategy and analysis.
Animals have remarkable characteristics,English and Chinese view of these characteristics are the same,so overall either English or Chinese,most animal words overstepping languages are the same or similar.But the differences between Chinese and western people living in different cultural background,against animal image produced by lenovo and produces overstepping languages have similar or differences,also exist similarities.Language is a reflection of social life,is part of social culture.English-chinese animal words as social culture part,in english-chinese translation must consider when the cultural influence and restriction,avoid ambiguity.Therefore,to analyze the english-chinese animal words for the cultural connotation,a good command of English language,the smooth intercultural communication is necessary.This article through to the same animal metaphors,overstepping languages the same,animal metaphors,same overstepping languages are motiva ted,animal metaphors are motiva ted same,connotation,overstepping languages vacancy these four aspects discusses the cultural differences to animal words in english-chinese cultures of the overstepping languages differences,and animal words translation strategies discussed and analyzed.
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