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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 19:20:45
7.The __________ creates a power of acceptance,permitting the offer by accepting the offer to transform the offeror’s promise into a contractual obligation.
A.free offer B.firm offer
C.non-firm offer D.offeree
8.Our __________ catalogue and price list are sent together with the letter for your reference.
A.illustrated B.illustrating
C.be illustrated D.that illustrated
9.The stipulations in the relevant L/C should strictly __________ the terms set force in our Sales Confirmation.
A.in conformity with B.in accordance with
C.conform to D.conform with
10.We will pay the commission __________ to you by the end of this month.the commission due to you
A.due B.suitable
C.forward D.regard
11.The sugar was dispatched two weeks ago and __________ you by now.
A.should have reached B.should reach
C.have reached D.reach
12.The time of waiting for payment agreed upon by both sides is the period of __________.
A.credit B.shipment
C.draft D.letter of credit
13.The seller found some discrepancies in the L/C and asked for amendment __________ the L/C.
A.at B.by
C.to D.with
14.We agree to insure the shipment for 120% of the invoice value,but the extra __________ charged will be for your account.
A.insurance value B.premium
C.money insured D.discount
15.Owing to the delay of your L/C,the responsibility for any losses __________ will wholly rest with you.
A.risen B.rising
C.arisen D.arising
16.If you fail to clear your account within 10 days,you will leave us no alternative __________ to take legal action.
A.not B.as
C.but D.so
17.The goods __________ you enquired fall within the scope of our business activities.
A.which B.for which
C.that D.for that
18.We trust that Article No.EM19 will ________ you.
A.glad B.deliver
C.assure D.satisfy
19.Your failure to __________ our invoice within the stipulated time limit will cause us much inconvenience.
A.draw B.withdraw
C.honor D.dishonor
8.A -ed做定语
9.A A:和…相适应,和…一致[符合];遵照.B:与.一致.C:符合,遵照.D:与...相符,与...一致,合乎.
11.A by
12.D 付款之后才会安排shippment
14.B 固定用法
15.D 不能选择原型,因为,所处需要的是形容词,且后有will做谓语动词.arise表抽象的上升、出现.
16.C 根据句意,如果10内你不对你的账目做出澄清的话,我们别无选择只能付诸法律手段.(此处应填转折词)
17.B enquire是不及物动词.
18.D 我们相信EM19会另你满意的.