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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/21 12:46:21
If Party B’s Products fail to meet the standard and requirements provided in this Contract during the Inspection and Acceptance undertaking by Party A,Party A shall,while keeping such products in secure and good condition,notify Party B its objection in written within 7 days of receipt of Party B’s Products.If Party A fails to notify Party B its objection on such products in written prior to the expiration of the above time limit,all products delivered by Party B shall be deemed eligible and qualified under this Contract and subsequently Party A shall have no reason to withhold the payment of Party B’s Products.
Party A shall have no claim on quality decline or damage of Party B’s products if such decline or damage is caused by Party A’s inappropriate using,keeping and maintenance of the products and all damages,maintenance and replacement costs arising from the said inappropriate acts of Party A shall be at its own expense.
Party B shall deal with Party A’s written objection within 7 days upon its receipt and failure to meet such time limit by Party B shall be deemed as Party B’s acquiescence of Party A’s objection and disposal suggestion.
If Party A fails to clean the payment within the time limit agreed upon without any justified reasons,both interest on and liquidated damages of the total overdue value shall be chargeable at one per mille (1‰) per day from the date on which the payment is overdue until repayment in full and such interest and damages shall be paid by Party A along with current account payable.
If this Contract is terminated or dissolved by Party A after it has come into force upon signature without any justified and legitimate reasons and the approval from Party B,without prejudice to the right of Party B to retrieve all the products delivered to Party A,Party A shall agree to indemnify Party B for its losses in the amount of 90% of the total value of this Contract.
If Party A refuses to accept the products or fails to receive the products at agreed time,it shall take the risk of its being damaged or lost and bear all-expense,such as storage cost,arising from its refusal or failure and shall pay Party B in the amount of 90% of the total value of this Contract as default fine.
英语翻译1.甲方验收时,如果发现乙方产品货物不符合本合同约定时,应妥善保管产品货物,在7天之内向乙方提出书面异议,如甲方 英语翻译一、经甲乙双方友好协商就乙方向甲方购买××产品一事双方达成下列约定:甲方产品如达不到乙方质量要求,应由乙方出示详 1、甲方应依照合同按时向乙方支付制作费用.在模型制作过程中,甲方应对乙方的工作予以及时配合.如因甲方要求暂停制作或终止本 英语翻译1.合同签订后,甲方向乙方支付合同总价的30%作为定金,结算时定金抵作合同款;2.产品全部抵达甲方指定交货地点, 英语翻译在平等互惠、互相扶持、共同发展的基础上,甲方和乙方双方经过充分协商,共同签订本合同.由乙方向甲方提供合同规定的产 英语翻译在《中华人民共和国家具行业“三包”规定》所规定的期限内提出书面异议,乙方在知悉或应当知悉甲方有异议后,有义务按《 英语翻译中译英如下:1.甲方责任甲方应按照合同条款的要求向乙方支付服务费.甲方应向乙方雇 英语翻译1.乙方应当根据甲方的要求,为甲方指派符合条件的人员.如乙方为甲方指派之人员不符合甲方要求的条件或无法为甲方提供 英语翻译协议书甲方代表:乙方代表:经甲乙双方友好协商,一致同意达成以下协议:一、 甲方保留乙方交给甲方的样板货物壹张,样 英语翻译六、本合同第四条为乙方选择条款,乙方可以不填写.合同订立后,乙方不能交付本合同全款的,须向甲方缴纳不低于本合同交 英语翻译合同中的内容英语翻译:在协议的有效期内或协议终止后,乙方不得泄露甲方的产品技术资料、商业机密以及本协议的条款内容 英语翻译租赁期间,非本合同规定的情况甲方擅自解除本合同,提前收回该房屋的,甲方应按月租金的—倍向乙方支付违约金.若支付的