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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 06:44:27
In recent years, the leisure tourism wide suffer people favor. Especially in today's world has entered into the information age, the third industry has become the dominant industry. Tourism is an important part of the tertiary industry in social life, one plays more and more important role. Along with the tourism development, more and more people are constantly seeking feature tourism. China, as one of the four ancient civilizations, its long history, a distinct nation characteristic, significant differences all show our geographical features. This article mainly from historical monuments in the Chinese tourism characteristics are analyzed, and the Great Wall, for example, from the historical development of its repair, and how to protect about sustainable development of tourism characteristics.
Men came from history, has the historical regression of a kind of instinct requirements. Find ancient find old, not as a step backward, more than is a reversal. This ancient with old's comeback, become a kind of fashion, contains two value: as object, have cultural value, As a way of life, has folk value. This is a social and cultural phenomenon: every life more modern, find ancient find old hot more can curtailing. This kind of social cultural phenomenon applies to travel in the field of material civilization, is highly modern today, look for the ancients historic sites became the new trend in contemporary tourism: all kinds of "meditate" feature tourism. This kind of social cultural phenomenon applies to travel in the field of material civilization, is highly modern today, look for the ancients historic sites became the new trend in contemporary tourism. Variety "meditate" feature tourism, double the visitor welcome.
China is a country with 5,000 years of history culture and ancient civilization. Historical monuments in the world, is second to none. Many domestic tourists from all over the world and even foreign visitors to travel around China in order to visit Chinese historical sites, feel the history breath. World-famous Great Wall in ancient China an extremely great defense project. The Great Wall wall average high 7.8 meters, QiangJi average wide 6.5 meters, wall average high 5.8 meters. It from the bohai bay of shanhaiguan, west to gansu province as far as the jiayu pass, roll about twelve, YuHuaLi in history has played a very important role. First is the Great Wall in the military field plays a step-by-step effects for step troops provides various supply gains. Economically, promote the economic development of the frontier area. Not only such, it still promoting national fusion of the link. The Great Wall is not only our country ancient history of civilization, but also the Chinese nation great testimony spirit embodiment. But with the wheel of history rolling line, bid farewell to those troubled history, the Great Wall is no longer as foot military architecture, but the patriotism education propaganda, for tourists sightseeing spots. For years because of natural weathering, the rains washed out, wild animals nesting cave and individual tourists visit the Great Wall offending other reason, main body appear subsidence, soil loose, ground brick defect and so on many kinds of danger. Facing such a grandiose structure, how to repair and protection is worth to delve into the problem.
China is a vast land, although history there have been a number of interracial army, but ancient Chinese civilization is not only is not fall, on the contrary, because of alien culture fusion and get everbright, enrich and updates. This is our country development history and culture of the special tourism resources is a kind of special advantage. It is the national wisdom and traditional culture accumulation and crystallization, is the national unity, national spirit of solidarity pillar.
英语翻译近些年来,旅游这一休闲方式广受人们青睐.尤其当今世界已经进入信息时代,第三产业已经成为主导产业.旅游业是第三产业 英语翻译摘要目前我国正大力发展第三产业,而旅游业正是第三产业的主要组成部分,现今旅游业已经成为我国国民经济的支柱产业,所 第三产业是指服务业,为什么服务业不能成为一个地区的主导产业? 英语翻译摘要二十一世纪是信息化的时代,第三产业在各国的比重不断上升,特别是服务业,信息服务业成为21世纪的主导产业,这导 英语翻译随着经济全球化的发展,人们的生活水平,消费方式有了很大的提高.现代旅游也快速发展,旅游业也已成为了一门支柱产业. “假期越来越多,旅行已经成为人们主要的休闲娱乐方式之一”翻译成英文怎么说 英语翻译———经济影响.旅游资源的开发和旅游产业的发展,有助于促进产业结构的优化调整.旅游业作为第三产业的先导产业,将大 人们常说的第二产业\第三产业通常是指什么 英语翻译从目前情况来看,近些年来证人出庭率偏低的问题在司法实践中非常突出,证人出庭率低已经成为严重困扰审判方式的重大问题 重庆的主导产业是什么,第三产业发达吗,工业区位优势, 英语已经成为当今世界一门通用的语言. 英语翻译在生活中,休闲娱乐已经成为了人们每天必不可少的项目.当然,我也有自己的娱乐方式.那就是我的爱好之一——听音乐,我