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完形填空。      The Great Wall of China has a

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 06:35:11
     The Great Wall of China has a history of more than two thousand years. It is from the east to the west
in    1   China. It is about 4, 000 miles    2   . It is called "Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall" by Chinese people.The Great Wall was    3   for ten men to walk side by side along the highest part.    4   could run along
it, too.
     The Great Wall    5   stones and bricks(砖). There were huge stones on    6   sides and on the highest
     Along the Great Wall there were 7   watchtowers(瞭望台). Long ago, the soldiers kept watching for
the enemy(敌人) in the watchtowers day and night. They made    8   on the towers to tell each other when
the enemy came.
     As    9   old building, the Great Wall of China is known to the whole world. Every   year    10   people
come to visit it from all over the world. 
(     ) 1. A. North                
(     ) 2. A. short                
(     ) 3. A. enough long             
(     ) 4. A. Dogs                
(     ) 5. A. made from              
(     ) 6. A. both                
(     ) 7. A. big                  
(     ) 8. A. water                
(     ) 9. A. a                  
(     ) 10.A. thousand and
thousand of
B. So uth              
B. high                
B. long enough          
B. Horses              
B. was made from          
B. each                
B. small              
B. word                
B. an                
B. thousands and
C. East                  
C. wide                  
C. enough wide             
C. Men                  
C. was made of              
C. every                
C. beautiful              
C. trees                
C. the                  
C. thousands and
thousands of
D. West                      
D. long                      
D. wide enough               
D. Children                  
D. made of                    
D. all                        
D. tall                      
D. fires(火)                
D. /                          
D. thousand and
完形填空。      The Great Wall of China has a
1-5ADDBC       6-10ADDBC