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高中英语完形阅读谁有高中英语完形或阅读的题目?越多越好 !

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 16:32:09
谁有高中英语完形或阅读的题目?越多越好 !
高中英语完形阅读谁有高中英语完形或阅读的题目?越多越好 !
Reading comprehension
Read the following passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
Polly Jones lived on a farm.She had lived there all her life,all twelve years of it. Her father,who managed the farm,had just lifted the potato crop.Prices were high;he wanted to sell the crop as quickly as he could.
Polly wandered(漫步,徘徊) over the rough(粗糙的) field looking for the smaller potatoes that the pickers had accidentally missed.She found one,then another,then a handful.She was pleased.They were delicious once cooked. Then she caught sight of something else.It looked like a piece of coloured stone.Polly picked it up and thought how pretty it was. She could see a pattern on it:a picture of a fish and a part of a leaf.She scraped(擦去) the soil away around her feet and found that she was standing on what seemed to be a piece of pavement(铺路石).Stuck to another piece of stone was something small and round like a button.She realized it was an old coin.
The field was busy the next morning though not with potato pickers.In front of the house where the farm machinery usually stood were several cars and a police van.A group of distinguished-looking men and women had appeared the morning after her father's telephone call.The local television station had shown some pictures of the field with Polly pointing to the place where she had found her pavement.It was proving to be of Roman origin and was being described as the most exciting thing that had happened in the area since the end of the Second World War.In those days an American airbase had occupied the site of the potato field.
A week later about forty students arrived from the local university.That afternoon a truck with equipment arrived.The excavation(挖掘)was officially under way.Permission had been given and the“dig”,as it was called,was expected to last several months.Polly wondered how the everyday work of the farm would get done with so many strange people around and cars coming and going all day long.All the unusual activity had made the cows and sheep restless.Her father said their cows produced less milk.
Still,it was interesting and great fun.They had let her keep the gold coin.
From then on,Polly would always walk carefully over potato fields.
1.There were still potatoes in the field because the pickers _____ .
A.had left them for Polly on purpose B.thought they were too small
C.would pick them later D.had failed to notice them
2.When Polly was looking for potatoes,_____ caught her attention first.
A.a part of a leaf B.an old coin C.a piece of pavement D.a button
3.Why did the findings cause great excitement?
A.Because the coin was priceless. B.Because an ancient Roman site was discovered.
C.Because few old coins had been found since the War.
D.Because such old coins had been found in American airbases.
4.How did the“dig”affect the life on the farm?
A.It reduced milk production. B.It prevented Polly from attending class.
C.It attracted more farmers to the potato fields.
D.It brought the farmers wealth overnight.
Answer the following questions by using the four job advertisements A—D from a newspaper.(You may read the questions first.)
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