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文章的改错 可以改写句子 应为老师没有给标准答案 自己做的感觉不太对 希望大家能做一做 给个参考

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 07:26:12
文章的改错 可以改写句子 应为老师没有给标准答案 自己做的感觉不太对 希望大家能做一做 给个参考
How are reading and writing interrelated with each other
Reading and writing are two indispensable parts for learning a language.Reading a process of
inputting knowledge and information is the foundation to write a good text.We do much reading
again and again is so necessary that we can catch the idea the author want to express.In return,
when we writing,it’s easier for us to convey our thoughts properly.Besides,reading is a good
chance for us to learn how to write different types of text.We can enlarge our vocabulary as well.
These are all vital elements in writing.
However,writing is also of much significance for better reading.Writing is a process of
outputting information.Do much reading doesn’t mean you’ve mastered the knowledge
completely.Write it down is the real purpose.If you can write freely,you’re closer to the method
of how to write an excellent passage.Then it will promote you to improve the skill to comprehend
other’s passage in a way.Additionally,do some writing will request more knowledge and
vocabulary,with this intention,you have to read more books.
To sum up,during the learning process,your reading and writing are interrelated.The ability
of reading and writing will be improved together.
文章的改错 可以改写句子 应为老师没有给标准答案 自己做的感觉不太对 希望大家能做一做 给个参考
你是你自己写的文章对吧 中国英语痕迹很重 我只是主要从语法方面给你一些建议,至于句式的完善,语意的承接就要靠你自己不断积累了.不过可以告诉你,这篇文章还是写的有些简单了 论据不是太有说服力 有点散 还有人称要尽量保持一致 不可 we you 混搭
How are reading and writing interrelated with each other ?
Reading and writing are two indispensable parts for (改为 of ) learning a language. Reading a process of inputting knowledge and information is the foundation to write a good text. We do much(去掉) reading again and again is so necessary that we can catch the idea the author want (改为wants)to express. In return, when we writing(改为write), it’s easier for us to convey our thoughts properly. Besides, reading is a good chance for us(可以去掉了,主观的东西不要太多) to learn how to write different types of text(改为texts,可数名词复数). We can enlarge our vocabulary as well(加by reading好些).
These are all vital elements in writing.
However, writing is also of much significance for better reading. Writing is a process of outputting information. Do(改为Doing,动名词作主语) much reading doesn’t mean you’ve mastered the knowledge completely. Write(同样,改为writing,主语) it down is the real purpose. If you can write freely, you’re closer to the method of how to write an excellent passage(这一句比较拗口,可以改为 If you can write freely, gradually you can write excellent passages). Then it will promote you to improve the skill to comprehend other’s passage(如果是要表达别人的文章,改为others’ passages; 如果是想说别的文章,则改为 other passages) in a way. Additionally, do some(去掉吧 太中国化了) writing will request more knowledge and vocabulary, with this intention, you have to read more books.
To sum up, during the learning process, your reading and writing are interrelated. The ability of reading and writing will(can,表达一种可能) be improved together.