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英语,适当形式填空!1.I(speak)to him for some time before I relized wh

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 15:46:37
1.I(speak)to him for some time before I relized who he was.
2.Mary always has a lot of letters to write.She (write) letters all afternoon and she still (not finish).
3.The walls (hang) with pictures.
4.At this time tomorrow we (wait) for you in the workshop.
5.When I (get) back,I(find)that my father (buy) a new TV.
6.The doctor told him that everything that (can do) for the patient already (do).
7.I(happen)to meet him while I (attend) a meeting.
8.-Is your new bus going O.K.
-Oh,yes,couldn't be better.It's the first minibus we (have).We're all quite satisfied with it.
9.You haven't learned the word-order in spoken question yet,but I'm sure you (learn) it before the end of this week.
10.While he was in the army ,he learned Ehnglish ,which (help) him a lot in his work there.
11.Although he (run) as fast as he could,he was only placed fourth in the race.
12.Jane said I (can use)her bicycle while mine (repair).
13.By the end of last week,thirty-five families(move)into the building.
14.Soon after the earthquake,the place(convert)into a hospital which(mark)with a red cross flag.
15.When the village (take)after fierce fighting,only a few old people (remain) in it.The rest(move)into the mountains.
16.Look!There is a whole crowd of people over there.Go and see what (sell)and if it (be)a bargain,buy it.
17.As soon as you (wash)up the dinner things you can go home.
18.If we(not leave)immediately,we(catch)in the rain.
19.In two year's time,you (work)here for two years.I(never,know)you stay in the same job for so long.
20.When I(arrive)on the field yesterday,preparations(be)in full swing for the Fair which opens today;tents(put)up,swing(erect),people(rush)about in all directions carrying strange objects,and a group of policemen(stroll)about keeping an eye on things.
21.Many asked Jack (sit)down in a chair(face)hers.
22.When people are used to (pollute)air,it might be difficult for them (breathe)fresh air.
23.Women(prejudice)against by men were found(have)as muchself-control in crisis as men.
24.Customers(arrive)after 6 will find the store(close).
25.(read)the poem (place) on his desk several times,Father said it was lousy.
26.If only Nancy(take)my advice months ago!
27.The librarian wants all books(borrow)(return)before the end of the month.
28.I found some of the points(mention)in class(be)confusing.
29.Jack talked to Ann for two hours,(try)(make)her (give)up her plan.
30.The check (send)to you in this letter is for you(pay)for the remedial reading course.
英语,适当形式填空!1.I(speak)to him for some time before I relized wh
1.I(had spoken)to him for some time before I relized who he was.
2.Mary always has a lot of letters to write.She (has been writing) letters all afternoon and she still (hasn't finished).
3.The walls (are hung) with pictures.
4.At this time tomorrow we (will be waiting) for you in the workshop.
5.When I (got) back,I (found) that my father (had bought) a new TV.
6.The doctor told him that everything that (can be done) for the patient already (had been done).
7.I (happened) to meet him while I (was attending) a meeting.
8.-Is your new bus going O.K.
-Oh,yes,couldn't be better.It's the first minibus we (have had).We're all quite satisfied with it.
9.You haven't learned the word-order in spoken question yet,but I'm sure you (will learn) it before the end of this week.
10.While he was in the army ,he learned English ,which (helped) him a lot in his work there.
11.Although he (had run) as fast as he could,he was only placed fourth in the race.
12.Jane said I (could use)her bicycle while mine (being repaired).
13.By the end of last week,thirty-five families(had moved)into the building.
14.Soon after the earthquake,the place(was converted)into a hospital which(was marked)with a red cross flag.
15.When the village (was taken) after fierce fighting,only a few old people (remained) in it.The rest(had moved)into the mountains.
16.Look!There is a whole crowd of people over there.Go and see what (is being sold)and if it (is)a bargain,buy it.
17.As soon as you (have washed) up the dinner things,you can go home.
18.If we(hadn't left)immediately,we(would have been caught)in the rain.
19.In two year's time,you (will have worked)here for two years.I(have never known) you stay in the same job for so long.
20.When I (arrived) on the field yesterday,preparations(had been)in full swing for the Fair which opens today; tents(put)up,swing(erected),people(rushing)about in all directions carrying strange objects,and a group of policemen(strolling)about keeping an eye on things.
21.Many asked Jack (to sit)down in a chair (facing) hers.
22.When people are used to (polluted) air,it might be difficult for them (to breathe) fresh air.
23.Women (prejudiced) against by men were found(to have)as much self-control in crisis as men.
24.Customers (arriving) after 6 will find the store (closed).
25.(Having read) the poem (placed) on his desk several times,Father said it was lousy.
26.If only Nancy (had taken) my advice months ago!
27.The librarian wants all books(borrowed)(to be returned) before the end of the month.
28.I found some of the points (mentioned) in class (to be) confusing.
29.Jack talked to Ann for two hours,(trying)(to make) her (give) up her plan.
30.The check (sent) to you in this letter is for you (to pay) for the remedial reading course.