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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 16:26:35
与别的天体相比,黑洞是显得太特殊了.例如,黑洞有“隐身术”,人们无法直接观察到它,连科学家都只能对它内部结构提出各种猜想.那么,黑洞是怎么把自己隐藏起来的呢?答案就是——弯曲的空间.我们都知道,光是沿直线传播的.这是一个最基本的常识.可是根据广义相对论,空间会在引力场作用下弯曲.这时候,光虽然仍然沿任意两点间的最短距离传播,但走的已经不是直线,而是曲线.形象地讲,好像光本来是要走直线的,只不过强大的引力把它拉得偏离了原来的方向.(宇宙间的一切物质通称天体,包括:恒星,星云,行星,卫星,彗星,流星体,星际物质等 )在地球上,由于引力场作用很小,这种弯曲是微乎其微的.而在黑洞周围,空间的这种变形非常大.这样,即使是被黑洞挡着的恒星发出的光,虽然有一部分会落入黑洞中消失,可另一部分光线会通过弯曲的空间中绕过黑洞而到达地球.所以,我们可以毫不费力地观察到黑洞背面的星空,就像黑洞不存在一样,这就是黑洞的隐身术.我今天想讨论的就是黑洞的另一端,大家认为可能一另一个世界,另一个宇宙或是回到过去?大家怎么认为?

Discuss the once black hole with everybody today ,be that everybody introduces the once black hole simplely first."Black hole" field imagination very easy to let person interpret the meaning of a word or sentence superficially is ready-made a "big black holes " ,in fact incorrect.The so-called "black hole",is such one kind of the celestial body:Its gravitational field is that is so strong ,even brightness can not succeed in escaping out right away.(一段段翻译)
Compared with other celestial body,the black hole is to appear very peculiar.For instance,the black hole has "hiding the body skill " ,people has no way to observe directly to it ,even scientist can only bring forward various conjecture to its inner structure.Then,is the black hole the woollen cloth how self is concealed?The answer is curved space.Know,we ,light are along the rectilinear propagation.This is a most fundamental common sense.But will be curved according to the general theory of relativity ,space under gravitational field effect.This moment,only,most,already,that short distance propagation,only walk is not a straight line ,but a curve though the edge still thins out arbitrarily at 2 o'clock.That the image field talks ,seems to brightness is to need to a straight line's leak originally ,the gravitation only big and powerful pulls it having to have deflected original direction.All (universe room matter is generally called the celestial body ,includes:Fixed star ,nebula ,planet ,artificial
satellite ,comet ,the meteor body,interstellar matter waits) in on earth ,this bending is as trifling as it is since the gravitational field effect is very minor.This deformation in the black hole vicinity ,space is very big but.Even if such,being to be made by the fixed star that the black hole is blocking up,although having a part is able to disappear in drop-in black hole,another part of light will be by have wound a black hole but having got to the earth in curved space.Look like black hole nothingness right away therefore,we can observe the starlit sky to black hole at the back without more ado,this is the black hole secret body skill.That I think of accommodating oneself to discussing that today is the black hole another one end ,everybody regards it being possible another one world ,another universe or return to over?How everybody thinks that.
Now a lot of scientist think that dangerous the earth of black hole will rush out of orbit breaking away from the solar system,or flies towards contrary direction to the sun but although this possibility is extremely low if he approaches the earth!!This all be fatal strike!The black hole comes into being at the same time being also detering the universe from being hit by a new star,when that comes to an end to the utmost if thinking that the black hole all attracts entire the universe matter,this universe meeting be how?
The "black hole" is that the have challenge most ,also excited astronomy of century speaks beyond doubt one of.A lot of scientist be working industriously to lift up its mysterious veil in course of ,new theory proposes that also unceasingly