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英语翻译Born:2 October 1869 Birthplace:Porbandar,India Died:30 J

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 01:41:13
Born:2 October 1869
Died:30 January 1948 (assassination)
Best Known As:Non-violent leader of Indian independence
Revered in India as the "Father of the Nation," Mohandas K.Gandhi is also a worldwide icon of non-violent political resistance.Gandhi was born in India and studied law in England,then spent 20 years defending the rights of immigrants in South Africa.He returned to India in 1914,eventually becoming the leader of the Indian National Congress.At the time,India was part of the British Empire,and Gandhi urged non-violence and civil disobedience as a means to independence.His public acts of defiance landed him in jail many times as the struggle continued through World War II.In 1947 he participated in the postwar negotiations with Britain that led to Indian independence.He was shot to death by a Hindu fanatic the next year.An advocate of simple living,Gandhi ate a vegetarian diet and made his own clothes; the spinning wheel became a symbol of his uncluttered lifestyle.His autobiography,The Story of My Experiments With Truth,was published in 1927.His birthday,October 2nd,is a national holiday in India.
英语翻译Born:2 October 1869 Birthplace:Porbandar,India Died:30 J
出生地:Porbandar ,印度
尊敬的印度的“国父” ,莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地也是全世界非暴力的政治阻力的标志.甘地出生于印度,并且在英国学习法律,然后花了20年在南非捍卫移民利益.他于1914年回到印度,最终成为印度国民大会的领导人.当时,印度是大英帝国的殖民地,甘地敦促非暴力和公民抗议作为一种手段来独立.他对公共行为的蔑视导致他多次被斗争入狱,一直持续到第二次世界大战.在1947年他参加了英国战后的谈判,赢得了印度独立.而在下一年他被狂热的印度教徒枪杀了,他提倡简单生活,吃素食,并自己做衣服,他做衣服的的纺车成为他简洁的生活方式的象征,他的自传,"我的对于真理的实践经历"发表于1927年.他的生日,10月2日,在印度是一个国定的假日.