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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 00:32:27
/ kənˈvenʃn; kənˋvɛnʃən/ n
[C] conference of members of a profession,political party,etc (某一职业、 政党等之人士召开的)大会:a teachers',dentists',etc convention 教师的、 牙科医生的会议 * hold a convention 召开大会 * the US Democratic Party Convention,ie to elect a candidate for President 美国民主党代表大会(会上选出总统候选人).
(a) [U] general,usu unspoken,agreement about how people should act or behave in certain circumstances (某种情况下的)习俗,惯例:Convention dictates that a minister should resign in such a situation.依照常规大臣在这种情况下应该辞职.* By convention the deputy leader is always a woman.按照惯例这一领导人的副职总是由女子担任.* defy convention by wearing outrageous clothes 穿着奇装异服以对抗习俗 * a slave to convention,ie sb who always follows accepted ways of doing things 传统的奴隶(墨守成规的人).(b) [C] customary practice 惯常作法; 惯例:the conventions which govern stock-market dealing 证券交易所遵循的惯例.
[C] agreement between states,rulers,etc that is less formal than a treaty (国家、 首脑等之间的)协议,协定:the Geneva Convention,ie about the treatment of prisoners of war,etc (关於战俘待遇等问题的)日内瓦协定.
/ ˈkʌstəm; ˋkʌstəm/ n
(a) [C,U] usual,generally accepted and long-established way of behaving or doing things 习俗; 风俗:It is difficult to get used to another country's customs.要适应另一国家的风俗习惯是很困难的.* the customs of the Eskimos 爱斯基摩人的风俗 * a slave to custom,ie sb who does what most people do and have always done 习俗的奴隶 * procedures laid down by ancient custom 依照古老的习俗制定的程序.(b) [C] thing that sb habitually does; practice 个人的习惯:It is my custom to rise early.早起是我的习惯.
[U] regular purchases from a tradesman,shop,etc 经常向某商人、 商店等购物:We would like to have your custom,ie would like you to buy our goods.我们欢迎您经常惠顾.* We've lost a lot of custom since our prices went up,ie Fewer goods have been bought from us.自从提价以后,我们失去了许多顾客的生意.* I shall withdraw my custom (ie stop buying goods) from that shop.我不再去那家商店买东西了.