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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 15:30:32
在化学教学中积极贯彻新课标精神,潜心钻研,勇于创新,课堂教学生动活泼,幽默风趣,驾轻就熟,学生学得快乐、轻松、高效;耐心引导学生体验生活、亲近自然、参与实践、交流亲情、收集资料、关心时事、课外阅读,在广阔的生活中积累教学素材;率先推广循环作业、循环读书笔记;大胆改革作业评价手段,尝试多元评价,通过小组互改、点评纠错、总结改进、作业展览,使学生体味成功喜悦.工作中锐意进取,投身教育科研,在小班教学中积极贯彻建构主义教学思想,充分体现学习是主体进行意义建构的过程,在问题解决中自主学习,以合作学习为主要策略 ,强调探究与创新能力的培养,真正让学生主动探索、建构自己的知识体系,全面发展学生多元智能、创新和实践能力.形成独特的教学风格
Actively implement the new standard in the chemistry teaching, study, innovation, the classroom teaching lively, humorous, deliver, students learn happily, relaxed and efficient; Patience to guide students to experience life, close to nature, to participate in practice, the exchange affection, collect data, concerned about current affairs, extracurricular reading, in the vast life accumulation of teaching material; Take the lead in promoting circulation homework, circulating reading notes; Bold reform homework evaluation means, try to multivariate evaluation, through the group to change each other, comment on error correction, summarizes the improvements, homework exhibition, causes the student to feel joy of success. Work, determined to forge ahead into education research, actively carry out the constructivism teaching in small class teaching, fully embody the learning is a main body in the process of meaning construction, autonomous learning in problem solving, cooperative learning as the main strategy, emphasizes the exploration and innovation ability, real let students actively explore and construct their own knowledge system, comprehensive development of students' multiple intelligences, the innovation and practice ability. Form the unique teaching style