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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 17:22:47
这是一个残缺不全的世界,而每个人都是从天堂被扔到这个世界上来的,所以如果哪一天,你遇到一个人,他的美好能够让你唤起天堂的回忆,这就是爱了。 “每一只蝴蝶都是花的鬼魂,回来寻找它的前身”。 “死生契阔,与子相悦,执子之手,与子偕老。”我看那是最悲哀的一首诗,生与死与别离,都是大事,不由我们支配的。比起外界的力量,我们人是多么小、多么小!可是我偏要说:“我永远和你在一起;我们一生一世都别离开。” (注意:不要翻译器啦,文字处理最好优美些啦,过度自然,不必苛求字字对照的哦。)
This is an imperfect world, and everyone was thrown upon it from heaven. If one day, you meet someone whose fineness could make you recall the memories of heaven, that is love. "Every butterfly is the soul of a flower, coming back to find its previous life." "Til death or life, to be happy together, to take thy hand and grow old together." That seems to me is the saddest poem. Life and death and separation are all major events, not up to us to decide. Compared to outside power, humans are so small, so minuscule. However, I still want to say "I will always be with you; we will not part for this eternity." 追问: decided可否换成control?still可否换成still firm? 对了,Til怎么理解呢?(非常感谢,好顺的句子啊~)imperfect,我一直困惑这个的表达,却只im就解决了。 追问: 我将第三排的that,理解为引导非限定性定语从句,觉得应该用which. 还是我理解有误?盼解惑 回答: 换成control就用 not under our control still firm 感觉怪怪的。。可以删掉however 然后用 i nonetheless want to say 如果用which, 就是同一个句子里,但是就没有动词了,就整个后面变成是形容前面的。我换了一个句子所以用that,指上个句子里的那句话,也可以用 ...together" is the saddest poem I know, 把整句诗变成是主语 追问: I just solve mystery! comma...and then... "as is ture of love" 追问: as is true of love(sorry~!) 回答: i just solved the mystery 用"as is true of love" instead of mentioning sad? 那不是意思全改了?