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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 06:22:08
When crossing (=When you are crossing) thestreet,you should be careful.
While studying (ffiWhile I was studying) atcollege,I knew a lot of foreign frlends.
If heated (ffiIf water is heated),water can bechanged into vapor.
Unless invited (=Uuless I am invited),I won’tgo to the evening party.
Even if/though invited (Even if/though I aminvited),I won’t go to his birthday party.
Once seen (=Once the film is seen),the filmwill never be forgotten.
Our Chinese team has won the match asexpected (as they are expected).
2.while,as if/though等+介词短语.例如:
While in America (=While I was in America),I learned a lot about American customs.
He looked everywhere as if in search ofsomething (=as if he was in search of something).
3.as,as if/though等+名词.例如:
As a young man (=As he was a young man),Lincoln worked as a storekeeper.
My stepfather treated me as if my own father(=as if he was my own father).
Whether young or old (=Whether they areyoung or old),they all like sports and games.
Though young (=Though he is young),heknows a lot about Chinese history.二、如果状语从句中的主语是it,谓语是be的各种形式,或状语从句是there be句型时,常可把it和be或there be省略.具体省略结构如下:
1if,unless,when,whenever +形容词.例如:
Some saldiers would ask him about the threequestions whenever possible (=whenever it waspossible).
You’r better not look up new words in thedictionary when you reading unless necessary(=untess it is necessary).
Correct the mistakes in the follwing sentencesif any (=if there is any).三、如果as’thin引导比较状语从句,在前后句意非常明确的情况下,常可省略as和than从句中各种成分.例如: