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迈克尔.杰克逊的一首歌,有几句好像是:WHAT ABOUT RING.WHAT ABOUT ...

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 19:25:13
迈克尔.杰克逊的一首歌,有几句好像是:WHAT ABOUT RING.WHAT ABOUT ...
迈克尔.杰克逊的一首歌,有几句好像是:WHAT ABOUT RING.WHAT ABOUT ...
earth song
What about sunrise 日出呢
What about rain 雨呢
What about all the things 还有你说过
That you said we were to gain.. . 我们会得到的一切呢.
What about killing fields 土地在减少呢
Is there a time 有没有结束的时候
What about all the things 还有你说过
That you said was yours and mine... 属于你和我的一切呢.
Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了
All the blood we’ve shed before 我们曾挥洒下的血汗
Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有看到
The crying Earth the weeping shores? 地球在流泪海岸在哭泣
Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah 啊----
What have we done to the world 我们对世界做错了什么
Look what we’ve done 看看我们做错了什么吧
What about all the peace 还有你向独子许诺过的
That you pledge your only son... 一切和平呢
What about flowering fields 鲜花遍布的田野呢
Is there a time 有没有结束的时候
What about all the dreams 还有你说过
That you said was yours and mine... 属于你和我的所有梦想呢
Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了
All the children dead from war 战争中死去的那些孩子
Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有看到
The crying Earth the weeping shores 地球在流泪海岸在哭泣
Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah 啊----
I used to dream 我曾经梦想
I used to glance beyond the stars 我曾经遥望群星之上
Now I don’t know where we are 如今不知我们身在何方
Although I know we’ve drifted far 尽管我明白我们漂泊了太远
Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah 啊----
Hey, what about yesterday, what about us 嘿,昨天呢(我们呢)
What about the seas, what about us 大海呢(我们呢)
The heavens are falling down, what about us 极乐天地在沦陷(我们呢)
I can’t even breathe, what about us 我不能呼吸(我们呢)
What about elephants, what about us 大象呢(我们呢)
We’re ravaging the seas, what about us 我们正在蹂躏海洋(我们呢)
What about forest trails, ooo, ooo 森林的踪迹呢(喔,喔)
Burnt despite our pleas, what about us 在邪恶的借口上焚烧(我们呢)
What about the holy land, what about it 圣洁的大地呢(它呢)
Torn apart by creed, what about us 被宗派四分五裂了(我们呢)
Where did we go wrong 我们这是怎么了
Someone tell me why, what about us 谁能告诉我原因(我们呢)
What about babies, what about it 婴儿呢(我们呢)
What about the days, what about us 岁月呢(我们呢)
What about Abraham 亚伯拉罕先知呢
Do we give a damn, ooo, ooo 我们真的不在乎吗(喔,喔)
Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah 啊----