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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/08 05:34:27
The book is a famous fairy tail. However, I think it couldbe real. It tells a story about how a lazy boy be called ‘good-for-nothing’ becamea rich man, married to his beloved princess , by magic also , by himself.
Aladdin had an exciting and magicalexperience . First he met Abarnazar, then got the magical ring, the lamp, andalso, the two jinnee, who did him lots of favor. Then he opened a shop, not tobe lazy anymore. After he met the princess, he even proposed. He go for her andfought for her. Finally, the princess chose Alladin. But he met lots ofproblems during the marriage of him and his wife.
We have to admit that Aladdin was a luckyperson, the lamp and the ring totally changed his life. With out those magicalthings, Aladdin maybe still be a ordinary boy. But he is honest, he is kind, andhe has a good temper, unlike Abanazar at all. He used his luckiness very well,and this magical journey also changed him. We can easily see that he grew up.From a little boy who knows nothing to a young man. Anyway, we should stilllearn from him.
We may are not as lucky as him, but we canalso have a wonderful life created by ourselves. Actually in our real lives, weall have a basement full of treasure. The treasure is always with us, it is notmoney or gold. It is the help from the others, is our confidence, is ourtalent, or it could be something else. Anyway, these are just like the lamp orthe ring, if we use it right, we can also find a way to success. But use itright, like Aladdin.
This story was turned in to comics, moviesand animations. By time, it is famous. Why, because meaning of it and thelessons it taught us. The truth would never change.
==>a famous fairy tail
修改:fairy tale
==>It tells a story about how a lazy boy be called ‘good-for-nothing’ becamea rich man, married to his beloved princess , by magic also , by himself.
修改:It tells a story that a lazy boy who was called "good-for-nothing" became a rich man and married to his beloved princess by the help of magical power and his own effort.
==>First he met Abarnazar, then got the magical ring, the lamp, andalso, the two jinnee, who did him lots of favor.
修改:At first, he met Abarnazar, and then got the magical ring and the lamp where the two jinnee who helped him a lot lived.
==>Then he opened a shop, not tobe lazy anymore. After he met the princess, he even proposed. He go for her andfought for her. Finally, the princess chose Alladin. But he met lots ofproblems during the marriage of him and his wife.
修改:Then he opened a shop and became hard-working. After he met the princess, he proposed. He went and fougnt for her. Finally, the princess chose Alladin, but he found out lots of problems between them after they married.
==>We have to admit that Aladdin was a luckyperson, the lamp and the ring totally changed his life.
修改:We have to admit that Aladdin was a lucky man because the lamp and the ring totally changed his life.
==>With out those magicalthings, Aladdin maybe still be a ordinary boy.But he is honest, he is kind, andhe has a good temper, unlike Abanazar at all.
修改:Without those magical things, Aladdin may still be an ordinary boy, but he had a good temper
which made him different from Abanazar.
==>We can easily see that he grew up.From a little boy who knows nothing to a young man.
修改:We can easily see that he grew up from a little boy who knew nothing to a young man,
==>We may are not as lucky as him, but we canalso have a wonderful life created by ourselves.
修改:Maybe we are not as lucky as him, but we can also create a wonderful life by ourselves.
==>Actually in our real lives, weall have a basement full of treasure.
修改:Actually, in our real lives, we all have a basement filled with treasures.
==>The treasure is always with us, it is notmoney or gold. It is the help from the others, is our confidence, is ourtalent, or it could be something else.
修改:The treasure is always there beside us. It is not money or gold. It can be others' help, one's confidence, one's talent or something else.
==>Anyway, these are just like the lamp orthe ring, if we use it right, we can also find a way to success. But use itright, like Aladdin.
修改:Anyway, if we use our treasures rightly like Aladdin, we can find the way to success either.
==>This story was turned in to comics, moviesand animations. By time, it is famous. Why, because meaning of it and thelessons it taught us.
修改:This story was turned into comic, movie and animation version. It is famous all the time. The reason is that it taught us many lessons.
草草地修改了一下,有改动的句子都在上面列出来了。开的刀子有点大,因为亲的问题大多出在断句上,还望不要见怪。。亲要切记在一个句子里(不管你打几个逗号,只要没打句号,都是在一个句子里)只能有一个实义动词,有多个实义动词时需要用and、or、not only…but also、because、but等连接词进行连接。这一点跟中文不太一样,所以英语里的逗号不能像中文一样随便打。以及,but一般是不能用于句首的,From这样的介词也不能单独引导一句话。