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HI!How are yuo doing?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 21:26:54
HI!How are yuo doing?
Very well,thank yuo.you look excited .why?
Guess what!Myfather and mother want toinvite yuor parents to go to the movies.
Really?what movie are they going to see?
Thesound of music.
Oh,ti si one of my favorite movies .when are they going?
This saurday an we can spend the evening at my house my mom will prepare some delicious food for us.
Wow!than’s great!I’m so happy.please say thanks to yuor mom.
HI!How are yuo doing?
海 好啊余读影
Very well,thank yuo.you look excited .why?
HI!How are yuo doing?
this simple English ,which kind heart one would offer help
再问: 来了
再答: HI!How are yuo doing? 嗨 好啊有度赢 Very well,thank yuo. you look excited .why? 外瑞外哦 ,三克有,有路克一颗赛踢得 ,外? Guess what! Myfather and mother want toinvite yuor parents to go to the movies. 盖斯我特! 买发的俺的妈的忘图银外特邀拍仁慈图购图的木为 Really?what movie are they going to see? 瑞尔里?我特木为啊得(dei拼音 二声)购赢图s-i(先发S 再发i) Thesound of music. 的桑德额副谬贼克 Oh,ti si one of my favorite movies .when are they going? 噢, 一次完额副买飞舞瑞特木为思,问啊得(dei 拼音二声)购赢 This saurday an we can spend the evening at my house my mom will prepare some delicious food for us. 地思赛特dei(轻音),按得为看私奔的的一屋宁爱特卖好思。卖妈木为哦破瑞拍尔撒木地里设思副的否啊思 Wow!than’s great!I’m so happy. please say thanks to yuor mom. 哇哦!带刺哥瑞特!爱慕搜嗨皮。破里斯s-诶(连读)三科思图要妈母。 楼主啊你这样读起来是很蹩脚的感觉。 建议您练熟悉后找个会英语的给你纠正一下音调。预祝英语学习顺利。
再问: 麻烦您读音打得标准点 主要是我明天要拿去背的.....
再答: 就算打的标准了也会听起来生硬的 要不你可以找有道英语词典,把你要说的句子输到里面,然后按发音键 听他是怎么读的音调。 另外有几个单词你打错了 可以看着原稿再纠正一遍
再问: 我是新手不会弄如果有读的更好
再答: http://dict.youdao.com/search?q=aapl&keyfrom=dict.suggest≤=eng#q%3Daapl%26keyfrom%3Ddict.suggest%26le%3Deng 那个 能采取答案了么?谢谢啦 另外祝你明天顺利过关啊