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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 03:22:23
第一句的 wonder 表示“感到不解而想知道具体情况”,后面需要跟wh- 类连接副词,表示原因(why)、时间(when)、地点(where)、who(谁)、how(怎么样)、whether(是否)等.这句话的意思是“我想知道你为何应该扩大词汇量”
第二句 why learn the fancy words that you won’t ever use 中,that 指代fancy words 的关系代词.引导定语从句.这句话的意思是“为什么要记住你从来也不使用的不切实际的词汇”
最后的 but he or she is better able to communicate and understand complex thoughts as well,中 better 是副词 well的比较级,整句话的意思是与前面说的“不仅给人留下深刻的印象”比起来“他或她还更能够传达并理解复杂的思想”.
An institution for testing people’s attitudes found that a good vocabulary is only characteristic common to successful people 中介词短语 for testing people’s attitudes 是institution 的定语,意思是“测试人们意见的公共机构”,形容词短语 common to successful people 是 characteristic 的定语,意思是“对有成就人士来说共同的特点”
It is through words that people grasp the thoughts of others and do their own thinking 是强调句,此处强调的是状语 through words,意思是“正是通过词汇人们才领会了别人的想法并且进行自己的思维”(正常语序是 people grasp the thoughts of others and do their own thinking through words)
Manu teachers 是印刷错误,应该是 Many teachers
It tells us whom you are or cannot talk with 中 whom 兼作 you are 的表语和 talk with 的宾语,意思是“他说出你是谁或不能与谁交谈”.
The best thing about vocabulary is that unlike your height or the shape of your face 中 that 是副词,表示“那么/如此地”,和so 的意思差不多,此句的意思是“有关词汇量最适合的东西完全不同于你的身高或面部的形状”.
active vocabulary 指“活跃词汇”或“常用词汇”
We learn what a new work means from the words and sentences around it 中 what 是关系代词性连接代词,等于we learn everything that a new work means 所表达的意思,意思是“我们通过围绕一部新作品的词汇和句子了解这部作品的含义.
Only once in a while do we give up and look the word up in dictionary 中由于 only once in a while 提前,使用了倒装语序,正常语序为“we give up and look the word up in dictionary only once in a while”
Words that we learn through their use in context are much more likely to stay with us than words we memorize by themselves,as in a list or in a dictionary 是个长句,其结构如下:
      --主语部分:Words that we learn through their use in context 我们通过上下文的用法学到的词汇
         【that we learn through their use in context 是定语从句】
     -- 谓语部分:are much more likely to stay with us than words we memorize by themselves,as in a list or in a dictionary
        【系表结构】are much more likely to stay with us 会有多的多的可能出现在我们的周围
        【比较状语从句】than words we memorize by themselves,as in a list or in a dictionary 比我们在词汇表上或词典里背下来的词.
It is these four types of vocabulary that have a direct impact upon our daily lives 是强调句,强调主语 these four types of vocabulary
They control how well we understand what we hear or read and how well we speak or write 中有两个并列的 how 引导的宾语从句,第一个中含有 understand的嵌套宾语从句 what we hear or read,本句的意思是“阅读中学到的词汇支配着我们如何更好地理解我们所听到或读到的东西,如何更好地听与读”