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英语翻译"Primary school children are abandoning books for comput

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 17:21:37
"Primary school children are abandoning books for computer games,as parents struggle to find the fight balance between play,homework,reading and electronic entertainment at home,"Ed Balls,the Education Secretary,said yesterday.
Mr.Balls called on parents to cut down on the amount of time they let their children play computer games and urged them to spend at least ten minutes a night reading bedtime stories.
He added that a recent consultation by his department had found a huge grounds well of concern among parents about how best to regulate their children's computer play.
"Across the country we should be getting our kids to play computer games a bit less and to read a bit more,"said.
His comments followed the publication of a major international comparison of reading among ten-year-olds which showed that England had fallen from third to fifteenth position in the past five years.Scotland fell from fourteenth to twenty-first place in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study,run by Boston College in Massachusetts.Russian children came top in the study.
The literacy report for England,produced for the Government by the National Foundation for Educational Research(NFER),found that 22 percent of English children spent five hours or more playing computer or video games on a normal school day,with 37 percent spending more than three hours.This was exceeded only by the US and seven other countries.
The report also found a clear association between the number of books at home and reading attainment.The 23 percent of children with 200 or more books at home had significantly higher reading scores than the 10 percent with ten or fewer books.
妈呀 零分?纯手打 分段翻,有分就给点
Primary school children are abandoning books for computer games,as parents struggle to find the fight balance between play,homework,reading and electronic entertainment at home,"Ed Balls,the Education Secretary,said yesterday.
教育部长ED balls 昨天说:"教育小学学生正丢弃书本而沉迷于电脑游戏 ,父母们无法帮他们找到一个游戏和学习之间的平衡点,家中电子娱乐和阅读也变得模糊不清,
"Mr.Balls called on parents to cut down on the amount of time they let their children play computer games and urged them to spend at least ten minutes a night reading bedtime stories. He added that a recent consultation by his department had found a huge grounds well of concern among parents about how best to regulate their children's computer play.
Ball 先生呼吁家长们监督孩子削减游戏时间并保证至少10分钟的睡前阅读,他提出,最近教育部一次会议显示家长对孩子电脑游戏的约束收到广泛的关注
"Across the country we should be getting our kids to play computer games a bit less and to read a bit more,"said.
“我们全国都应该让孩子们少玩游戏 多读读书”他说
His comments followed the publication of a major international comparison of reading among ten-year-olds which showed that England had fallen from third to fifteenth position in the past five years.Scotland fell from fourteenth to twenty-first place in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study,run by Boston College in Massachusetts.Russian children came top in the study.
他做出以上的评论因为一个全球性组织调查显示:在10岁儿童这个年龄段英国阅读的儿童已经从世界上的第三掉到了第15 ,.而苏格兰从十四掉至21.这个组织是由美国马萨诸塞州波士顿大学所组织的 “国际阅读素养进展研究”即PIRLS.这次调查中,俄罗斯登上榜首
The literacy report for England,produced for the Government by the National Foundation for Educational Research(NFER),found that 22 percent of English children spent five hours or more playing computer or video games on a normal school day,with 37 percent spending more than three hours.This was exceeded only by the US and seven other countries.
The report also found a clear association between the number of books at home and reading attainment.The 23 percent of children with 200 or more books at home had significantly higher reading scores than the 10 percent with ten or fewer books.
而英国教育研究会的英国儿童识字报告显示 22%的英国儿童每个上学日花在电脑游戏上的时间超过了5个小时,世界上只有美国和另外7个国家超过了这个数字.这份报告同样显示了阅读任务和家中藏书量和孩子成绩的联系,23% 的家中有超过200本书的孩子比另外10%藏书不足10本的孩子在阅读上得分要高得多.
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