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初一英语作业100词带翻译 我的学校生活、我的暑假生活、我的假期收获

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 08:38:58
初一英语作业100词带翻译 我的学校生活、我的暑假生活、我的假期收获
初一英语作业100词带翻译 我的学校生活、我的暑假生活、我的假期收获
Habits loneliness 肯能孤独久突变热闹点适应
Ken can be lonely for a long time, suddenly become lively, a bit does not adapt! 虽习惯习惯习惯种习惯改我说能期待着孤独环境改变
Although the habit is bad, but used to is habit, this habit can be changed, but for me it's not possible, for long-term stay a lonely environment, can not be changed!
Remember this day composition 鸟让我铭记唱听歌;
The bird impressed on me, for it will sing a hit song; 花让我铭记绽放美丽花瓣;
The flowers impressed on me, because it blossom a beautiful flower petals; 树让我铭记净化浑浊空气
The tree impressed on me, because it has purified the murky waters of the air. 让我铭记使我懂克服困难
And this one day let me remember, because it made me know how to overcome the difficulties. 暑假爷爷早带着我海边玩
In a summer morning, grandpa took me to the seaside. 我坐着快车虽我未脸却没点兴奋表情我与朋友刚绝交——且误我
We sat and express, although I have never been to, but a little face but not of expressions of excitement, this is because I and a friend just dear John-and he is misunderstood me. 海边
There was the sea. 爷爷与我玩早爷爷突说:看广阔海胸啊!包含着数溪、江河岩石唉要像海能点挫折放弃要坚强
Grandpa and I play a morning, grandpa suddenly say: "you see, the vast sea, the mind is like that of its big! It contains numerous streams, rivers and rock, alas! You should be like the sea, like a little frustration give up because not, want to be strong!" 我内比高兴望着海望际使我觉我能克服困难海风吹拂着我脸连太阳光都温暖、亲海水泡着我脚跟
My heart be pleased, looked at the sea, endless, made me feel that I can overcome difficulties, the sea breeze blowing my face, even the light of the sun was so warm, amiable, sea water bubble I heel. 我望着爷爷虽轻却皱纹我手抚摸着脸脸皱纹顿消失我说:爷爷您放我定辜负您期望
I looked at my grandfather, although he is young, but many wrinkles, I hand touching his face, his face suddenly disappeared and I wrinkles said to him: "grandpa, rest assured that I will never live up to your expectations." 爷爷说:恩我相信
Grandpa said: "well, I believe you!" 我海边度美难忘.
And so, we in the sea had a wonderful and unforgettable one day. 即使再困难我想起像海胸比克服着每困难
Even if later there are difficulties, and I'll think of this day, will also be like the sea that the earth is very overcome every difficulty. 让我铭记
This day, let me remember