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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:语文作业 时间:2024/09/20 21:33:42
写一个你最喜欢的人 英语 英语考试题 写的是我的妈妈哦 你自己看一下要不要改 My favorite people - my mother. Mother tall, white skin, look no fat nor thin. Mother long with thick curved eyebrows, big eyes, eyes seeped from the light of wisdom. This is my mother, how kind, handsome bar.  Mom was my first teacher who. I remember the first time of writing, I do not know how to write, that my mother took me out of the house, went wild, went Tanabe, I write to see, hear, think. Every Sunday, my mother would take me to People's Park to observe the scenery and animal characteristics; home mom let me write down the observed. It was so good care of my mother, the school flying like a bird, feathers and getting fuller.  When I finished, my mother is always the first I have a reader, after reading, I always boast a few. Even if my words was wrong, my mother will be nice to say: "If these words written so much better." I always doing a face to an error corrected, feeling relaxed and enjoyable.  In appreciation and recognition of mother's eyes, I staggered to the first step. My heart is so happy, so proud!  Mom is my best friend. What do I give her that, because I do not worry about my mom be accusing me wrong. When I was distressed when the mother not mean for my bereavement; when I lost the time, my mother gave me clear direction; when I was crestfallen when the mothers will be big enough for my gas; when I fail, my mother to I have confidence and courage.  Mom is a magical force, let me health and happiness. Mom, I love you, I want to tell the world: "Mom, I love you!"我最喜欢的人——妈妈.妈妈高高的个子,白白的皮肤,长得不胖也不瘦.妈妈长着浓浓的弯眉毛,大大的眼睛,从眼睛里透智慧的光芒.这就是我的妈妈,怎么样,长得漂亮吧.  妈妈是我的第一人老师.记得我第一次写作文的时候,我不知道如何下笔,是妈妈带我走出家门,来到野外,走到田边,让我写看到的,听到的,想到的.每逢星期日,妈妈就会带我去人民公园,观察景物和动物的特点;回到家妈妈让我把所观察到的写下来.就这样我在妈妈的精心呵护下,像一只学飞的小鸟,羽毛一天天丰满了.  每当我写完,妈妈总是我的第一有个读者,读完后,总是夸我几句.即使我的词句写错了,妈妈也会和蔼的说:“如果这句话这样写就更好了.”我总是做着鬼脸把错误改正过来,感觉轻松又愉快.  在妈妈的赏识和认可的目光下,我蹒跚的走出了第一步.我心里是那样的高兴,那样的自豪!  妈妈也是我最知心的朋友.有什么事我就给妈妈说,因为我不用担心我错了妈妈会指责我.当我苦恼的时候,妈妈毫不吝啬的为我解忧;当我迷茫的时候,妈妈给我指明了方向;当我垂头丧气的时候,妈妈们会为我大足气;当我失败的时候,妈妈给我信心和勇气.  妈妈就是一种神奇的力量,让我健康快乐的成长.妈妈,我爱你,我要告诉全世界:“妈妈,我最喜欢你!” 再答: 亲,对我的回答满意的话,就给个好评吧。如果还有不清楚的地方,可以跟我继续交流哦。
再问: 你的回答完美的解决了我的问题,谢谢!