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英语混合题 英汉互译用上括号内的词组、、

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 20:20:02
英语混合题 英汉互译用上括号内的词组、、
2.如果你把食物拿到聚会上,老师将会把它拿走的.(take away)
3.如果你帮我组织这次聚会的话,我们会玩的很愉快的.(have a great time)
4.如果你上大学,你就能获得更好的教育(go to college,get a better education)
5.他可以通过做自己喜欢的事情来谋生.(make a living)
6.顺便问一下,你已经收集贝壳多长时间了?(collect shells)
7.她成为一名职业运动员已经整整五年了.(a professional athlete)
8.你受伤多久了?已经两天半了.(be injured)
9.你什么时候用完钱的?上个星期.(run out of)
10.当人们插队时我很生气.(cut in line)
11.也许在将来我应该尽力不对他们那么礼貌.(try not to do)
12.我应该给我妈妈买什么生日礼物?(get sd.for...)
13.在美国,一些人让家人和朋友把钱捐给慈善机构而不是给他们买礼物(rather than )
14.我们中大部分人很可能已经听说过米老鼠、唐老鸭和其他许多著名的迪斯尼卡通人物.(hear of)
think about,rather than)
17.周末总是下雨,对吗?(on weekends)
18.现在我觉得自己成了集体中的一员了.(feel like)
19.像你们这样的朋友使我在异地的相处变得容易多了.(get along)
20.我写完所有作业之后才开始看电视.(not...until) 嘿嘿,可能有点多,但是希望大家帮帮忙!
英语混合题 英汉互译用上括号内的词组、、
1. If you go to a party in jeans, teachers won't let you in.
2. If you take food to a party, teachers will take it away.
3. If you help me organize this party, we'll have a great time.
4. If you go to college, you'll get a better education.
5. He can make a living by doing what he likes.
6. By the way, how long have you been collecting shells?
7. She has been a professional athlete as long as five years.
8. --How long have you been injured? --For two days.
9. --When did you run out of your money? --Last week.
10. I feel/am very angry when people cut in line.
11. Maybe I'll try not to be so polite to them in the future.
12. What should I get for my mum/mother?
13. In America, some people make their friends and family donate money to the charity rather than buy presents for themselves.
14. Most of us can have heard of Mickey Mice, Donald Duck and many other famous Disney's cartoon characters.
15. Perhaps when I graduate, I'll think about working as an English teacher rather than a tourist guide.
16. --It is windy today, isnt't it? --Yes, it is.
17. It always rains on weekends, doesn't it?
18. Now I feel like (that) I've been a member of the team.
19. Such friends as you make it much easier for me to get along in another place.
20. I didn't begin/start to watch TV until I finished all my homework. 原创回答团(第159号会员)