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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/23 14:39:35
如题 简单说几点社会阴暗面 写成一篇英文短文...要是能做成POWER POINT文件就更好了...
"My country has been more and more like the impulsive, enthusiastic, sad, confused atmosphere. Community in the rapid accumulation of wealth, the erosion and degradation, wealthy and more and more obvious signs of decline, and people think of the government at all levels for profit and social polarization great. rich people carried away unscrupulous, desperate poor people like to stay in the thinking of young people in the stifling constraints of society, middle-aged by the high prices being crushed, the elderly health is increasingly polluted environment destruction. academic backwater, cultural pool of dead water, corrupt political class, the entertainment industry in line with the spirit of entertainment to death, paralysis, there is a trace of all the changes you want to fight with people, all Chinese Rob cheated in competition, others fear that they have been squeezed down. high oil prices, high prices, and controlling the local government kidnapped the Chinese forward, weak people only on the Internet wearing vests, funny entertainment, helpless laughing at himself, deconstruction ridiculous. This is the most pathetic state now. appears to cover the surface of laughter Harmony with deep sorrow. seemingly prosperous up country, but everywhere and unpredictable crisis. As a general Chinese youth, I fear that the country will be like fantasy, like the city of Babylon destroyed in an instant collapse. Therefore, my dear mother, please do not continue declining.
Around 2004 is the Chinese people's collective well-being of an age when the price is still low, people's income steadily, canteen half a teaspoon of meat dishes 1 2 3 2 Mao Mao petrol 5,93 3, Erie also had an aloe yogurt Block 5 Mao, Beijing was 10,000 yuan less than three-ring within the housing prices, a tax threshold transferred to 2,000 yuan. However, pork in 2007, after rising as China's price as the same roller coaster ride, nine days straight. Since three years, all kinds of prices rising at least 30%, but this time, Chinese people's average wage has not increased 30%, more unemployed university graduates to join us that day, earning 1,000 yuan a month less than in large rent city loans, loans to buy bus pass, stubbornly struggling to the edge of the bottom line in life. Not that we do not cherish the ideal, but this society does not allow our cherished ideals. Silly. Forcing residual super-brain response to China's social status does not "go to a meteor shower" is not blocked, but was impressed moved every 80, the reaction of the high prices, "dwelling" ready to be blocked. What to say, the play of speech does not meet the socialist spiritual civilization! Me do not understand, and we are all adults, but not the Buddha, who had never seen A. slices circle who has not had pork on a skewer, who even thought about this the heart. Confucius also have children to know there is a woman. Say what? Confucius note and it was passion burnt ...
Dear SARFT, the good film good film after the ban, leaving a group without any connotation of cultural garbage, pollution has been seriously polluted country flowers ... brick kilns in Shanxi, Shaanxi South China tiger, hide and seek in Yunnan, Guizhou and push-ups, fishing boat dead in Hubei, Hunan, Little White House, Chongqing triad, Hangzhou bully real horse, Beijing enclosure, fishing enforcement Shanghai, Guangzhou Speed robbery, Throughout China, the world, society has become so muddy, SARFT also take care of what " immediately back to you to eat candy. "how to eat, and strawberry flavor, vanilla flavor, how the! When the bitch for years have also established what spiritual big arch.
Having said Office, let us look at the pain of China's oil price is eggs. Sinopec, PetroChina past two years, acts have bad credit to the entire people. Billions of dollars investing in Africa's oil fields in South America, there are several million yuan to decorate his company's largest chandelier, do not know the people understand their difficulties. Last year, the highest international oil prices, the U.S. oil 4 U.S. dollars a gallon, the Chinese oil 6 dollars a liter. Then drop in international oil prices, U.S. oil prices two U.S. dollars a gallon, the Chinese oil 6 dollars a liter. Slightly higher international oil prices recently, the U.S. oil price is 2.5 U.S. dollars a gallon, the Chinese oil actually breath broke through the 6 dollars. What to say with international practice, China no falling oil prices go up are they coming. Occasionally falls, then quickly go back up! PetroChina shares on the lap of the hundreds of millions of Chinese people's money, the oil price has robbed hundreds of millions of Chinese people's money, but also force the emperor to abdicate the recent gas price hikes. What is said to support national enterprises. Either monopoly, who supported the fuck is not so good so greedy Chinese enterprises. U.S. businesses think of social responsibility, prestige image, return the people and sustainable development. Think of every possible state-owned enterprises in stealing money from ordinary people, great brand big rush, a small rush of small brands. Later, some people stand up and Sinopec rumor, in fact it, we did not take the house chandeliers 10 million, you really misunderstood willing to benefit others instead of themselves of state-owned enterprises, we hurt are hurt, this chandelier also the value of 800 10 000 ... ... “ 我的祖国已经越来越显现出浮躁,狂热,悲哀,迷茫的气息.社会在财富的迅速积累下,糜烂与堕落,国富民衰的迹象越来越明显,各级政府处处想着与民争利,社会两极分化异常严重.富人们肆无忌惮的忘乎所以,穷人们走投无路般的苟延残喘,青年人的思想在社会的约束中扼杀,中年人的幸福被居高不下的房价击碎,老年人的健康被日益污染的环境毁灭.学术界一潭死水,文化界死水一潭,政治界腐败堕落,娱乐界本着娱乐至死的精神,麻痹所有还有一丝想要抗争与改变的人们,所有中国人都在争骗抢夺,生怕自己被别人挤下去.高油价,高房价,与民争利的地方政府绑架了整个中国的向前发展,弱小的人民只有在网上穿着马甲,搞笑娱乐,无奈自嘲,解构雷人.这便是如今国家最大的可悲.看似表面的欢声笑语一团和气掩盖着深深的悲哀.看似繁荣向上的祖国,却处处充满了不可预测的危机.作为一名普通的中国年轻人,我担心未来的国家会像虚幻的巴比伦之城一样在顷刻间坍塌毁灭.所以,我亲爱的祖国,请你不要继续堕落了.