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英语翻译1.Why are you naking so much noise I just cant't help___

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 08:38:56
1.Why are you naking so much noise I just cant't help___.A.so B.that C.this D.it
2.You may depend on ___ that your parents will help you whenever you need it.A.them B.yourself C.it D.this
3.He though ___was wise to give up his job security and salsry in an international information business to risk starting his own business.A.that B.which C.it D.what
4.To put___simply,she is not exactly fat,but rather well-built for her age.A,one B.this C.that D.it
5.What an exciting party!---Yes,the night seems as if ___wound never end.A.there B.time C.that D.it
6.My pen is gone so I have to get a new one which can ___as well as ___.A.be written;that B.be written ;one C.write;it D.write ;this
英语翻译1.Why are you naking so much noise I just cant't help___
1.Why are you naking[making] so much noise ?I just cant't help___.A.so B.that C.this D.it
Why are you making so much noise ? I just cant't help [D] it .
I just couldn't help it.我就是忍不住.这是一句英文惯用语,是I just couldn't help (doing) it 略去了doing.
为什麽你要制造这样多喧闹声? 我就是忍不住嘛.

2.You may depend on ___ that your parents will help you whenever you need it.A.them B.yourself C.it D.this
You may depend on [D] this that your parents will help you whenever you need it.
depend on: 信赖
你可以信赖这点[天下父母心, 切肉不离皮],当你需要时,你的父母一定会幇你.
3.He thought ___was wise to give up his job security and salsry in an international information business to risk starting his own business.
A.that B.which C.it D.what
He thought [D] it was wise to give up his job security and salsry in an international information business to risk starting his own business.
He though it was wise to [do something]: 他想(认为)做某件事是明智的
[原文会不会打少 and?it was wise to (give up...)...and to (risk starting ...)]
4.To put___simply,she is not exactly fat,but rather well-built for her age.A,one B.this C.that D.it
To put [D] it simply,she is not exactly fat,but rather well-built for her age.
To put___simply这是一句英文惯用语, 中文就是「简单地说亅
简单地说, 她也不能算肥胖, 但就同年龄说, 壮实了一些.
5.What an exciting party!---Yes,the night seems as if ___wound never end.A.there B.time C.that D.it
What an exciting party!---Yes,the night seems as if [D] it wound never end.
seems as if: 看来好像
多麼令人兴奋的派对!是呀, 今晚好像不夜天似的.
My pen is gone so I have to get a new one which can ___as well as ___.A.be written;that B.be written ;one C.write;it D.write ;this
My pen is gone so I have to get a new one which can [C] write as well as this.
笔是用来写东西, (虽然是要人去写)但不是被写, 文章才是被写;
is gone 作磨损解, 旧笔用老了,看来主人满意,所以要买一只同意好写的新笔.
我的笔磨损了, 所以我要去买一只新的,要好像这只那样好写.