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英语作文 写给同学的一封信 说说你在学校如何

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 07:29:06
英语作文 写给同学的一封信 说说你在学校如何
英语作文 写给同学的一封信 说说你在学校如何
A letter addressed to an old classmate 凌寒,我现在非常喜欢看故事书、科普书、名人传记……只要一有空,我就捧着书本津津有味地读着,同学们都称我为“小书迷”呢! Ling Han, I am very much like to see the story books, Kepu Shu, celebrity biographies ... ... As soon as available, I would relish holding books and read, the students all call me "Little avid reader" mean! 课余,我还报了学校的电脑操作兴趣班. After-school, I also reported that the school's computer operation interest classes. 不久,我就要参加瑞安市小学生电脑手抄报制作大赛了. Soon, I will participate in Ruian City, students produced a computer Shouchao Bao Race. 嘿,不错吧! Hey, good stuff! 我一定要好好学习,认真操作,争取在比赛中获得好成绩,不辜负老师、家长对我的期望. I must study hard and seriously operations, strive to obtain good results in the race, not to live up to the teachers and parents to my expectations. 我和同学相处得也很好. Classmates and I got along very well. 我们互相学习 We learn from each other ** Dear students: 你好! Hello! 自从幼儿园毕业,我们已有四年没见面了,不知你现在可好? Since graduating from kindergarten, we have not seen each other for four years, I wonder if you Kehao? 我现在在**实验小学学习,一切都好,就是一直都很想你. ** Experimental Primary School, I now learn, everything was fine, that is, have always been like you. 凌寒,还记得吗? Ling Han, remember? 那次,我摔了个大跟头,擦破了皮,流出了血,是你及时请来老师,为我包扎伤口. That, I threw a big somersault, scrape the skin, blood flow, is that you promptly hired a teacher, for me to dress their wounds. 还有一次,我被小朋友欺侮了,受了委屈,是你做着鬼脸,逗我发笑…… On another occasion, I was bullied children, and by the wronged, is doing a face you, tease me laugh ... ... 凌寒,我现在非常喜欢看故事书、科普书、名人传记……只要一有空,我就捧着书本津津有味地读着,同学们都称我为“小书迷”呢! Ling Han, I am very much like to see the story books, Kepu Shu, celebrity biographies ... ... As soon as available, I would relish holding books and read, the students all call me "Little avid reader" mean! 课余,我还报了学校的电脑操作兴趣班. After-school, I also reported that the school's computer operation interest classes. 不久,我就要参加瑞安市小学生电脑手抄报制作大赛了. Soon, I will participate in Ruian City, students produced a computer Shouchao Bao Race. 嘿,不错吧! Hey, good stuff! 我一定要好好学习,认真操作,争取在比赛中获得好成绩,不辜负老师、家长对我的期望. I must study hard and seriously operations, strive to obtain good results in the race, not to live up to the teachers and parents to my expectations. 我和同学相处得也很好. Classmates and I got along very well. 我们互相学习,互相帮助,一起玩耍. We learn from each other and help each other to play with. 告诉你一个小秘密,我们班同学约定每逢星期五晚上到市府广场上滑旱冰. To tell you a little secret, our class students agreed to the city every Friday night roller-skating on the square. 我们在休息的时候谈学校里、家里发生的趣事,可开心了. When we talk about the school during the break, the home took place on you can be happy again. 如果你也和我们一起玩的话,那一定会更开心的. If you are playing with us, then it would be more happy. 凌寒,你知道吗? Ling Han, do you know? 这学期的各科单元检测,“100”分总是与我无缘,每次都与我擦肩而过,好像在跟我捉迷藏似的,那三、四分老躲着我. Testing of subjects this semester, "100" sub is always with me no chance, every time with my passing, it seems like hide and seek with me, that three-quarters of the old avoided me. 也许是我知识学得不够扎实,也许是我粗心大意吧! I may have a solid enough knowledge and learning, and perhaps careless of me bar! 不知你现在怎样? I wonder if you now what? 能来信告诉我吗? Can be a letter to tell me? 今天就先说到这儿吧! Speaking here today on the first bar! 此致 Sincerely 祝你 I wish you 学习进步! Learning progress! 天天快乐! Happy every day! 你的同学:*** Your classmate: *** 希望能变为你自己所用~!祝你英语写作技能有所进步~但愿帮上你