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英语翻译寒热虚实宜细审 温清消补和胃方-------杨少山临证用药经验朱晓华 杨少山(杭州市中医院保健科 杭州 3100

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 03:20:12
寒热虚实宜细审 温清消补和胃方
朱晓华 杨少山
(杭州市中医院保健科 杭州 310007)
摘要:国家级名中医杨少山主任医师从医60 余载,对胃病的治疗深察病机,通权达变,自拟疏肝健脾和胃方治疗各种脾胃病确有成效,用药特点可概括为以下四方面.一、用药轻灵,慎用苦寒.二、善用名方治胃病.三、通补兼施,护生发之气.四、调气重视刚柔.深得辨证施治之精髓.
关键词 :杨少山 临证 和胃
英语翻译寒热虚实宜细审 温清消补和胃方-------杨少山临证用药经验朱晓华 杨少山(杭州市中医院保健科 杭州 3100
Topic: efficacy of fine WenQing extinction judge unionizing appropriate patch and stomach square
- YangShaoShan clinical medicine experience
ZhuXiaoHua YangShaoShan
(hangzhou hangzhou hospital sanitarian division 310007)
Abstract: national name YangShaoShan chief physician of TCM medicine more than 60 years, on the stomach disease pathogenesis, the treatment of deep ezer, since ShuGan never fitted the spleen and stomach for treatment of spleen and stomach illness have various achievements, drug characteristics can be summarized by the following four respects. A, drug light spirit, careful with extreme. Second, use square for gastropathy. Three, and complementary invigorating qi, protect hair. Four, adjustable gas attention and soft. Deep pattern identification and treatment of the essence.
Keywords: YangShaoShan clinical and stomach