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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 18:48:07
假如我有一对翅膀,我要飞到天空中去,同鸟儿们交谈,体验飞行的感觉;飞到宇宙中去,看看银河系是什么样的,再看看地球母亲到底长什么样;我还要飞出宇宙,看看还有没有别的星球,有没有外星人,他们长什么样.假如我有一对翅膀,我要飞到首都北京,登上万里长城,领略祖国的雄伟;来到天安门城楼,观看升国旗仪式,当然,2008年的奥运会要在这座古老而又美丽的城市召开,我要为我国的运动健儿们助威、加油…… ;
Whenever I see people in the goddess flew on,whenever I see free kites in the sky overhead,Whenever I see the flowers butterflies playing,it brings to mind :play :envy,really want to have one pair of wings!If I have one pair of wings,I would fly to the sky,with birds have talked to experience the feeling of flight; Flew to the universe.What kind of look at the Milky Way,at the Mother Earth in the end looked like; I would also like to exploit the universe.No other planets to see if there is not an alien from outer space,they might have looked.If I have one pair of wings,I would fly to the capital Beijing,boarded the Great Wall and enjoy the majesty of the motherland; Came to the rostrum of Tiananmen,watched a flag-raising ceremony,of course,to 2008 Olympic Games held in this ancient and beautiful city.I want to cheer our athletes have fuel ::If I have one pair of wings,I would like to fly our Taiwan and Taiwan.Sun Moon Lake and Alishan to appreciate the beautiful scenery,where he can take the children to look at the snow here.I would like to fly to Iraq,brought greetings to those children,sending warmth so that they can feel peace in the world.I flew to Australia and enjoy the enchanting golden beaches,the Great Barrier Reef magical underwater world and the beautiful seashore.Sydney Opera House to enjoy life in the sea,viewing the world of classical art of architecture.If I have wings,not just to enjoy the beauty of their own,but also make contributions to mankind.If I have one pair of wings,I would like to become the largest bird,wings to draw a large amount of water for irrigation of crops farmers uncles.Grass to create life.Also those in drought areas,supplying a large number of sweet spring,so that the poor people are not dying,dead heat; Let each re-running dry river!Have wings,a really marvelous.I hope I have one pair of wings,I hope I have one pair of wings,I hope I have one pair of wings!
英语翻译每当我看见燕子在房檐上飞来飞去,每当我看到老鹰在天空中自由翱翔,每当我看到蝴蝶在花丛中嬉戏、玩耍……心中便不由得 每当我在路上看到车压死的动物时,我就会念一句阿弥陀佛.我看到有人死时也这样.行么 每当看到小鸟从天空飞过,我就向往我也能有一对翅膀,在天空自由自在的飞翔.用英语怎么说 每当提及少年闰土时,他月下看瓜刺猹的情景便浮现在我的脑海中: 每当我找不到存在的意义 每当我迷失在黑夜里什么歌 做梦老是梦见飞翔我经常做梦梦见飞,在天空里飞来飞去,..很爽..爱飞哪飞哪..每当梦醒了,发现自己其实不能飞.为什么老是 英语翻译成为空姐是我从小的愿望,每当看到电视中美丽与高雅兼备的空姐出现在我眼前时,总有一种羡慕感,这是一份令让向往的职业 每当天空下起雨,每当我又想起你是什么歌 阅读短文,完成练习我爱雨花.每当我看到玲珑小巧,清新俏丽的雨花时,甚至会最痴情地把手伸向雨里,像在无边的花丛中摘一朵细细 雨花阅读短文我爱雨花. 每当我看到那玲珑小巧、清新俏丽的雨花时,甚至会痴情地把手伸向雨里,想在无边的“花丛”中摘一朵来细 我好想有一双翅膀 每当我抬起头仰望天空时,总会看见鸟儿在无垠的蓝天中飞翔.这是,我就渴望自己有一双翅 你一走了花也谢了留我在这里.每当天空下起雨,每当我又在想起你.歌名叫什么