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如何做一名好老师(求英语作文一篇) 最好250个词以上哦 谢谢………………

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 10:36:05
如何做一名好老师(求英语作文一篇) 最好250个词以上哦 谢谢………………
如何做一名好老师(求英语作文一篇) 最好250个词以上哦 谢谢………………
When teachers are faced with lively child, every soul in shape, while his mind has also been a clean, professional teachers are not only a means of livelihood, but also a spice of life. Do a self-responsible person, love their work and competence, rather than to work for money or fame, because in my mind, a good a teacher, a pleasure in itself, is a return to society. Self-responsibility, is to work, especially for self-actualization needs. When a good teacher with a sense of responsibility, in fact, gave me the opportunity to self-growth, so I try to do their work undertaken, and efforts to do better.
Two in action to the hard work and constantly improve themselves, trying to do a good teacher.
1, with a solid professional skills, understanding of the psychological characteristics of students, understanding and teaching content-related knowledge, in teaching simple terms so as to grasp the knowledge
2, positive to the outstanding teachers to learn and master the art of teaching methods, and characteristics according to the teaching process and students, review and summarize the form of learning and teaching methods, and continued in this form and methods of teaching to be applied, the depth of penetration to the students , will introduce students to the constant height.
3, attentive care for each student.
4, about students, individualized.
5, and strive to develop their own abilities in different aspects.
再问: 能有点简单的中文么?
再答: 教师每天面对的是天真活泼的孩子,在塑造每一个灵魂的同时,自己的心灵也得到了净化,教师的职业不仅是谋生的手段,更是一种生活的情趣。 做一名自我负责的人,热爱并且胜任自己的工作,而不是为了金钱或者名利而工作,因为在我的心中,当好一名老师,本身就是一种乐趣,就是一种对社会的回报。自我负责,是工作的需要,更是自我价值实现的需要。有了当一名好教师的责任感,实际上就是给了我自我成长的机会,使我努力去胜任自己所承担的工作,并努力去做得更好。 二在行动上要努力进取,不断提高自身素质,争取做一名好教师。 1、具备要有扎实的专业功底,了解小学生的心理特点,了解与教学内容相关的知识,这样才能在教学中深入浅出,把握知识 2、积极向优秀教师学习,掌握教学的先进方法,并根据教学过程及小学生特点,总结和归纳学习形式和教学方法,并不断的将此形式和方法在教学中加以应用,渗透给学生的深度,不断的将学生引入高处。 3、细心关爱每一个学生。 4、了解学生, 因材施教。 5、努力培养自己各方面的能力。
再问: 其实,不好意思,我需要的是一篇如何成为一名好的英语教师的英语作文……呜呜呜……