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英语翻译第一段:试论经济危机背景下的我国产业结构之调整[摘要] 2008年席卷全球的经济危机对我国的经济发展造成了极为不

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 00:36:13
[摘要] 2008年席卷全球的经济危机对我国的经济发展造成了极为不利的影响,但是这次危机对于我国也意味着机遇,特别是对于我国之产业结构的调整是次历史性的机遇.在全球主要经济体均受到危机的不同程度的影响的时候,特别是欧美日等发达国家在危机的冲击下受到严重打击之时,全球经济在危机的冲击下面临着产业之重组.而且我国要抓住机遇,利用一切有利条件完成对于产业结构的调整和优化.特别是要把我国的产业结构往绿色高效的方向调整,去粗取精,把我们的事业全面推向新纪元.本文就这个问体从产业经济学的角度进行了相对理性的分析.
[关键词] 经济危机 机遇 产业结构 调整
[摘要] 随着收藏热的兴起,广大人民群众源源不断的加入了收藏者的行列,而不仅是古董,就是有一定工艺品价值的文玩杂项也进入了收藏者的视野.而“文玩古董”也形成了一个规模不小的产业,这个市场在生成并不断完善,行业规模也不断扩大.然而,由于古董商品属性上的特殊性,文玩古董不能量产,因此对其定价就变得十分困难.而对于这个领域的研究又是一个空白,因此,本文从零售学的角度,对于文玩古董的定价策略进行科学的分析.试图从市场经济的角度对于古玩进行理性的评估和对于市场进行预测.本文对这个问题进行了分析.
[关键词] 文玩古董 收藏 零售学 定价策略
哪位达人可以亲自翻译一下啊 对于达人来讲真是不费劲的 小弟不吝惜分的!
英语翻译第一段:试论经济危机背景下的我国产业结构之调整[摘要] 2008年席卷全球的经济危机对我国的经济发展造成了极为不
Under the background of the American economic crisis in the adjustment of industrial structure
2008 global economic crisis over to the economic development of our country is having an extremely negative influence,but the crisis in China,especially for the opportunity also means in the adjustment of industrial structure is the historic chance.In the global economy is mainly the crisis of the influence of different level,especially in the developed countries,such as Europe,under the impact of crisis of sanity in a crisis,the global economy under the impact of the industry faces.But China will seize the opportunity,using all the favorable conditions for the complete industrial structure adjustment and optimization.Especially in the industrial structure adjustment to the green,discards the dross and selects the essential high direction,our business into new era.This is the inheritance of the economics from asked the relatively rational analysis.
[Key words] the economic crisis,opportunity,industrial structure adjustment
From the perspective WenWan retail learn antique pricing strategy
With the rise of collection hot,the broad masses of the continuous joined the ranks of the collector,not only is antique,has certain value of handicraft is WenWan miscellaneous also entered the collectors.And WenWan "antique" also formed a large industry,the market in formation and constantly improve,industry scale expands unceasingly.However,due to the particularity of commodity attribute antiques,WenWan antique not energy production,so its pricing is very difficult.In this field of study is a blank,therefore,this paper,from the perspective of retail WenWan antique pricing strategies for scientific analysis.From the Angle of the market for antique rationally assessment and prediction for the market.This paper analyzed the problems..
Keywords] WenWan antiques.Collect.Retail.Pricing.strategy