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英语翻译A little boy named Harry became very ill.He had to lie i

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 21:45:48
A little boy named Harry became very ill.He had to lie in bed all day,unable to move.He spent his days feeling 36 and blue.
There wasn’t much he could do except look out of the 37 .Time passed,and his illness frustrated him.Until one day he saw a strange 38 in the window.It was a penguin eating a sausage sandwich.The penguin got in 39 the open window,and said “good afternoon” to Harry,turned around,and 40 quickly.
Of course,Harry was very 41 .He was still trying to work out what had happened.Outside his window he saw a monkey busy blowing up a balloon.At first Harry asked himself 42 that could possible be,but after a while,as more and more crazy – looking 4 appeared outside the window he couldn’t help 44 and found it hard to stop.
An elephant jumped on a stone,or a dog wore a pair of glasses and acted in a 45 way.The little boy didn’t tell anyone about this.Those strange characters ended up putting joy back in his heart,and in his body.Before long,his health had 46 so much that he was able to go back to school again.
There he told his classmates all that he had 47 .While he was talking to his best friend,he saw 48 coming out of his friend’s school bag.Harry asked his friend what it was,and he was so insisted(坚持) that 49 his friend had to show him what was in the bag.
There,inside,were all the things that his best friend had been using to try to 50 the little boy.
And from that day on,Harry always did h is best to make sure that no one felt sad and alone.
英语翻译A little boy named Harry became very ill.He had to lie i
一个叫哈里的小男孩开始变得很糟糕.他整天躺在床上,无法动弹.他度过了两天感觉36和blue.There并不多,他能做的只是看看出了37.时间过去了,他的病他感到沮丧.直到有一天,他在窗口看到一个陌生的38 .这是一个企鹅吃香肠三明治. 39打开的窗口企鹅了,并说:“下午好”哈利,一转身,和40 quickly.Of当然,哈利很是41 .他仍然试图找出发生了什么事.外面他的窗口,他看到一只猴子忙着吹气球.起初哈利问自己42 ,可能是可能的,但经过一段时间,随着越来越多的疯狂 - 看4出现在窗外,他不由得44 ,并发现它很难stop.An大象跳上一块石头,或狗穿了一双眼镜,竟出现了45路.小男孩没有告诉任何人透露此事.这些奇怪的字符结束了把喜悦带回到他的心脏,并在他的身上.不久,他的健康状况有46这么多,他能够回到学校again.There他告诉他的同学们都认为他有47 .一边说着他最好的朋友,他看到48出来的他的朋友的书包.哈利问他的朋友那是什么,他是如此坚持(坚持)的49他的朋友只好告诉他什么是在bag.There ,里面是所有的事情,他最好的朋友一直在使用,试图在50从那天起小boy.And ,哈利总是做h是最好的,以确保没有人感到悲伤和孤独.