作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

be enough for

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 14:41:18
7.--the boy is tall enough _____his age ---yes ,I was much _____when I was his age . A to shorter B at ,taller C at,shorter D for ,shorter 8.---what are you searching the Internet for ? A how many persons have died in Iraq B how do we protest our en vironment C wat's the difference between SARS and bird Ful Dwhy isn't our chinese team able to beat korean one 9.___how did you ____the movie last night ? --Oh ,both interesting and instructive. A find B consider C think D feel 10.whith his son _____,the old man felt unhappy. A to disappoint B to be disappointed C disappointed D being disappointed 11.the food tastes______and sells____. A well ,well B good, good Cgood , well D well ,good 12 the sun was shining brightly,_____everything there ______ more beautiful . A making ,look B to make ,looked C and made looking D and making be looked 13 It's too late to go out now ,_____,it's starting to rain A. Besides B Meanwhile C however Danyhow 14 Everybody in the little town knew my first teacher ,so we had no ____finding his home . A difficulties in B difficulty with C difficulty Ddifficulty to 15 I can 't under stand it ,will you please ______once more ? ---_________ A explain that word B repeat that word C explain us that word D explain that word for as
be enough for
解题思路: 对于 (for )他这个年龄来说 这个男孩子已经够高了 for his age。对于他这个年龄段
译文:对于他这个年龄来说 这个男孩子已经够高了
: 是的,当我处于他这个年龄我矮得多。
