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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 18:32:43
  乒乓球起源于英国.欧洲人至今把乒乓球称为"桌上的网球",由此可知,乒乓球是由网球发展而来.19世纪末,欧洲盛行网球运动,但由於受到场地和天气的限制,英国有些大学生便把网球移到室内,以餐桌为球台,书作球网,用羊皮纸做球拍,在餐桌上打来打去.  20世纪初,乒乓球运动在欧洲和亚洲蓬勃开展起来.1926年,在德国柏林举行了国际乒乓球邀请赛.後被追认为第一届世界乒乓球锦标赛.同时成立了国际乒乓球联合会.   乒乓球运动的广泛开展,促使球拍和球有了很大改进.最初的球拍是块略经加工的木板.後来有人在球拍上贴一层羊皮.随著现代工业的发展,欧洲人把带有胶粒的橡皮贴在球拍上.在50年代初,日本人又发明了贴有厚海棉的球拍.最初的球是一种类似网球的橡胶球,1890年,英国运动员吉布从美国带回一些作为玩具的赛璐珞球,用於乒乓球运动.  在名目繁多的乒乓球比赛中,最负盛名的是世界乒乓球锦标赛,起初每年举行一次,1957年後改为两年举行一次.   1904年,上海一家文具店的老板王道午从日本买回10套乒乓球器材.从此,乒乓球运动传入中国.
Table tennis originated in the United Kingdom. Table tennis since the Europeans called" table tennis", therefore, is a table tennis ball tennis development. At the end of the nineteenth Century, Europe popular tennis, but due to venue and weather constraints, British tennis moved to put some college students interior, to the table to table, for the net book, parchment paper do racket, table fight. At the beginning of twentieth Century, table tennis in Europe and Asia vigorously . In 1926, Berlin held in Germany from the international table tennis tournament. That was after the first session of the world table tennis championship. And the establishment of the international table tennis Federation. Table tennis ball movement launched extensively, prompted racket and the ball has been greatly improved. The racket is the initial block of wood slightly processed. Then someone posted on a sheepskin in the racket. Along with the development of modern industry, the Europeans latex rubber affixed with a racket. In the early 50's, the Japanese invented affixed with a thick sponge rackets. The original ball is similar to a rubber tennis ball, on 1890, the British athletes Gibb from the United States back to some as a celluloid ball toys, for table tennis table tennis than in a multitude of names. In the race, the most prestigious in the world table tennis championships, first held once a year to two years after the 1957, is held once. In 1904, a Shanghai shop owner Wang Daowu from Japan bought 10 sets of table tennis equipment. Since then, the incoming Chinese table tennis.