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啊,英语 ~~~谢谢!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 03:20:22
啊,英语 ~~~谢谢!
一、be preparing for doing sth 有prepare to do和prepare dong吗?
二、The panda lives on bamboo.The tiger lives on rabbit/pig/kangaroo/giraffe.等被吃的词要加复数吗?小鸡怎么说?
三、be afraid to do与dong有区别吗?
四、一些书上说elder不能做表语?那么Of the brothers,he is the elder.这么说对吗?
五、Of the brothers,he is (the) taller. the需要加吗? Of the flowers,it is (the) more beautiful.这里呢?
六、不是说限冠形龄色国材吗?那为什么还是Chinese finger food呢?不是应该把Chinese放最后?
七、bring take carry等词的辨识
八、be strict with sb/sth be kind to sb/sth是这样搭配吗? 与to at in with搭配的都有吗?
九、on lakes什么意思?
十、pleasant对事物 pleased对人 是吧? 求pleased与pleasure辨识
十一、entry与entrance有什么不同 version与edition呢?
十二、求help out的用法 可说I often help out my mother with her housework.吗?help my mother out?
十三、世界万物 all the things in the world the要不要? 什么时候要什么时候不要 有没有技巧?
十五、read it aloud与aloudly有什么不同?
十六、have a try to do sth是尝试还是尽力做某事?
十七、Welcome you to my home.有错吗? welcome后可加人吗? 如不行那如果真要表达此意思应怎说?
十八、Big Ben前面加the吗? Silk Road呢? 埃及金字塔怎么说? 加the吗?
十九、Her life was changed by me. He changed from a bad boy to a good man.此两句子有错吗?be changed可表示被改变吗? 被换?
二十、It's far (away) from my home. away是可要可不要的吗?
二十一、eat cabbage用不用复数? cabbage何时采用复数? 类似的复不复数问题有什么技巧吗?
二十二、do an operation on one's face/chest? hit/bite sb in one's face/chest?
二十三、求have on (穿衣)的示例用法.
二十四、walk up to the mountain top climb up (to) the mountain (top)这说法对吗? 括号里的词可省吗?
啊,英语 ~~~谢谢!
一、1、be preparing for doing sth ,【 原形prepare for sth, prepare for doing sth,for介词后面跟动名词.prepare for=get ready for 准备.,我们把当成一个及物动词用更好.例如He's preparing his speech for the meeting tomorrow. 也可以He's preparing for the meeting tomorrow.语言含糊.】
2、确实有:prepare to do sth,【例如prepare to leave, prepare to dance,prepare to run等等,不定式作宾语.而prepare dong,现在很少出现这种用法,偶尔在不归范的口语中有】
二、The panda lives on bamboo.The tiger lives on rabbit/pig/kangaroo/giraffe.等被吃词要加复数小鸡说【live on以.维持生命,以...为主食,依靠.生存,这里rabbit/pig/kangaroo/giraffe/chicken等等,是食物,肉类,因此没有复数,表示哪一种肉;而不是哪一种动物,如果表示动物,根据语言环境,可以有单是、复数两种形式.】
三、【1 、be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事,这是常见用法之一,不定式作形容词afraid的宾语.例如 She is very afraid to see a snake.她害怕看见蛇.
2、be afraid of sth, She is very afraid of a dog.她害怕狗.
3、be afraid that +从句,He is afraid that Lucy will tell the truth.他非常担心露西会讲出真相.】
四、确认:一些书上说:Of the brothers,he is the elder.正确 .【解析elder用于同胞兄弟、姐妹中,表示年龄更大 的,哥哥elder brother,姐姐elder sister, the elder年龄更大的人,the+形容词(原形/比较级),表示人,例如the poor穷人,the richer更有钱的人,the poorer更贫穷的人.而older通用,表示年龄更大的,更旧的,更老的】
五、Of the brothers,he is (the) taller. 【对,the需要加,意思:在兄弟中,他是个子更高的这个人.】 Of the flowers,it is (the) more beautiful.【可以这样用,一定要根据语言环境具体应用:the+形容词(原形/比较级),如果:the+形容词比较级,暗示,物品/人只有两个.】
六、说限冠形龄色国材还Chinese finger food呢应该把Chinese放,你这句话要表达什么意思,请简单说明、通俗说明.
常见表达是:Chinese food中餐
七、【bring take carry等词辨识:这几个单词都是及物动词.bring带来,把某东西带到说话这个地方, take与bring方向相反,take拿走,带走,把某东西弄到远离说话这个地方去, carry搬运,扛、抬、提等等,没有方向性.】
八、【常见搭配:be strict with sb对某人要求严格,be strict with sth对某事要求严格, be kind to sb对某人善良、仁慈、友好.kind种类,all kinds of 各种各样,一点儿kind of =a little=a bit=a little bit用于形容词前面,或者不可数名词前面.初中阶段一般情况主要要求掌握这些.】
九、【on lakes意思:在湖上,】
例如、1、Another traditional acitivity is to float paper lanterns on lakes and rivers.另一项传统活动是在湖里和河里放水灯.
2. The rafts are secured in remote idylls on lakes in the Netherlands and Belgium.
十、【pleasant对事物 pleased对人, 解析:常见用法
1、例如Pleased to meet you.=Nice to meet you.意思:pleased=happy,
2、pleasure,It's a/my pleasure.=With my pleasure.You're welcome.=That's all right.】
十、【1、共同点:入口处,登记、注册,解析:entry,n,进入处,词组:make an entry into the town ;entrance,n进入口,v进入,词组:be entranced with sth 完全被.迷住/吸引住.2、有同 version与edition,version n 版本,改写本, edition 版本,改写本,简装/精装/平装,期刊,它们相同处较多,常常换换.】
十二、求help out用法 说【I often help out my mother with her housework.=I often help my mother with her housework.而help out帮助.摆脱困难,例如My father helped me out when I lost my job.这个词组help out是:动词+副词,动副结构,代词作宾语必须放在中间:动词+代词(it,me,them)+副词,名词作宾语必须放在其后:动词+副词+名词(my mother,my father)】
十三、世界万物 all the things in the world 例如the earth,the moon, the sun, 1、等等独一无二的东西前面the要加,2、序数词前面the要加,3、形容词的最高级前面the要加.
十五、read it aloud与aloudly有同:【aloud副词;loud形容词,或者副词;loudly形容词,或者副词;aloudly是错误拼写.
aloud loud 和 loudly 都表示大声地用法上有区别 :
aloud , loud二者作副词都有大声地、响亮意思有时通用aloud与read think连用时表示出声而loud用于talk speak shout laugh等动词之口语代替loudly
① aloud 强调发出声音能被听见意思出声地或大声地常用 read call 等动词连用例:
Please read the text aloud. 请朗读下课文
② loud 意响亮地、大声或高声地侧重发出音量大传得远般多用来修饰 speak talk laugh 等动词 loud 还用作形容词例: Speak louder, please, or no one will hear you. 请大声些否则没人能听见.
③ loudly 意响亮地其基本意义与 loud 相同还常与 ring knock 等动词连用 loudly 放动词前均含有喧闹或嘈杂意味例: Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly. 突墙上铃大声地响起来.
aloud, loudly只能用作副词;loud既作副词也用作形容词当副词用时loudly与loud样用来说明声音强度意思"高声地喧噪地"只动词面loud比loudly更常用些们反义:quietly例:
Don't talk so loud (loudly)----you'll wake the whole street. 别大声说快把左邻右舍都吵醒了
Someone knocked loudly (loud) at the door. 有人大声敲门
She has a very good pronunciation when she reads aloud.朗读时发音.】
十六、【have a try to do sth=try to do sth 尝试尽力做某事,语言避免重复】
十七、【按照常见用法改正:Welcome to my home,×××. (单个人名,放在最后)
Welcome to China,Mr Green. Welcome to China,everyone.】
十八、【Big Ben前面加the Silk Road呢 埃及金字塔说 加the,地名前面需要加the,例如the Great Wall,the Summer Palace,等等,英语语言中,一般说来,尊重第一个人翻译.比如,Peking=Beijing,Peking Opera =Beijing Opera .语言是随着生活发展而变化,语言只是人们的交流工具,因此会有一些变化.】
十九、Her life was changed by me.她的生活由我改变了.【此句正确】, He changed 【from删除】 a bad boy【 to改成into 】 a good man. change ...into...词组用法,be changed表示被改变 被换.
二十、【It's far (away) from my home. away要要:(根据自己要表达意思才能确定),
1、far 远的,2、far away 遥远的,如果学校、单位离家,就用far;如果两国家、大城市,远离星球,常用far away 】
二十、eat cabbage用用复数 cabbage何时采用复数 类似复复数问题有技巧.【cabbage
二十二、改正:perform an operation on sb= do an operation on sb 给某人做手术, hit/bite sb in one's face/chest?【解析:1、 hit sb in one's face/chest软处,2、 hit sb on one's back/head(硬处),3、bite sb in one's face/chest/leg ,4、bite sb on one's back/head(较少出现) 】
二十三、求have on (穿衣)示例用法【:例如:The boy has on a red cap.这个男孩戴一顶红帽子.have on (穿衣)=have got on=put on,】
二十四、【1、walk up to the mountain top 这种常常是顺着路走到山顶,没有危险,也不太困难.
2、 climb up (to) the mountain (top)说法对 ,一般情况,没有路线,有危险,困难多,需要勇气和探险精神.】
再问: 可能我还来不及看,不过首先非常的谢谢您!
再答: 这些内容,多数我核查过词典、工具书等等。
再问: 您好 My home is (5 km) far from my school.和My home is (5 km) far away from my school. My home is (5 km) away from my school. 哪个对?{周末再采纳吧}
再答: 【解答】My home is (5 km) far from my school.和My home is (5 km) far away from my school. My home is (5 km) away from my school. 哪个对?
答:My home is (5 km) away from my school.(说话具体)
A 地点名词+is+基数词+km/m+away from +名词/代词。(说话具体)
B地点名词+is+ far away from +名词/代词。(说话笼统)
(far away 可以用far替换)
e.g. My home is very far from the hospital.(说话笼统)
My home is 20 kilometers away from the hospital.(说话具体)