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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 04:29:23
1. 名词(或代词)+名词
She found him a very clever boy.
2. 名词(或代词)+形容词
He had a strange way of making his class lively and interesting.
3. 名词(或代词)+副词或介词短语
Last Sunday I saw you out with your sister.
To her surprise, she found herself in a different world.
4. 名词(或代词)+分词(分词短语)
I saw him doing his homework when I passed his window.
I was absent-minded when I heard my name called.
eg.They caught boy stealing.
被动语态 The boy was caught stealing.
stealing 即为主语补足语
(1) I saw him playing basketball yesterday.
(2) He was seen playing basketball yesterday.
句(1)中的含义不是我看见他,而是我看见他正在打篮球.playing basketball是宾语him的补足语.所以叫宾语补足语.
句(2)中的含义也不是他被看,而是别人看见他正在打篮球.这里的playing basketball是主语he的补足语,故称作主语补足语.主语和主语补足语一起称作复合主语.所以含有主语补足语的句子一般是被动语态,谓语动词是可以接复合宾语(宾语+宾语补足语)的及物动词.句首的主语就是主语补足语的逻辑主语.
1. 动词elect, call, name, make, find, leave等后面常接名词用作主语补足语.例如:
① The dog is called Karl.
② Coal is sometimes called stored-up sunlight.
③ He was found the right man for the job.
2. 动词keep, make, paint, cut, burn, beat, wash, find, consider, wipe等后面常接形容词用作主语补足语.例如:
① The door was painted white.
② The old man was found weak.
③ The classroom is always kept clean every day.
3. 动词see, watch, hear, feel, listen to, look at, imagine等后面接分词用作主语补足语.例如:
① He is often heard reading English.
② The professor was seen making an experiment in the chemistry lab.
③ The glass was found broken.
④ The classroom was found crowded with people.
4.感官动词see, watch, hear, notice, feel, make等后面接带to的不定式用作主语补足语.例如:
① He was seen to come upstairs.
② Ice is known to be in a solid state.
③ The spy was ordered to be hanged.
5. 介词短语用作主语补足语.例如:
① The books in the study must be kept in good order.
② He was found in good health.
③ English is considered of great importance for us.
6. as后面接名词、形容词、分词等用作主语补足语.例如:
① English is taken as a useful means for research work.
② The news is considered as true.
③ The stool is usually thought as having four legs
④ The vase is thought as broken.
7. 由what引导的名词性从句用作主语补足语.例如:
The boy has been made what he is.
三、 主语补足语的判别
2. 另一种最简单的方法是:如果还不能看出来就可以把全句改成主动语态,加上一个主语we或people等.改成主动语态后,看后面是不是变成了“宾语+宾语补足语”了,这样我们就可以判别原句后面是不是主语补足语.例如:
被动句:She was found reading in the library. (主语补足语)
主动句:We found her reading in the library. (宾语+宾语补足语)
一、 被动语态的用法:
1. 一般现在时的被动语态构成:is / am / are + 及物动词的过去分词
Our classroom is cleaned everyday.
I am asked to study hard.
Knives are used for cutting things.
2. 一般过去时的被动语态构成:was / were + 及物动词的过去分词
A new shop was built last year.
Dinosaur eggs were laid long long ago.
3. 现在完成时的被动语态构成:has / have + been + 及物动词的过去分词
This book has been translated into many languages.
Many man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.
4. 一般将来时的被动语态构成:will+ be + 及物动词的过去分词
A new hospital will be built in our city.
Many more trees will be planted next year.
5. 含有情态动词的被动语态构成:情态动词+ be + 及物动词的过去分词
Young trees must be watered often.
Your mistakes should be corrected right now.
The door may be locked inside.
Your homework can be handed in tomorrow.
6. 现在进行时的被动语态构成:am / is / are + being + 及物动词的过去分词
Uncle Wang is mending my bike now.→
My bike is being repaired by Tom now.
They are planting trees over there. →
Trees are being planted over there by them.
7. 不定式的被动语态:to + be + 及物动词的过去分词
There are two books to be read. →
There are twenty more trees to be planted.
二、 怎样把主动语态改成被动语态?
1. 先找出谓语动词;
2. 再找出谓语动词后的宾语;
3. 把宾语用作被动语态中的主语;
4. 注意人称、时态和数的变化.
例:1. Bruce writes a letter every week. →A letter is written by Bruce every week.
2. Li Lei mended the broken bike this morning.→The broken bike was mended by Li Lei this morning.
3. He has written two novels so far.→Two novels have been written by him so far.
4. They will plant ten trees tomorrow.→Ten trees will be planted by them tomorrow.
5. Lucy is writing a letter now.→A letter is being written by Lucy now.
6. You must lock the door when you leave.→the door must be locked when you leave.
三、 使用被动语态应注意的几个问题:
1. 不及物动词无被动语态.
What will happen in 100 years.
The dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago.
2. 有些动词用主动形式表示被动意义.
This pen writes well.
This new book sells well.
3. 感官动词或使役动词使用省略to的动词不定式,主动语态中不带to ,但变为被动语态时,须加上to .
例:make somebody do something→somebody+ be +made to do something
see somebody do something→somebody +be +seen to do something
A girl saw my wallet drop when she passed by.→My wallet was seen to drop by a girl when she passed by.
The boss made the little boy do heavy work.→The little boy was made to do heavy work by the boss.
4. 如果是接双宾语的动词改为被动语态时,直接宾语(物)作主语,那么动词后要用介词,这个介词是由与其搭配的动词决定.
He gave me a book.→A book was given to me by him.
He showed me a ticket.→A ticket was shown to me by him.
My father bought me a new bike. →A new bike was bought for me by my father.
5. 一些动词短语用于被动语态时,动词短语应当看作一个整体,而不能丢掉其中的介词或副词.
We can’t laugh him. →He can’t be laugh by us.
He listens to the radio every day. →The radio is listened to by him every day.
The nurse is taking care of the sick man. →The sick man is being taken care of by the nurse.
1. I tasted the soup. ( taste 为及物动词,意思为“品尝”.)
2. The soup tastes wonderful. (taste 为系动词,意思为“尝起来,吃起来”,意思基本未变.)
3. He went to the cinema yesterday evening. ( go 是不及物动词,意思为“去,走”.)
4. At the news, he went mad. (go为系动词,失去了“go”的原义,意为“变得”.)
另外,英语中还有一定数量的不及物动词,完全保留了本身的词汇意义,同时又发挥着系动词的功能.它们与主语补足成分连用,所以这类词被称为“准系动词”(quasi-linking verb or half-linking verb).用于“S+Vi+Cs”(S代表主语,Vi代表不及物动词,Cs代表主语补足语)这一句式的动词都属于这种用法.有时,主语补足语不紧跟系动词,有可能被其它状语成分隔开.以“go”为例:
5. At twenty-four, Tom went half-bald. ( go 为系动词,失去原义.)
6. After midnight, Tom went home bored.( go 为准系动词,保留原义,但同时又连接主语“Tom”和主补“bored”,“home”为副词,表示地点状语.)
Type1: S + Vi +Cs (NP)
7. We parted the best friends.
= We were the best friends when we parted.
8. I stand before you today the representative of a family in grief.
= I am the representative of a family in grief when I stand before you today.
类似的动词包括: come (back), die, fall, go, leave 等.
Type2: S + Vi +Cs (AP)
9. They were born poor, lived poor, and poor they died.
= They were poor when they were born; they were poor when they lived; they were poor when they died.
10. She married young.
= She was young when she married.
11. The morning dawned fresh and clear after the storm at night.
= When the morning dawned after the storm at night, it was fresh and clear.
类似的动词包括:arrive, come (back), dawn, fall, leave, lie, marry, return, sit, stand, turn out 等.
Type3: S + Vi +Cs (Pr.P)
12. The parcel arrived in good condition.
= When the parcel arrived, it was in good condition.
13. They separated with feelings alienation.
= They had feelings alienation when they separated.
类似的动词包括:come, die, fall, go, leave, lie, part, return, sit, stand等.
Type4: S + Vi +Cs (P.P)
14. They stood listening to him.
= They stood while they were listening to him.
15. He came home convinced that she was telling the truth.
= He came home and he was convinced that she was telling the truth.
类似的动词包括:arrive, die, fall, go, leave, lie, return, sit 等.
Mr. Smith, our new teacher, is very kind to us.
our new teacher是主词Mr. Smith的同位语,指同一人.
Yesterday I met Tom, a friend of my brother's.
a friend of my brother's是受词Tom的同位语,指同一人.
He himself told me that his brother John is a world-famous doctor.
Yesterday I talked to my English teacher, Mr. James.
同位语Mr. James补充解释my English teacher,同位语与其同位成分之间可用逗点隔开.
We Chinese people are brave and hardworking.
He is interested in sports, especially ball games.
同位从句一般跟在某些名词如answer(答案),hope(希望),fact(事实),belief (信仰),news(消息),idea(主意;观念),promise(承诺),information(信息),conclusion(结论),order(命令), suggestion(建议),problem(问题),thought (想法)等后面.例如: He always works hard even if he knows the fact that he is not in good health. His failure was due to the fact that he had not practised for a long time. I had no idea that you were here. She told us her hope that she would become a pianist. He made a promise that he would never come late. 注意: that 既可引导同位语从句又可引导定语从句,其区别在于:同位语从句由连接词that引导,连接词that本身无意义,在同位语从句中不充当任何成分,不可省略,不可以用其他词替代;定语从句由关系代词that引导,关系代词that在从句中充当一定的成分,作宾语时可省略,由when, why, where引导的 同位语从句和定语从句的区别在于: 同位语从句由连接副词只起连接作用,没有指代作用; 定语从句由关系副词引导,关系副词具有指代先行词的作用,常用一个介词加关系代词替换.例如:I will never forget the day when we first met. (同位语从句, when为连接词) That is the special day (which/that) I will never forget. (定语从句,which/that为关系副词) This is the house where we lived fifteen years ago. (同位语从句, where为连接词) This is the house which we sold fifteen years ago. (定语从句,where为关系副词)
表语是用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的,表语常由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、动词的-ing、从句来充当,它常位于连系动词(be, become, appear, seem,look,sound,feel,get,smell等词)之后.
一. 名词作表语
Africa is a big continent. (continent. 是句中的表语、)
That remains is a puzzle to me. (puzzle是句中的表语、)
二. 代词作表语
What’s your fax number?
Who's your best friend?
三. 形容词作表语
I feel much better today.
四. 数词作表语
She was the first to learn about it.
五. 不定式或ing形式作表语
Her job is selling computers.
Our next step was to get raw materials ready.
六. 介词短语作表语
The patient is out of danger.
I don’t feel at ease.
七. 副词作表语
The sun is up.
I must be off now.
八. 从句作表语
This is what he said.
hope, idea, job, plan, wish, aim, purpose, thing, business

The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, not to make it more difficult.
Her wish is to become a singer.
Our plan is to finish the work in two weeks.
What the police want to know is when you entered the room.
The trouble is that we are short of funds.
This is what we should do.
That's why I want you to work there.
His first question was whether Mr. Smith had arrived yet.

as if, as though, because也可用来引导表语从句.
She seems as if she had done a great thing.
她看起来好像做了一件大事. It is because you eat too much.
My hobby is growing flowers.
My favourite sport is playing tennis.


What I am going to do is to play tennis this afternoon.
在句型"主 + 系 + 表"中,若主语和表语都是非谓语形式时,主语和表语要取得一致.如:主语

Seeing is believing.
To see is to believe.

(误) Seeing is to believe.

a swimming pool
a teaching method

Do you know the man standing at the entrance?
There were a lot of people boating on the lake.
主语是idea, notion, proposal, suggestion, request等名词时,
My suggestion is that we (should) go and help him.
Our only request is that this should be settled as soon as possible.