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英语翻译Italy is a great country full of history and culture tha

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 08:38:32
Italy is a great country full of history and culture that amazes the world.Italy is located in Southern Europe,on the Italian Peninsula and it’s bordered by the Mediterranean Sea,which hosts two Italian Islands:Sardinia and Sicily.Italy is a country full of beauty,art and fashion,all these are mixed to give Italy a magic atmosphere and to captivate tourist from every corner of the world.
Discovering Italy can be a pleasant and unforgettable experience,each corner of this beautiful country will take you back in time to ancient times and you will recognize its great development till nowadays.Italy offers unbeatable touristic destinations such as:Florence and its artistic productions and fashion,Rome,the capital city known as the eternal city,Venice,the romantic city built under water,Verona,an imposing city setting of the drama "Romeo and Juliet",and Milan,the most fashionable city in Italy.
Italy has countless places to visit and enjoy:firstly The Leaning Tower of Pisa or Torre pendent di Pisa in Italian,which is situated in Piazza dei Miracoli,the Tower was built under Romanesque style and it started to lean from its construction; it’s a symbol of Italy and its attractions.
However,the Leaning Tower is not a unique highlight in Italy; Rome,the capital of Italy,has many attractions and tours for all the family and great places to stay at such as the Rome Apartments scattered around the city; The museums in Rome and The Piazzas are some of the most interesting places in Italy,because most of the major artists,representatives of ancient times,were born in Italy and Rome conserves their artworks at the many museums,churches and even piazzas some of these places are:Saint Peter’s Square and Basilica,Castel Sant' Angelo,Piazza Navona and the Fountin of Four Rivers,Santa Maria del Popolo and Piazza del Popolo and The Pantheon among other places.
Find in this Italy Travel Guide,the most reliable information about Italy and its stunning highlights,places to explore and visit,see photos,learn useful tips,and much more and let us help you plan your trip to this country in advance.You must consider that a trip to Italy is not only about culture,art,history,paintings and museums but about the exclusive restaurants,pizzerias,caffes,and a vibrant nightlife made up by clubs,bars,pubs; and don’t forget about fashion.
Besides all the attractions,nature has a special place in every trip to Italy; the amazing panoramic natural resources and landscapes such as:The Alps in the North,The Bay of Naples and Mt.Vesuvius are some of the most famous views.If you’re planning to visit Italy you must check all details in advance such as the Car Hire Italy that will allow you to go around the city and decide by yourself,where to stay and how much time to spend at each place without pressures; check the place where you’ll stay such as hotels,B&B´s,Rome apartments and others.
英语翻译Italy is a great country full of history and culture tha
意大利是一个令世界惊讶的伟大国家,充满了历史和文化, 意大利位于欧洲南部,在意大利半岛和它的毗邻地中海,它承载了两个意大利群岛:撒丁岛和西西里岛. 意大利是一个充满了美感,艺术和时尚的国家,这些都混合成了一个神奇气氛的意大利,令从每一个角落的世界而来的游客著迷.
探索意大利可能是一个愉快而难忘的经历,这个美丽的国家的每个角落,将带你回到古代的时候,你会认识到它的大发展,直到今天, 意大利提供了无与伦比的旅游目的地如:佛罗伦萨和其艺术作品和时尚,罗马,首都被称为永恒之城,威尼斯,浪漫的城市建在水中,维罗纳,气势宏伟的城市设定的戏剧“罗密欧与朱丽叶”,和米兰,最时尚的城市.
然而,斜塔是不是唯一的亮点.在意大利首都的罗马,有许多旅游景点可以为家庭旅游提供很棒的住宿地点如散落在城市附近的罗马公寓.在意大利,罗马博物馆和露天广场是一些最有趣的地方,因为大多数能代表古代艺术的艺术家们,都出生在意大利,而罗马在众多的博物馆,教堂,甚至广场其中的一些地方,保存了他们的作品,有:圣彼得广场和大教堂,桑特堡“安杰洛,纳沃纳广场和四河喷泉,圣塔玛丽亚,del Popolo,Piazza del Popolo(雕像,翻不来名字)和万神殿等地.
从意大利旅游指南中可以发现,有关意大利最可靠的信息及其令人惊叹的亮点,探索和参观的地方,看照片,学习有用的技巧,等等,让我们来帮助您计划您的行程提前到这个国家. 你必须考虑到,意大利之行不仅是参观文化,艺术,历史,绘画和博物馆,还是体验独家​​餐馆,比萨店,咖啡馆和充满活力的夜生活组成的俱乐部,酒吧,酒馆.千万不要忘记时尚.
除了所有的景点,自然还有一个特殊的地方在每个意大利之行中;惊人的全景自然资源和景观,如:在北部的阿尔卑斯山,海湾的那不勒斯和维苏威火山是一些最有名的景观. 如果你计划前往意大利,必须事先检查所有细节,如在意大利租车,可以让你去周边城市,毫无压力的由自己决定,在那里停留多少时间,在每一个地方的花费.检查你将会留下来地方,如酒店,B&B, 罗马公寓等等.
真素疯了.这么多 - -