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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/20 19:57:31
住院诊疗经过:入院后完善相关检查,26/7局部麻醉下行肿瘤微创活检术,术后病理:(右乳肿物)浸润性导管癌.ER(+++),PR(+++),cerbb(-),Ki-76约30%癌细胞阳性.术前B超示:1,右乳腺实质性占位病变-血供丰富(外下象限探及一1.5x1.3cm).2,子宫多发实质性占位病变(肌瘤?)-血供不丰富.于2010-07-29行右乳癌单纯切除术+前哨淋巴结活检术,手术后病理:术后3/8予TC方案化疗(多西他赛 120mg + CTX1g)一周期,手术切口愈合好,复查血象正常,今予以出院.
Admission reason: A tumur-like growing shows in the right breast for about 1 year, and biopsy confirmed cancer cells for about a month ago.
Patient's general appearance: No abnomal findings in cardiac-pulmonary system, adominal region and vital signs are stable.
Cancer specialist findings: Found a aproximately 1.5 cm X 1.5 cm hardening in the lower edge of the right breast. The skin surface is smooth, no reports of pain from the patient while putting presure on the hardening area. No secretion from the nipple when putting presure to it. No findings of any lymph nodes in the right axilary area.
Diagnosis: Right breast cancer (post biopsy)
During hospitalization: Finished pre-surgery physical examination, on 07/26/10 performed biopsy with local anesthesia.
Pathophisiology (post biopsy): Invasive ductal carcinoma in the right breast. ER(+++),PR(+++),cerbb(-),Ki-76
On 07/29/10, perfromed Right side mastectomy + sentinal lymph node biopsy
Post surgery: 08/03/10, started chemotherapy (120 mg Docetaxel + CTx1g) for a week. Patient tolerated the procedure well. The surgical side was healing properly. CBC/BMP is within normal range. Patient's discharged.
Post-surgery biopsy shows: T1N0M0
Physical status of the patient while discharging: Patient's vital signs are stable. No major complains of discomfort, no abnormal findings in cardiac-pulmonary systems and adominal region.
Follow up with scheduled outpatient treatments
PRN treatment for increasing WBC
**.带升白针出院备用**. 这个我也不太明白,因为按常理这个不应该带回家的