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谁知道新概念英语同步测试卷 第一册Test19,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 13:30:22
谁知道新概念英语同步测试卷 第一册Test19,
谁知道新概念英语同步测试卷 第一册Test19,
一1i2a3o4au5a6a7ay8ui9ee10ow11i12ea13ui14g15m16c17e18er19ea20s 三1whisky/water2restaurant3downstairs4breakfast5tomorrow6already7vegetables8coffee9all10 gone 四1am playing 2have 3stayed 4is talking 5talked 6have finished 7told 8has been 9rains 10rained 二 略 打不出来 五DCCBCCBBBA 六1tells--tell 2beefs--beef 3behind--after 4yet--already 5since--for 6去掉the 7in--on 8去掉to 9 gone--been 10去掉ago 七1Where is Carol She is downstairs.2Tom and Sam had dinner together at a restaurant.3Have a glass of whisky,Carol.4I have packed our suitcase.Mum and I are going to have a holiday.
I.1.t,t 2.a 3.a 4.i 5.a 6.m 7.i 8.u n9.r 10.n 11.u 12.r 13.e 14.u 15.i 16.w 17.w 18.t 19.i 20.u
III.1.sharpening 2.answered 3.questions 4.attendant 5.garage 6.repair 7.bought 8.saw 9.
一1i 2r 3o 4o 5o 6r 7o 8i 9e 10w 11l 12y 13r 14i 15a 16a 17e 18o 19e 20i 二音标不会打 三1neighbour 2move 3still 4poor 5people 6pilot 7train 8platform 9plenty 10catch 四1will go 2will come 3rained 4will rain 5is raining 6will repair 7Will ;telephone 8will;go 9did;win 10not catch 五BCCABCCBBA 六1is--are 2is going to walk--walks 3goes--go 4finished--finish 5去掉do 6are playing--played 7goes--go 8for three days--in three days 9did not--won,t(英文简写的撇不会打,只好用逗号了) 10went--go 七1Has George bought the car?2When will we move into the new house?3You are a lucky man.You have a good wife.4The pilots will have dinner together this evening.5You had better take care of your grandma.She is ill.6你什么时候离开学校?7他最好告诉她母亲真相.8实际上,我父亲下个月要去度假.9谁会是最先离开的?10请出示你的护照.八1He will go to the airport this evening.2He will be a poilot next year.3We stayed at home last night.4My boss wanted me to drive the car last night.5They left the police office yesterday in the early morning.6They had a camping last weekend.7You had better telephone him.8My father will go to work tomorrow morning.9Mike plays the piano every afternoon.10When will you come to my party this Friday?
再问: 你是复制的吧,这些我都看了,第一个答案的第一个是18课的.要想回答问题,一定要是自己知道的,复制别人的算不算作弊呢? 不过还是谢谢你!