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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 16:39:04
Owner’s manual claims CEA Power ratings, but the specs printed do not follow CEA
guidelines. CEA Power ratings do not permit THD to exceed 1.0%. CEA Power rating
compliance should not be indicated unless the specifications are measured in accordance
with the CEA-2006B guidelines. Additionally, there are specific CEA logos and guidelines
to use in all printed materials. And, the company must be a participating CEA Member.

The preamp outputs of the second sample also measured high THD at any volume setting
when using an “all bits high” test track. (0dBfs at 1kHz)

Why is there only 400mV of output on the sub channel, even with the SW output turned
up to maximum? This RCA output should at least equal the preamp output voltage of the
main channels. This is a potential source of complaints.

The Signal to Noise measurement on the Preamp outputs was significantly different
between the two samples. This number should be consistent within a few percent.

The Front Aux input jack does not accept a standard length (14-15mm) jack. When the
jack is pushed fully in, the left channel has no output. This happened on BOTH samples.

The unit has high output impedance, which can lead to ground loops in the signal path,
and alternator noise complaints. Should be 100 ohms or lower.
业主手册(用户手册?)声明了CEA(消费电子协会)额定功率,但是印刷规范并未遵循CEA指准则.CEA额定功率不允许总谐波失真超过1.0%.除非按照CEA-2006B准则测量规格,否则不应注明符合CEA额定功率.另外,有所有印刷手册使用的专用CEA标志和准则(这句话有歧义,或者 所有印刷手册需要使用专用CEA标志和指导原则).公司还必须是CEA会员.




