作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 10:28:19
解题思路: 这些对话都带有中文翻译,是日常生活常见的对话
1、你有什么计划吗?... 2
2、这几天真是太打扰你了... 2
3、英文问路指路... 3
4、这位子有人坐吗?... 4
5、打电话预定餐厅位子... 5
6、商务宴会中的英文点菜方式... 6
7、At Breakfast 吃早餐... 8
8、如何用英语买火车票... 10
9、谈薪水必备英语口语... 11
10、On a Bus 在公共汽车上... 13
11、Asking Favors 求助... 14
12、Making an Appointment 预约... 15
13、Saying Goodbye 告别... 16
14、Meeting old friends 老友重逢... 17
15、Saying Thank You 道谢... 18
16、介绍和开场白... 20
17、Finding a Room 找住房... 21
18、At a Hotel 在旅馆... 22
19、The weather 天气... 24
20、这里停车每小时多少钱?... 25
21、为什么突然要辞职呢?... 25
1、你有什么计划吗? Nancy:Have a nice weekend!
Jerry:Thanks. You too!
Nancy:Do you have any plans?
Jerry:Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you?
Nancy:Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.
2、这几天真是太打扰你了 John:Have you had a good time these past few days?
Lily:Yes. Kunming is really a beautiful place.
John:Thank you. You're welcome here anytime you want.
Lily:I'm afraid I've been a bother these past few days.
John:Don't mention it. You know, we're old friends.
Lily:Well. Please come to Beijing if you have time, and let me do the honors.
John:Okay. Have a safe trip.
3、英文问路指路 A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?
B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.
A: Oh ! I think I’m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station?
B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.
A: Excuse me. I’m afraid I got lost. Can you show me the way to the station?
B: I’m walking that way. Let me lead you the way.
A: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. I’m looking for the Museum.
B: Boy, you are lost. It’s across town.
A: Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Museum?
B: You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus to get there.
4、这位子有人坐吗? 乘客A:Excuse me, is this seat taken?
乘客B:No, I don't think so.
乘客A:Thanks,I am waiting for the train at 9 o’clock to Shanghai.Where will you go?
乘客B:What a coincidence! we are the same train.
乘客A:Really? What is your seat number?
乘客B:No.5 on the second row. And you?
乘客A:I am on the third row, No.10.
乘客B:Could you please keep an eye on my luggage? I want to go to the washroom.
乘客A:No problem.
乘客B:Thank you so much.
5、打电话预定餐厅位子 La Lanterna Restaurant:Good evening, La Lanterna. May I help you?
Shelly Jackson:Good evening. I’d like to make a dinner reservation for this Friday, the 8th.
La Lanterna Restaurant:Alright, just a moment please and I’ll check our reservations book.Okay, how many people are there in your party?
Shelly Jackson:There’ll be six, four adults and two children.
La Lanterna Restaurant:What time would you like the reservation for?
Shelly Jackson:6:30,please.
La Lanterna Restaurant:Alright, and what is your name?
Shelly Jackson:It’s Shelly Jackson.
La Lanterna Restaurant:OK, Ms. Jackson. So, that’s a party reservation for six, Friday, the 8th at 6:30.
Shelly Jackson:Yes, that’s right. Thank you very much.
1.I’d like to make a dinner reservation for this Friday, the 8th.我想要订这个星期五,也就是8号的晚餐位子。
6、商务宴会中的英文点菜方式 1
(Office ambience)
A:Chen Hao, you've been attending a lot of business dinners lately. Didn't your team go out again last night with the clients?
C:没错。我老板Mr. Brown决定请客人到附近刚开张的那家法国餐馆去吃饭。
A:How did it go?
A:What do you mean?
A:What did the others do?
A:This client sounds as if she could use some business etiquette training. Unless Mr. Brown suggested that you all order certain pricey dishes, she should have chosen something moderately priced。
A:It's rude to take advantage of your host like that. This client is not very savvy about business dining。
C: Savvy是什么意思啊?
A:Savvy means having knowledge and experience。
A:Let's head back to the office now. You can tell me on the way。
A:So there is more to this story?
A:Like what?
A:What did everyone else do?
C:Mr. Brown虽然吃得很少,但也只好跟着她一道菜一道菜地点。
A:He was doing the correct thing as host by ordering the same as the client。
A:When someone orders appetizers or other dishes in addition to the entrée, it is polite for others to order the same courses。
A:That keeps the pace of the dinner even and avoids the awkwardness of one person eating a course by herself。
A:At an informal dinner, some people have soup while others may select a different appetizer to have at the same time. Everyone should have an equal number of courses。
A:Simple. The host can say, "Why don't we all have an appetizer?" Or he could ask, "Would anyone like something to start with?"
A:Right. If no one else has a starter course, then you don't either。
7、At Breakfast 吃早餐 Coffee shops are popular, reasonably priced restaurants for breakfast, lunch, dinner or just a snack.
1.A: You're having coffee, aren't you?
B: Yes, I always have coffee in the morning.
A: What are you going to have to eat?
B: I'm going to order scrambled eggs and toast. What about you?
A: That sounds good to me. I'll have the same.
2.A: You'd like coffee, wouldn't you?
B: I think I'd rather have tea this morning.
A: What else are you going to have?
B: Just an English muffin. What are you going to have?
A: That sounds good. I'm going to order the same thing.
3.A: You're going to have coffee, aren't you?
B: Yes. I could use a cup of coffee.
A: Are you going to have anything to eat?
B: French toast sounds good. What are you going to order?
A: I'll have that too.
4.A: A cup of coffee sounds good, doesn't it?
B: Yes, but I think I'll have orange juice first.
A: Do you feel like having anything to eat?
B: Well, I think I'll try the pancakes. How about you?
A: Sounds great. That's just what I feel like having.
8、如何用英语买火车票 这是一段在美国买火车票时的对话:
A: What time's the next train to Washington?
A: 下一趟去华盛顿的车几点开?
B: That's 9:26 on Track 14.
B: 9点26分,14轨道。
A: When does it get there?
A: 什么时候到?
B: It's scheduledto arrive at 10:50.
B: 按照列车时刻表是10点50分到。
A: How much is it?
A: 多少钱?
B: It's $30.00 one way or $55.00 round trip.
B: 单程票30美元,往返票55美元。
A: What's the next train from Beijing to Tianjin?
A: 去天津,最近的一趟是哪个?
B: T548 at 15:01.
B: T548,下午3点01分出发。
A: What time does it get there?
A: 什么时候到呢?
B: It gets there around 16:26.
B: 大约4点26分到。
A: What's the fare?
A: 多少钱?
B: Hard seat is RMB 30.00.
B: 硬座30元。
9、谈薪水必备英语口语 A: How time flies! It's pay day again!
A: 时间过得真快!又到了发薪日了!
B: Yes, it is! You're an engineer, aren't you?
B: 是呀,真快!你是工程师,是吗?
A: Yes, I am。
A: 是的。
B: So you must be earning decently, don't you?
B: 那你钱一定挣得不少喽?
A: Well, just average。
A: 哦,只不过一般而已。
B: What's your salary then, may I ask?
B: 那能不能问一下你的薪水是多少?
A: Sure. My monthly pay is $2,500. What about yours?
A: 当然,我每月的工资是2500美元,你的呢?
B: I'm paid weekly, and it's around $700 per week。
B: 我拿的是周薪,每星期大约700美元左右。
A: That means you can get $2,800 a month. Right? That's quite a sum of money。
A: 那就是说你每月可得2800美元,对吗?这是相当可观的一笔钱呢!
B: Yes, but my pay is on an hourly basis and it's not up to much。
B: 是的,不过我的工资是以小时计算的,而这笔收入并不足道。
A: Then you must be working overtime。
A: 那么你一定在加班工作了。
B: That's right. I work 24 hours' overtime a week. And the overtime pay is usually more than the regular pay。
B: 对,我一星期加班24小时。而加班工资通常要高于固定工资。
A: So overtime has a bearing on how much you may make in a job. Don't you think so?
A: 所以加班影响工资收入的多少,你不这样认为吗?
B: Definitely. And the degree of responsibility in a job also has a great deal to do with the salary。
B: 是这样,而且工作中所负责任的轻重程度同薪水也有密切联系。
A: Yes. And so are other factors such as experience and fringe benefits。
A: 是的,其他如经验、福利待遇等因素也是这样。
B: No doubt about that. But anyway I have to work hard to earn my money。
B: 这是毫无疑问的,不过无论如何我得努力工作才挣得到钱。
What makes you think we should give you a raise?
I hope you will seriously consider a pay increase。
Your monthly gross salary will increase by 300 yuan。
Good salesman will naturally earn more。
I will give you a one-time bonus for your recent hard work。
10、On a Bus 在公共汽车上 In cities, buses have letters or numbers indicating their routes. Usually the exact fare is required because you can't get change on a bus. Long-distance travel by bus is common throughout the United States and Cannda. It is an inexpensive, scenic way to travel. Special tickets for unlimited travel are sometimes offered by the larger bus companies.
1.A: Does this bus go to the train station?
B: No, You'll have to get off at the bank and take the A52.
A: How long is the ride?
B: About ten minutes.
2.A: Is this the bus for Park Ridge?
B: No. It only goes as far as Main Street, but you can get the Number 31 there.
A: How long does it take to get there?
B: It only takes a few minutes.
3.A: Does this bus go to the beach?
B: No. You're going the wrong way. You want the Number11. It stops in front of the post
A: About how long does it take?
B: Only fifteen minutes.
4.A:Is this the right bus for Pacific Boulevard?
B: No. You should have taken the Yellow Line bus. You can get one at the next stop.
A: Is it long ride?
B: Not that long.
11、Asking Favors 求助 When you ask for things, it is important to be polite. The intonation that you use in making your request is as important as what you actually say. When you think someone will refuse your request, you can ask the question in such a way that the refusal does not cause embarrassment.
1. A: Is there any chance of my borrowing your type-writer?
B: For how long?
A: Until the end of the week.
B: Yes, I guess that would be all right.
2. A: Would you mind if I borrowed your car?
B: Well, when exactly?
A: Until Monday or Tuesday of next week.
B: I'm sorry, but it's just not possible.
3. A: Do you think you could lend me some of your records?
B: Until when?
A: Oh, just over the holidays.
B: I'm not sure. I'll have to think about it.
4. A: I was wondering if you'd let me stay with you for a few days.
B: It really depends on when.
A: Until next weekend, if that's OK.
B: Let me think it over, and I'll let you know later.
12、Making an Appointment 预约 It is usually necessary to make an appointment with a doctor, dentist or lawyer. You should call as far in advance as possible.
1.A: Would Dr. Block be able to see me at 9:30 tomorrow?
B: I'm sorry, but she won't have any openings until 11:00, unless there's a cancellation.
A: Would 1:00 be convenient?
B: Yes, she's free then.
2.A: I wonder if the dentist could fit me in early tomorrow?
B: I'm afraid there's nothing availavle before noon.
A: How about 12:45?
B: Sorry, but she's busy then too.
3.A: I'd like to make an appointment with Professor Smith. Would 9:00 tomorrow be all right?
B: I'm afraid not. She doesn't have any openings in the morning.
A: Could I possibly make it early in the afternoon?
B: Nol That's not good either. But give me your number and I'll call you if somebody
4.A: Do you think the doctor could see me tomorrow before 9:30?
B: She won't be in until 10:45, so the earliest would be 11:00.
A: How would 12:45 be?
B: Just a second. I'll have to check.
13、Saying Goodbye 告别 Saying Goodbye 告别
When you're far from friends and family, you can keep in touch with them by letters, post cards, short notes or phone calls.
1.A: I've come to say goodbye.
B: When are you off?
A: I'm flying home on Sunday afternoon.
B: Well, goodbye. See you soon.
A: Please don't forget to say goodbye to the rest of the family for me.
2.A: I'd like to say goodbye to everyone.
B: What time are you going?
A: My plane leaves at 7:25.
B; Well, goodbye and have a good trip!
A: Goodbye. Remember to look me up if you're ever in Washington.
3.A; I'm calling to say goodbye.
B: When do you leave?
A: I'm catching the 11:00 train.
B: Take care of yourself and don't forget to keep in touch.
A: Goodbye. Thanks again for everything.
4.A: I just dropped in to say goodbye.
B: What time are you leaving?
A: I'm going to try to leave by 10:00.
B: Take care and give my best to your parents.
A: Goodbye. Hope to see you again next year.
14、Meeting old friends 老友重逢 Many people shake hands when meeting after they havn't seen each other for a long time.
1. A: I haven't seen you for ages. You haven't been sich, have you?
B: No, I've been in California for the past month.
A: How nice. Where were you exactly?
B: San Diego. I got back yesterday.
2. A: It's nice to see you again. Have you chaged jobs?
B: No, I've been visiting relatives.
A: That's nice. Where?
B: I went to visit an uncle of mine in San Francisco.
3. A: You haven't been around much lately, have you?
B: No, I've been away on vacation.
A: Oh? Where were you?
B: Palm Springs. I've got a cousin there.
4. A: Well, hello, stranger! Have you moved or something?
B: No, I went to California for a few weeks.
A: Oh, really? Where did you go?
B: Los Angeles. I stayed with my brother.
15、Saying Thank You 道谢 When someone invites you for dinner, you can bring flowers,candy or a bottle of wine. Sometimes people send a thank you note to the host or hostess a few days after the event.
1.A: I'd better be going.
B: So soon? Why don't you stay a little longer?
A: I wish I could, but it's already late.
B: Oh, it's a shame that you have to leave.
A: Thank you for a wonderful meal.
B: I'm glad you enjoyed it.
2.A: I really must be going now.
B: But you just got here. Can't you stay a little longer?
A: That's very nice of you, but I really can't.
B: Well, it's too bad that you have to go.
A: Thanks very much. It was a great party!
B: It was our pleasure.
3.A: I think it's about time we got going.
B: What? Already? Won't you have more coffee?
A: I'd love to, but I have to get up early tomorrow.
B: Oh! I'm sorry. I wish you could stay.
A: Thank you for a very enjoyable evening.
B: Don't mention it. I hope you can come again soon.
4.A: I really should be on my way.
B: Oh, not yet! At least have one for the road.
A: No. Thanks all the same.
B: Well, I'm sorry you have to leave so early.
A: Thank you very much. We really had a good time.
B: Well, thank you for coming.
16、介绍和开场白 People in the United States don't always shake hands when they are introduced to one another. However, in a formal or business situation people almost always shake hands.
1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David.
B; I'm very glad to meet you.
C: It's a pleasure to meet you.
B: How do you like Texas so far?
C: It's really different from what I expected.
B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.
2.A: Mrs. Smith, I'd like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois.
B: How do you do?
C: Hello.
B: What's your impression of the United States?
C: Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here.
B: Oh, you'll get used to it soon!
3.A: Wendy, I'd like you to meet my brother Sam.
B: Hi.
C: Nice to meet you.
B: What do you think of Dallas?
C: Well, I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me.
B: You're bound to feel that way at first, I guess.
4.A: Mrs.Hughs, this is Peter Brown.
B: Pleased to meet you.
C: How do you do?
B: I hope you're enjoying your stay here.
C: If it weren't for the climate, I'd like it here very much.
B: It always takes time to get used to a new place.
17、Finding a Room 找住房 In smaller cities and towns, it's usually quite easy to find a room to rent. This is especially true in towns where universities or college are located.
1.A: Do you take in students?
B: Yes. If you don't mind sharing room, there's one available.
A: How much is it?
B: $30.00 a week.
A: Do you think I could have a look at it, please?
B: I'm on my way out now. Couldyou come back in an hour?
2.A: I've been told you might have a vacant room.
B: Yes. I have a spare room.
A: How much are you asking?
B: $10.00 a night.
A: Could I see the room, please?
B: Sure. Come on in.
3.A: A friend told em I might find a room here.
B: Yes. I'll have a room free next week.
A: What do you charge?
B: $25.00 a week, but you can't have visitors.
A: Fine. Would It be OK to look at the room?
B: Could you come back later? We're right in the middle of dinner.
4.A: I wonder if you can help me. I'm looking for a room.
B: Yes. I've got a small room.
A: How much do you charge?
B: $35.00 a week, but don't allow smoking.
A: OK. Can I see the room now?
B: Would you mind waiting? I'm on the telephone.
18、At a Hotel 在旅馆 Hotel and motel rates vary considerably. In major cities and resort areas, it is advisable to have reservations.
1.A: Do you have any vacancies?
B: Yes, we have a nice room on the fourth floor.
A: How much is it?
B: $45.00 a night, plus tax.
A: Can I see it, please?
B: Certainly. Would you come with me?
2.A: Do you have a single room for two nights?
B: We only have a small suite.
A: What's the rate?
B: $50.00 a night, including breakfast.
A: Fine. Could you show it to me, please?
B: Of course. Just follow me.
3.A: Can I reserve a double room for next week?
B: You can have a room facing the ocean.
A: How much would it be?
B: $55.00, including tax.
A: Could I have a look at the room?
B: Sure. Come this way, please.
4.A: Do you have a double room with twin beds?
B: I can let you have a room in the new wing.
A: What's the daily rate?
B: $60.00 a night.
A: Could you show me something less expensive?
B: Yes, of course. Right this way, please.
19、The weather 天气 A very common way to start a conversation is to talk about the weather. When you're traveling, remember that there is considerable variation in climate in the United States.
1.A: Beautiful day, isn't it?
B: Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all.
A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend.
B: As long as it doesn't snow!
2.A: It seems to be clearing up.
B: It's such a nice change.
A: I really don't think this weather will last.
B: Let's just hope it doesn't get cold again.
3.A: It looks it's going to be sunny.
B: Yes, it's much better than yesterday.
A: They say we're going to get some rain later.
B: Oh, let's just hope it stays warm.
4.A: I think it's going to be a nice day.
B: It's certainly a big improvement over yesterday.
A: But it's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.
B: Well,the worst of the winter should be over.
20、这里停车每小时多少钱? Mary:What is the parking fee per hour here?
John:Ten yuan an hour.
Mary:How much would it be if I park here for an hour and ten minutes?
John:Twenty yuan, sir. Because we charge by the number of hours.
Mary:I see. Thanks.
21、为什么突然要辞职呢? May:Sir, I want to resign from my Sales Manager job. Here is my resignation letter.
Boss:Why are you quitting so suddenly? Do you have any complaints against the company?
May:No, it's all for personal reasons. I've been feeling too much pressure recently. I have insomnia and migraines.
Boss:Have you gone to the hospital to get it checked out?
May:Yes, I did. And the doctor said that I've got serious melancholia and suggested that I should rest.
Boss:How about this? I'll give you two weeks off, so you can have a rest and then come back to work.
May:Thanks, but I don't want my personal affairs to influence the company. So I want to take a break and reorganize.谢谢您,但我不想因为个人原因影响公司。我还是休息调整一下吧。
Boss:In that case, I won't force you to stay then. I hope to work with you again in the future.
1.hey,make sure you have your cell phone with you.
嘿 你一定要带着手机啊
2.I really like fish.
3.Can I have some rice, please?
4. Can I bum some money off you ?
5.I was caught in traffic. 我今天堵车。
The apartment I looked at today was pretty decent - around 120 m2.
L: do you like cooking, Julia?
J: I really enjoy it, especially when it ends up tasting good!
L: how often do you usually cook?
J: I usually make a few salads for lunch throughout the week and I make dinner about 6 times a week.
H: how is your house hunting going?
L: not very well. I haven’t found anything within my price range yet.
H: how much are you looking to spend?
L: I can only afford about 300 pounds a month.
will you be my wife?你愿意做我的妻子吗?
god,im so nervous.老天,我好紧张。
she's a visionian.她真漂亮。
what's the word?怎么说来着?
vittles 大快朵颐。
can i get you something to drink.我去给你们拿些喝的吧。
A bowl of beef fried noodles. 一碗牛肉炒面。
That is beef noodles, right? I will have that.
Who 's gonna eat all this leftover chao mian ? 谁要吃这些剩下的炒面?
it was an absolute debacle.我当场崩溃。
he's too arrogant 他太自以为是。
oh,crap,i left it at home again.糟糕,我又忘在家了。
i can't believe you tried to underimne me like this.
well,you gave me no choice.你让我没的选择。
because i need to win one 因为我得赢一次.
and im sick of it.我受够了。
i'm ok wiht that.那样也好。
oh,my god,how many did you take.上帝啊,你到底拿了多少?
a clueless,emotionally stunted workaholic?一个无能的 为情所困的工作狂?
how about dinner tomorrow night?明天晚上共进晚餐如何?
look who's back_mr cocky.看谁又来了,自大狂先生。
you nailed me你看透我了。
i had no right to judge you.我没有权利评价你。
dont say anything,just什么也不说,只要。。。
stop seeing the person that i've been and start seeing the person i could be.
别再看着原来的我 开始看看以后的我
keep telling you ,i don't remember.
我说过多少次了 我不记得了
she never buses her tables.她从来不抹桌子。
it's okay,i am gonna find a way to make this all work.
没事的 我会找个法子 搞定这一切。
no foam this time.这次没有泡沫。
i tipped the glass just like you told me to.
do you have trouble going to sleep.
i'm ,uh ,by the orange stand.
you're everywhere these days这几天你可是无处不在啊。
okay,don't panic 好吧,别慌。
you were just gripping me so tight.你刚才把我夹得好紧。
God how could you do this to me!
It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad.But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering.
Can you give me a lift? =Can you give me a ride? 载我一程好吗?
I really like fish.
Can I have some rice, please?
A What shall we order? What would you like to eat?
B Well, I really like fish.
A OK, we can definitely order fish. They have great fish here.
B Good. We can order some meat dishes too– and some vegetables,noodles and soup.
当你做了决定要点哪些菜肴后,你可以用We can order . . . /我们可以点 . . .
We can order some green tea.
We could order some local beer.
We can order vegetables and rice.
We could order anything you like.
Don't lose your heart. You are almost there.
Go for it. You are going to make it.
Come on. Just do it.
Trust yourself.
Well done, go on.
The restaurant was too noisy. I prefer quieter places.
A Did you have a good time with Mr. Li last night?
B Yes, it was good to see him.
A Where did you go?
B We went to a very nice restaurant in Houhai.
A You don't sound very enthusiastic...
B Well, for me the restaurant was too noisy. I prefer quieter places.
1 To ask if friends had a good time together, you can ask: Did you have a good time with Mr. Li last night? / Did you have a good time with Mr. Li last night?
要问你的朋友们是否一起度过了愉快的时光,你可以问:Did you have a good time with Mr. Li last night? /你昨晚和李先生度过了愉快的时光吗?
2 If you enjoyed being with a friend, but you didn't enjoy where you went, for example, a noisy restaurant, you can explain: For me, the restaurant was too noisy. / For me, the restaurant was too noisy. And: I prefer quieter places. / I prefer quieter places.
如果你和朋友在一起很开心,但是你不喜欢你们去的地方,比如,你们去了一家吵闹的餐馆,你可以这样解释:For me, the restaurant was too noisy. /对我来说那家餐馆太吵了。以及:I prefer quieter places. /我更喜欢安静一些的地方。
Key phrases and sentences
Did you have a good time with Mr. Li last night?
Yes, it was good to see him.
Where did you go?
We went to a very nice restaurant in Houhai.
You don't sound very enthusiastic...
Well, for me the restaurant was too noisy.
I prefer quieter places.
picking up a client
A: All right, Mr. Crane, when will you be arriving in the city?
B: I should be coming in on the 11:30 mooring flight. How far is the office from the airport?
A: Only 25 minutes or so. We'll send somebody to meet you. That's 11:30 a.m. Friday the 15th?
B: That's right. I'll be in the baggage area.
Can I have some rice, please?
A Let’s order some dishes. Shall we get beef and pork?
B Yes, and some vegetable dishes.
A Let’s get some soup too.
B OK. What about noodles or rice?
A I’m easy. Which do you prefer?
B Rice for me. Can I have some rice, please?
1 To suggest particular dishes in a restaurant, you can say: Let’s order . . . / Let’s order . . . e.g.: Let’s order some beef / Let’s order some beef.
在餐馆里要提议点某个菜,你可以说:Let’s order . . . /咱们点 . . .例如: Let’s order some beef /咱们点牛肉。
2 If someone offers or suggests a choice and both options are OK for you, you can say: I’m easy / I’m easy.
如果某人提出或者建议某种选择,而两种选择对你来说都行,你可以说:I’m easy /我怎么都行。
3 Remember, if you want to ask someone which of two things they like more, you can ask: Which do you prefer? / Which do you prefer?
记住,如果你想问某人在两种事物中他更喜欢哪个,你可以问:Which do you prefer? /你更喜欢哪个?
1. Can I bum some money off you ?
1. I think I can swing that. 我想我应该能借给你一些吧。
1. How much do you want for that? 多少钱肯卖?
1. That much? 太贵了吧?
18. I'll tell you what, I'll give you... 那我告诉你吧,我只能出...
19. Take it or leave it. 如果不行,我就走了。
10. That's my final offer. 这是我最后的叫价了。
11. What a dork! 你有多傻呀!
12. What are you , nuts?! 你疯了吗?
13. What a jerk! 你这人怎么这样!
1. How about some lunch? 去吃午饭怎么样?
1. What do you feel like ? 你想吃点什么? 1. Could you tell me what's
in this? 你能告诉我这种食品有哪些成分吗?
1. What do you think? 你觉得怎么样?
18. I could sure use a drink. 我想喝杯酒。
19. Make it a double. 我要双份的。
10. Let's have one more for the road. 再喝一杯,咱们就回家吧。
11. Hay, check that out! 嗨,快看那边!
12. Is that cool, or what? 那个很不错,你觉得呢?
13. Watch out! 小心点儿!
1. I'm worm out! 我太累了。
1. Take a break 休息了一会儿。
1. I'm so tired, I can't think straight. 我累的都没法清醒地思考问题了。
1. Take a nap. 小睡一会儿。
18. I was caught in traffic. 我今天堵车。
19. I missed my bus. 我没赶上公共汽车。
10. I had(got) a flat. 我的车胎没气了。
11. It won't happen again. 不会再发生类似事件了。
12. I can't hear myself think. 我被这噪音吵得心烦伊意乱。
13. Could you keep it down, please? 小声一点,好吗?
1. Why don't you knock it off? 为什么不把它关掉?
李明 The apartment I looked at today was pretty decent - around 120 m2.
王芳 Great. What about the surrounding area?
李明 Very quiet and safe. And it's got a lot of trees and plants.
王芳 That's good. Is the location easily accessible?
李明 Yep, its' near a bus stop.
王芳 Hmm…well, maybe we can buy this one then.
爱德华 Hello, is this the management office?
职员 Yes, how can I help you?
爱德华 The pipe in my bathroom is broken, and now the water doesn't flow because there is no pressure.
职员 Okay, we will send a repairman to your home and fix it.
爱德华 Thanks. Please make it quick.
职员 No problem. He'll be there in 10 minutes
刘静 Hi, sis. Could you go shopping with me tomorrow?
陈红 Sure. What's the occasion?
刘静 There's a big fancy party this weekend, and I'm dreading going because everyone judges your style.
陈红 Don't worry. I promise that we'll find you something real classy.
刘静 Yeah, you do have a nose for fashion, sis.
售货员 Good evening. What can I do for you?
艾丽丝 Yeah, I can't find the toothbrushes.
售货员 They are on your left. What kind of toothbrush would you like?
艾丽丝 Can you suggest any?
售货员 Sure. What about this brand? It is supposed to be very good. They come in hard, soft and medium, and in several colors and sizes.
艾丽丝 Are there any discounts?
售货员 If you buy six, you get one free.
黑炭头弄障弄智的问:“what are you cooking? it smells awesome!(你炒什么东西味道这么香的)?”
我说:“only assorted veggies, what's the big deal about it.(只是炒杂菜,有什么奇怪)?”
“i am in, do i have the honour? 我可以吃吗?”
东北人也不甘落后:“that makes two of us.(我也要)”
老狼两眼一瞪:“don't you think you guys are a little too much? i am in my tragedy and you guys still wants my share? (我病得快死了,你们还来打劫!你们不觉得过分吗)?”
黑炭头尴尬一笑:“as usual, you cooked awfully too much for a meal.but of course you own your right to say no.yesterday i did asked you if you needed something from outside, didn't i? (你像平时一样煮了很多嘛,你当然有你的权利说不了。昨天我不是还问过你需要买点什么吃的吗)?”
东北人也赶紧说:“yeah, whatever you need, we could get it later.(就是嘛,你需要什么。我们待会儿帮你买。)”
老狼也是一笑置之:“buy some fruits for me, i don't think i can go out the next couple of days in this damp weather. (帮我买些水果吧。这样的鬼天气,我想起码有一两天不会出去的)。”
黑炭头立刻说:“you got it. what are we still waiting for? (没问题,哪我们还等什么呢?来呀!)”
老狼又两眼一瞪:“your drinks! (把你的酒拿出来!)”
黑炭头犹疑着:“are you sure you can drink now? don't you miss me, i am not a cheap ass.(你可以喝酒了?别误会,我不是吝啬的人。)”
老狼叹了口气:“you'd never known. alcohol is my best meddy...(你不明白,酒是我最好的灵药)”。
- No, I'm okay. - All right. I'll be right back. [-没事,不用了 -我马上就回来]
- Where you going? - To use the bathroom. [-去哪里? -洗手间啊]
So you ever wonder which is worse? [有没想过哪种情况更糟?]
- Is Rachel here? - I think she's still asleep. [-瑞秋在不在? -还在睡觉吧]
How did it go with you guys last night? She seemed pretty pissed at you. [嗨!昨晚你俩怎么样了,她好像怒了]
We worked things out. [啊……后来事情解决了]
What's that smile? Did something happen with you two? [笑啥呢?你俩是不是有点什么事?]
Hey, I'm not one to kiss and tell. [我这人办完事以后不喜欢到处宣传]
But I'm also not one to have sex and shut up. We totally did it. [不过我也不会藏着不说。 我俩做爱了。]
Oh, my God. You and Rachel? [天,你和瑞秋?]
- I know, it's pretty great. - So, what does that mean? [-是啊,感觉太棒了 -意味着什么啊?]
- Are you guys getting back together? - Oh, I don't know. [-你们复合了? -说不好]
So is she still going to Paris? [那她还去巴黎吗?]
Wow, I hadn't thought of that. I hope not. [还没想过,希望不会吧]
Morning. - You too. [-早啊 -你也是啊]
- Last night was just wonderful. - Oh, it really was. [-昨晚太棒了 -真的是]
Is he okay? - He's just fine. [-他不要紧吧?! -不要紧的]
Son of a gun, it is. [TMD绝对是啊]
Anyway, I'm gonna go get some rest. [总之我要先去休息了]
Do you know how many hot guys there are in Paris? It's a city of Gunthers.
[知不知道巴黎有多少帅哥?! 全城满大街都是甘瑟!]
I can't believe this. If I don't leave now, I'm gonna miss my plane.
[真是让人不爽,不过我要是 再不走就赶不上飞机了]
All right. Now I really have to go. [现在真的要走了]
We love you. - Call us when you get there. [-爱你 -到了打电话啊]
This is, like, the best day ever! [这就像是最棒的一天!]
Please, please stay with me. I am so in love with you. Please don't go.
[留下来和我在一起,我太爱你了。 求求你不要走]
This is harder than I thought it would be. [比想象中的还要难啊!]
Do you guys have to go to the new house now, or do you have some time? [你们俩是马上去新房子 能挤出点时间来吗?]
We got some time. [还有点时间]
- Okay. Should we get some coffee? - Sure. [-去喝杯咖啡怎么样? -好啊。]
Where? [去哪儿喝?]
Okay. I can't believe I'm risking this again, but you're on. [好吧,我就再冒一次险。]
I'm going to Carrfour supermarket, 我要去逛“家乐福”超市,
Is there any supermarket in the neighborhood ? 附近是不是有超市?
To the supermarket. What's up? 去超市。干嘛?
Do We Need Anything from the Supermarket? 我们需要从超市买什么东西吗?
She's at the supermarket. 她去超市了。
And let's get a loaf of bread at the bakery for breakfast. 咱们也到超市的面包店去买条面包当早餐。
I'm near the supermarket. 我在超市附近。
I'll go and get them at the supermarket. 我去超市买。
Shall we go to the supermarket? 我们去超市好吗?
I don't know where the supermarket is. 不知道超市在哪
。He used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. 他过去经常一天抽一包香烟。
And that bitch Iris has taken the last cigarette that I was keeping for myself. 那贱货艾瑞斯把我留着自己抽的最后一根香烟抽掉了。
You might buy me a packet of cigarettes on your way back. 回来的时候请你帮我买包香烟。
If you're going to the shops, could you bring me back some cigarettes? 你要是到商店去,可以给我捎些香烟来吗?
Bung me a cigarette. 扔一支香烟给我。
Have you got a light? eg for acigarette. 你有火儿吗?(如为点香烟).
She gets through forty cigarettes a day. 她一天抽四十枝香烟.
I fired up a cigarette. 我点燃了一支香烟。
I put too much detergent in the washer. 我在洗衣机里放了太多的洗衣粉。
We eat special sweet dumplings. 我们吃甜甜的汤圆。
B: You wish. All these glutinous balls mean that it must be winter solstice now. So, you're one year older.
This series can be applied to the packing of fallowing items (both solid and powder): instant noodles, biscuits, snow cake, rice dumpling, chocolate, moon cake, water ice, bread, pie with, yolks, laver, napkin, soap, electric anti-mosquito, medicine and industrial components.方便面、饼干、雪饼、沙河粉、汤圆、巧克力、月饼、冰糕、面包、蛋黄派、紫菜、餐巾纸、肥皂、电蚊香、药业及工业零件单一或集合块状物、散料的包装。
A: The Lantern Festival is coming. Lots of people are now buying sweet dumpling from supermarket.
M( Michael): What do Chinese do during the Chinese Lunar New Year?
You quarrel with me in this Festival Holiday! Go to hell!
The people have already made special purchases for the festival beforehand. The night before the Spring Festival is called the New Year's Eve, on which the people would make dumplings while watching TV and chatting with each other instead of sleeping.在春节的前一段时间,人们就买东西,准备过年。春节前一天叫除夕,除夕的晚上,人们不睡觉,大家一边包饺子,一边看电视、聊天。
Common expression_ s heard at this time are: GUONIAN to have made it through the old year, and BAINIAN to congratulate the new year.
The shops are very lively. They already have a New Year atmosphere.
商店里很热闹, 已经有过年的气象了。
Since that day, people hang " Happiness " upside down during Chinese New Year. When others see it, they will say, " Happiness has arrived! Happiness has arrived!"
Teach me how to play mahjong. 教我如何打麻将。
Donaghy 18:00:19
I don't paly majong. 我是不打麻将的。
I don't like playing majong. 我不喜欢打麻将。
I was cheaned out last night playing mahjong. 昨晚打麻将把钱输光了。
What I 'd like to do is getting out and doing some serious drinking and Mahjong play. 很想出去尽情喝酒和打麻将
Donaghy 18:00:20
Mr. Yuan was born in Beijing, China. He loves playing Majong and the Erhu( Chinese violin), swimming and motorcycling.
Donaghy 18:00:32
Now many of our comrades do not make arduous efforts, and some comrades devote their surplus energy after work chiefly to playing cards and mahjong and to dancing, and this I think is bad.
Donaghy 18:00:53
If they are go to stay up all night play mahjong, they ought to go to some other room.
As China implements its reform and opening to the outside world, it is changing with each passing day. 改革开放的中国,日新月异。
How could we have achieved the success we have today without the reform and the open policy?
Do you have toothpaste? 有牙膏吗?
Which brand of toothpaste do you prefer?
Can I borrow some detergent from you? I'll buy some and give it back to you tomorrow.
Would you please stop at the grocery store and pick up some tissues, toothpaste and soap?
I could do with a nice hot bath.
J: Well, why don't you take a nice, hot shower? In the meantime, I'll make some coffee-- it'll wake you up.
I really need to go home and have a long hot bath.
You can taste Chinese flavor Chawmian, Indian Curry Rice, western style bread and Japanese Sashimi , etc.
The staple food has boil dumplings, noodles in soup, fried noodles, fried rice. 主食类有水饺、汤面、炒面、炒饭等等。
和老外吃饭对话 英语做饭 找房子对话
J: Morgan, can I ask you a question?
M: sure, what is it?
J: I was just wondering if many Chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant.
M: in most cities in China, doogie bags are quite uncommon.
J: what happen to all the leftover food?
M: it usually goes to the dump.
J: that seems like an awful waste! Why don't people order fewer dishes so that they don't have to throw so much away at the end of the meal?
M: ordering a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition in China. You know, in the past, people could not afford to eat out like they can today.
J: I guess that makes sense. I just think it would make more sense to take the leftovers home.
M: well, if you want, you can take the leftovers home.
J: no, that's OK. You know what they say:when in Rome…
M: I was impressed that you tried the pig's feet. I heard that many foreigners don't like to eat them.
J: many people in my generation don't eat pig's feet, but my parents grew up eating them, so I think they are OK.
M: did you like them? You could take the last one home with you.
J: that's OK. I'll try anything once, but sometimes, once is enough!
L: do you like cooking, Julia?
J: I really enjoy it, especially when it ends up tasting good!
L: how often do you usually cook?
J: I usually make a few salads for lunch throughout the week and I make dinner about 6 times a week.
L: that's a lot of cooking. You must save a lot of money by eating at home so much.
J: I do. If you cook at home, you can eat healthy food cheaply.
L: what kind of dishes do you usually make?
J: I almost always make either a beef roast or a chicken roast with asparagus, parsnips, peas, carrots and potatoes on Sundays.
L: do you make a lot of traditional British food?
J: aside from the Sunday roast, we usually eat bangers and mash, toad-in-the-hole, or fish'n chips once a week.
L: how about spicy food?
J: my family loves spicy food. We often eat Chinese, Thai, Indian, or Mexican food when we're in the mood for spice.
L: what's your favorite dish to make?
J: I absolutely love making mousakka, which is a Greek dish with eggplant. But it takes a lot of time, so I don’t often make it.
H: how is your house hunting going?
L: not very well. I haven’t found anything within my price range yet.
H: how much are you looking to spend?
L: I can only afford about 300 pounds a month.
H: looks like you’re not going to get more than a bedroom in a shared flat with that.
L: really? That’s a lot of money to pay for one room.
H: well, if you want to live in London, you have to pay the price!
L: do you know of anyone who needs a roommate?
H: I can ask around at work. Do you have a preference for smakers or non-smokers?
L: I’d prefer non-smoking roommates, but I guess I’ll have to take what I can get!
H: how long do you want to sign a contract for?
L: I can sign a contract up to a year. I don’t know where I’ll be after that.
H: do you need a furnished or unfurnished apartment?
L: I don’t have any furniture, so it’d be great if it were furnished.
H: you know that you’ll have to pay utilities on top of the rent, right?
L: no, I thought that would be included in the rent.
H: it’s not usually included, so you’ll have to factor in about 100 pounds more each month for utilities.
L: I don't think I can afford that.
H: don’t worry. Sometimes people will give you a discount if you promise to do the clearing or take care of the children.
L: that’s agood idea. I’ll look into finding something like that.
Furnished 有家具的
On/off campus 在校内/外
Block of flats 公寓楼
Surrounding 环境
Facility 设施
Kitchen 厨房
Radiator 电暖气
Deposit 押金
Landlady 女房东
Lease 租期
Renew 续约
Balcony 阳台
Fitting 装置,家具
Fit up 装备
Apartment 公寓单元房
What type of apartment do you live in?
Do you wan to share with any roommates or live alone?
Is it available now?
You seem like the ideal tenant.
Feel free to drop in anytime. I'musually home and I'd love the company.
欢迎随时来坐坐.我通常在家,也喜欢游人做伴.No comment.无可奉告。Let's have a chat.我们聊聊天吧。There's nothing to tell!没什么好说的。Wish me luck!祝我好运吧!A: You'vebeen doing well?你最近还不错吧?B: Prettywell. I can't complain.还不坏。没什么需要抱怨A: There are no direct flights from Taiwan toDallas. 没有从台湾到连拉斯的道航班机。B: Then IguessI'll transfer in Tokyo. 我猜我得在东京转机Hey, Daniel, what's your favorite weather?Snowy or sunny?对了,丹丹,你最喜欢什么天气呢?下雪天还是晴天?I love snowy, because it is very veryromantic.我最喜欢下雪天,因为非常浪漫。
Terry: Wow, this place is quite different from ten years ago when I first came to China. 泰瑞:哦,这地方跟我10年前来中国时可大不一样了。
Benjamin: Yeah, a lot of changes have happened here. 本杰明:是啊,这儿变化很大。
Terry: This street used to have few stores. But now, you can see supermarkets, shopping malls and department stores everywhere.
Daniel: Girls always like these Japanese-style hair clips.
May: They are cute, most importantly, inexpensive.
Daniel: Anyway, I need to get myself some late supper. I'm starving.
May: How about “stinky tofu”?
Daniel: Stinky tofu? What's that? It sounds strange.
May: It's a famous Hunan snack. And it's very popular in Beijing. Would you like to have a try?
Daniel: I'll think about it. Anything else?
May: Grilled corn, glutinous dumplings, fried peanuts, and bean curd jelly. Good enough?
Daniel: I prefer fried peanuts. I like peanuts very much. By the way, is that healthy? Mom always tells us not to eat outside, because they often use the recycled oil.
May: Don't consider too much about it. You said you were very hungry, so you can't do anything else but to eat.
Daniel: I prefer not. I'll eat when I'm back home. By the way, do all the stinky tofu vendors come from Hunan?
May: Not exactly. Actually, people learn the making process from the native residents.
Daniel: Got it. Are there any other regional snacks here?
May: Of course. For example, Sichuan, Fujian, Guangzhou. Their snacks are also very famous.
Daniel: Are there any Beijing snacks?
May: Of course. Look, it is over there.
You can only see the night fairs at night; it often opens at 6:00 p.m. and it lasts for 5 or 6 hours. There are various vendor stands here.
Daniel: What do they sell there?
May: Clothes, shoes, snacks and so on. You can find just about whatever you want.
Daniel: Anything else?
May: There are also some fine art crafts, including wood carving, shell ornaments and paper-cut.
Daniel: OK. Do you want to buy something here?
May: Yes, I want to buy some hair clips.
Daniel: OK, let’s hit the trinkets stand.
风味小吃 你尝过北京的特色小吃吗?
local flavour snacks 风味小吃
Local snacks are fresh, delicious and tasty. 风味小吃,样样新鲜、美味、可口。
Do you often eat snacks? 你常吃小吃吗?
A: What would you like to eat? Have you tried any special foods in Beijing?
The dang gui duck and oyster omelet are our most popular dishes. Our boiled vegetables and stinky tofu are also very good. Would you like to order one of each?
I'm afraid I'm a little short(= of money)this month. 这个月我恐怕手头有点紧.
no wonder:难怪
No wonder you can't sleep when you eat so much. 你吃这么多难怪睡不着.
A: Thanks for inviting me over for dinner this evening. 谢谢你今晚请我来吃饭。
B: You're welcome. 不客气。
A: It looks delicious. 看起来很好吃。
B: Well here. Help yourself to some shrimp. It's fresh. 来,请吃虾,是新鲜的
A: Hi, Mary! You're here already. Where's Harry? 嗨,玛丽!你已经先到了。哈利呢?
B: He isn't a punctual person. We may have to wait for a little while.
A: That should give us time for a cup of coffee. I'll go and get some.
B: Make it three cups. Here comes Harry.
A: Would you and your wife care to come to our place and have tea with us some afternoon?
B: Why, that's very kind of you, Mrs. Johnson. I'm sure my wife will be glad to.
It's really 2) chilly tonight. 今天晚上蛮冷的
"Wrap up well." "I hear it's lousy night." “多穿点衣服,” “听说今天晚上够呛。”
1. Don't tell me! 我才不信呢!
2. Don't tell me you failed the test! 我才不信你考试不及格!
3. Don't tell me your car broke again. 别告诉我说你的车又坏了,我才不信呢!
A: I'm back, buddy. 我回来了,老兄。
B: Did you get everything? 所有东西都买回来了吗?
A: Everything except the vegeburger. 除了素汉堡都买回来了。
B: Don't tell me they had no vegeburgers! What sort of fast-food restaurant is it anyway!
A: I'll never ever work together with him!
B: What happened? Quarrel again?
A: Will you take my materials back from him for me? Please!
B: Don't ask me. I don't wanna be involved in your quarrel.
1. All in all, things worked out for the better. 总的来说,情况好转了。
2. All in all, it was less than satisfactory. 总之,那无法令人满意。
3. All in all, the weather this year has been quite mild. 总之,今年的气候蛮温和的。
A: Do you know how to play go? 你知道围棋怎么下吗?
B: It's easy. All you have to do is to use your pieces to surround the opponent's pieces and then take over all of his territory. 很简单。你所要做的只是用自己的子去围对方的子,然后
A: But I heard it is very difficult to play. 可我听说围棋很难下。
B: It's easier said than done. When you actually play, it can be very frustrating.
A: I wish I could unsay the sharp words to him. He must hate me very much.
3. As far as I can see, he's a big liar. 就我所知,他不过是个大话精。
A: Have you seen Harry? 你见过哈利了吗?
B: No. As far as I can remember he was supposed to be on a business trip to Lisbon.
A: Yes, but he was supposed to be back by now. 是的,可他该回来了。
B: Maybe you'll call his home. 或许你该给他家打电话.
A: Have you seen the movie, Scream? 你看过电影《惊声尖叫》了吗?
B: Yes. It gave me the creeps. 看了。它让我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。
A: Come on, it wasn't that bad. 算了,哪有那么惨啊。
B: Yes, it was. As far as I'm concerned, I'm never going to see another movie like that again.
1. Be a good sport and help me with this problem. 做个有风度的人,来帮我解决这个问题。
A: You are not being a good sport about this. 你在这件事上没有风度。
B: That's because you cheated. 那是因为你作弊。
A: I never cheat. 我从来不作弊。
B: Yes, you do. 有的,你有
1. Can you give me a hand? Sure. What do you need?
A: Can you give me a hand with the dishes? 你能帮我洗碗吗?
B: Sure. Should I wash or dry? 当然。我应该洗还是应该擦干?
A: I wash and you'll dry. 我来洗,你来擦干。
B: OK. Let's do it. 好。我们干起来吧
3. Hi. How are you? Couldn't be better.
A: How is your business going? 生意怎么样?
B: Business couldn't be better. 生意很好。
A: Really? Maybe I should work for you. 是吗?我似乎应该替你做事。
B: Welcome. I could use the help. 欢迎。我会需要你的帮忙
A: Could I have a word with you? 我可以跟你谈谈吗?
B: Sure, what is it? 当然,什么事?
A: I am disappointed with your work lately. 我对你最近的工作感到失望。
B: I'm sorry. I've been having some problems. 对不起,我有一些麻烦
3. If you are going to a movie, count me in.
A: Are you coming or not? 你到底要不要跟我们一起来?
B: I haven't decided yet. 我还没决定。
A: Well, make up your mind. We need to know. 那就下定决心吧。我们必须知道你来不来。
B: Ok, count me in. 好吧,算我一个.
1. Do you have any single rooms available?
A: Good morning. Can I help you? 早上好。我能帮您吗?
B: Yes. Do you have any seats available on a flight for Beijing leaving at 15:16? 是的。你们还有3点16分飞往北京的机票吗?
A: Sure we do. First-class or economy? 当然有。头等舱还是经济舱?
B: One economy, please. 一张经济舱
2. Do you mind if I smoke here? 我抽烟你介意吗?
3. Do you mind me smoking here? 我抽烟你介意吗?
3. Please give my sincere regards to all the members of your family.
A: How are your parents these days? 最近你父母身体好吗?
B: Oh, they're fine, still very active and enjoying their retirement.
A: Oh, good. That's nice to hear. Please give my best regards to them when you're home.
B: Sure, thank you. 一定。谢谢你
A: Would you mind if I use your tape-recorder? 我用一下你的录音机行吗?
B: I don't mind. Go ahead. 行。拿去吧。
A: I'll give it back to you in a couple of days. 我过两天还你。
B: OK. You can keep it as long as you need. 好的。你想用多久都行
A: What musical instrument do you play? 你会演奏什么乐器?
B: I can play the piano a bit. 我会弹一点钢琴。
A: Don't you have too much to do with him. 别跟他扯上太多关系。
B: Why not? 为什么?
A: How about tomorrow afternoon? 明天下午怎么样?
B: Tomorrow afternoon would be fine. 明天下午没问题
1. What do you think of your new apartment? 你认为你的新公寓怎么样?
2. What do you think of the food here? 你觉得这里吃得怎样?
A: How long have you been in China? 你来中国多久了? B: A few months. 几个月。
A: How do you think of living here? 你觉得这儿的生活怎么样?
B: Great! I'm having a great time. 不错!我很开心
A: Do you think we can get to the airport by 8:00?
B: We should make it, if there isn't too much traffic.
A: Is it the rush hour now? 现在是高峰时间吗?
B: Yes, but don't worry. We'll make it. 是的。不过别着急,我们会赶到
3. I can't afford to take any risk. 我不能冒任何风险。
A: We're going out to dinner and then to the movies. 晚餐出去吃,然后去看电影吧。
B: Hold on! I can't afford to pay for both. 等一下!我无法同时付这两笔钱。
A: Don't worry. I've got money. It's my treat. 别担心,我有钱。我请你。
B: Gee, that's really nice of you. 啊!你真好!
A: What are you doing? 你在做什么啊?
B: I can't figure out which dress to wear. 我不知道该穿哪件衣服
1. I can't follow you when you speak fast. 你说得太快了,我没听懂。
B: I'm sorry. I can't quite follow you. Would you mind speaking slowly?
A: So how long have you known Mary? 那你认识玛丽多久了?
B: Only four days. 只四天。
A: Only four days! That's so short, and you seem so crazy about her.
B: I know. I can't help thinking about her. She's always on my mind.