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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/02 18:18:37
追求忘我 1858年瑞典的一个富豪人家生下一个女儿然而不久孩子染患了一种无法解释的瘫痪症丧失了走路的能力一次女孩和家人一起乘船旅行船长的太太给孩子讲船长有一只天堂鸟她被这只鸟的描述迷住了极想亲自看一看于是保姆把孩子留在甲板上自己去找船长孩子耐不住性子等待她要求船上的服务生立即带她去看天堂鸟那服务生并不知道她的腿不能走路而只顾着带着她去看那只美丽的天堂鸟奇迹发生了孩子因为过度地渴望竟忘我拉住服务生的手慢慢地走了起来从此孩子的病便痊愈了女孩长大后又忘我地投入到文学创作中最后成为第一位荣获诺贝尔文学奖的女性也就是茜尔玛拉格萝芙
1858 Sweden,a rich people,however soon gave birth to a daughter,a child can not be explained Ranhuan the paralysis of the loss of the ability to walk a girls and their families travel by boat to the captain's wife said the children have a paradise for bird captain her The bird was described only capture a very personally would like to see a result ...the child to remain in their own looking for the captain on the deck lost its patience waiting for her children on board the request of Health Services immediately Dai Taqu look at the Bird of Paradise and Health Services Do not know her legs can not walk and just look at her with a beautiful Bird of Paradise那只miracle occurred because the children had excessive desire ecstasy pulling the hands of health services and slowly walk up the children from the disease have recovered a woman Child grow up and then ecstasy into literature in the final to become the first award of the Nobel prize in literature of women is Qianer Ma Lage Luofu