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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 23:18:45
(1) 热情奔放.(2)业务上兢兢业业.(3)颇有讨价还价的能力.(4)对一揽子交易感兴趣.
To the negotiations it is necessary to study and understand the negotiation talks opponent style.As the world between countries in historical traditions,political systems,economic conditions,cultural background,customs and values are significantly different,so States negotiators in business negotiations will be the formation different negotiating style.A qualified negotiators must be familiar with their cultural differences,grasp each other's values and ways of thinking,modes of behavior and psychological characteristics,and can be used cleverly,feel both sides of the negotiating initiative,in external commercial negotiations fulfill our mission,to maintain or achieve its own interests.Therefore,the understanding of different countries,different areas,different ethnic groups of the negotiation style,and will enable us to achieve the desired success of negotiations.1.Americans negotiating with the Americans negotiated in the world,are enormous.American-style negotiations,the first to reflect the character of Americans.Their character exposed,directly to the other side of his sincere and warm feelings; They are full of confidence,and the others were ready to conduct a long river; They are very confident entering negotiations hall,continue to express views.Because of its largest position in the negotiations on the program has a "package deal" of the spirit,make opponents feel sidelined,the status will not be equal.As a young nation,the mixed culture,language expression outspoken and loved to joke and sometimes confusing negotiations.bargaining difficult.Sometimes this is the Americans in the negotiations of a profit strokes.Americans of these characteristics,many of them with the developed economies.They have a tradition of independent action,the actual material interests of success as a victory sign.They always treated to start negotiations and are willing to take this pursuit of economic interests.In the stage of negotiation,energetic and quick to put the negotiations towards the substantive phase.They are very good at manipulation,and very much appreciate those specializing in bargaining,and to get economic benefits than the practices of people.Very good at their use of strategies to pursue its interests.As Americans have these characteristics,the importance they attach to the negotiations consultations.Americans of a "package" transaction interested in full.They,as sellers hope buyers in accordance with their request package; As buyers and sellers have asked for a package.The so-called package,is the content of the talks to include not only the product itself,but also including sales of the product in a series of ways.Americans in trade negotiations characteristics that can be grouped into the following four areas :(a) passions.(2) business hard.(3) the ability to bargain fairly.(4) the package deal of interest.2,and German negotiations German negotiations with the Americans in different ways.His stubborn personality,lack of flexibility and consider issues in a systematic manner,and the preparation work is perfect.Germans like to express a clear desire transaction,and accurately identify transactions in the form of detailed negotiations on the topic,then prepare a topic involving all the quotations sheet.In the course of negotiations,their statements and quotations are very clear,explicit and resolute and determined.They are not accustomed to taking concessions.Generally considered bad German negotiations,but better implementation of the contract.Experienced negotiators German use of the negotiations,will have great power,This is particularly evident Price stage.Once German raised Price,Price will not alter the bargaining room will be greatly diminished.German and how to deal?From a procedural perspective,the best in Germany before Price conducted thoroughly,and as much as possible to gain some of the other side and make their own opening statement,this can clarify its position.But all these must be carried quickly,because the Germans have done a thorough ideological preparation,They will be very natural and rapid introduction of the negotiation stage of negotiation.
英语翻译要谈判就要研究、了解谈判对手的谈判风格.由于世界各国之间历史传统、政治制度、经济状况、文化背景、风俗习惯以及价值 英语翻译应对国际商务谈判中文化差异问题的策略(一)做好谈判的计划工作也就是要充分了解自己及谈判对手的情况,包括其他利益方 英语翻译经济环境,分析谈判对手所在国家的经济现状,了解当地企业的商业情况有助于指定适当的谈判策略.其次,该国的经济形势也 英语翻译请英语高手们帮忙翻译以下内容(谢绝机器翻译) 去加拿大谈判应注意的准则:与加拿大商人打交道,要了解其文化背景,母 英语翻译4.文化交流功能由于各国的政治经济及文化传统有很大的差异,在洽谈时,往往面临着谈判人员的性格特点、谈判方式、行为 英语翻译商务谈判重要性日渐显现。由于中美文化差异对双方商务谈判的影响至深,因此中国谈判人员要在中美商务谈判中获得成功就必 英语翻译美国人的商务谈判风格摘 要:美国人自信、外向、突出个性的性格,铸造了美国商人独树一帜的谈判风格:干脆直爽,注重效 美国人的谈判风格有哪些特点 求与印度商人进行商务谈判的英语对话,能够反映他们的谈判风格! 英语翻译摘 要:本文主要通过国际商务概述、谈判技巧分析以及谈判过程中如何恰当运用谈判策略三方面来探讨国际商务谈判技巧.简 原则性谈判的含义 谈判的近义词?