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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/29 03:34:55
之所以建设欧能德家文化,初衷和目的均在于通过塑造饱含亲情的物质、制度、精神等文化因素以及“以人为本,事求卓越,和谐共生”的核心价值观,把“忠诚,责任,快乐”作为企业基因融入欧能德事业发展的血液,使“欧能德之家”成为温馨、亲情的乐园,形成“相互尊重,和谐相处;相互配合,团队协作;相互帮扶,共同进步”的良好氛围,建设一支忠诚于国家、忠诚于社会、忠诚于事业、忠诚于家庭、忠诚于自己(包括合作伙伴及工作同事)且“想做事、能做事、会做事、做成事”的事业发展团队,在快乐的工作中“用心做事,按章办事,不做错事”,进而实现企业成长与员工个人价值、社会价值需求的完美结合,达成欧能德事业发展内外环境的和谐统一,达成欧能德“成己为人 成人达己”企业哲学和事业发展的理想境界。
The realm of self style!
For many years, I have been pursuing such a realm -- a man of taste, to be a respectable people!
How to become a grade, respectable people?
I think, as long as you can really practice "to be aggressive, do have a sense of duty" creed and personally witnessed dear, so, you will have alofty ideal and excellent work life quality and level, will be a grade,respectable people.
It is because of this imprint is engraved on my heart. pursuit, therefore, that day from the birth of Europe to Germany, I firmly into the development of the personal life ideal in the corporate finance, always persist firmly in thededication to society as a personal life and business development objectives, One's resolve is unshaken. to seek to do responsible business,doing good in the society are the soul of the product and service, in order togrow into a grade, respectable people.
I think, a taste, respectable people, basic literacy should have the sense of responsibility, ambition and dedication etc. these life, should pursue a career development of the state, big target and pattern. Only have the basicliteracy, to achieve high realm, big goals, pattern. This is to do enterprisepresents a supreme requirements -- to create a "love to send" the spirit of their homes, to create a spiritual force health sustainable development.Then, after a long and profound accumulation and fermentation, becauseGerman culture has a strong caring culture, harmonious culture and"loyalty, responsibility, happiness" and other core elements naturallybecame de career development and guide overall Europe to guide, the behavior of pointers.
The reason why the construction of Europe to German culture, purpose andaim is to shape the full of affection by material, system, spirit and cultural factors and the "people-oriented, a matter for excellence, core value of a harmonious symbiosis" concept, the "loyalty, responsibility, happiness" as the base for enterprise development Europe can cause blood intoGermany, the "Europe de home" become warm, the affection of the park,the formation of "mutual respect, mutual cooperation, harmony; team cooperation; mutual support, a good atmosphere for common progress",the construction of a loyalty to the country, loyal to the society, loyalty to thecause, loyalty to family, loyal to their partners and colleagues (includingwork) and "want the business development team work, can work, will work,get things done", in the happy work "work hard, play by the rules, and do no wrong", and then realize the enterprise growth and the employee's personal value, social value needs the perfect combination, the harmonious unification of Europe to Germany to reach the career development of domestic and international environment, to reach Europe to Germany "into their own ideal human adult has been reached" business philosophy andthe development of the cause.
Unite the fateful force, home and everything. In the "people with culture,people with moral sentiment, to send, process industry Hing", Ou Nengde took "Jian Jiajian enterprises, build home construction team" as the fundamental task of the development of the cause, by "house rules"constraint people, moved people to the truth, the realization of Europe toGermany and staff, and social symbiosis prosperity, development ofpracticing the idea of "construction of small home, we, the development to serve the country", to create a spirit of the show be secure against assaultunity of positive energy, and make it become the development of the cause of "light", "propeller", "bond" and "catalyst", become the source of power to push Europe Germany to achieve healthy, sustainable development.
The market competition will become fiercer and fiercer, Ou Nengde onlycontinue to "zero" mentality to keep pace with the times, innovation and development, only to rely on new products and new technology, its own R & D is committed to solve customer's demand for many more social responsibility and career, to promote industrial optimization and upgrading of regional economic development as its mission, to pass the "operationideas to highlight the main industry, benefit is remarkable, standardized management, sustainable development", continuously enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, cultural cohesion and brand influence, so that enterprises form are interrelated, mutually supporting enterprise ecological system, supporting more complete, make Ou Nengde become green enterprises sustainable development.
The responsibility on their shoulders, the dream before. I believe, as long as we have a good learning ability, creativity and execution, all your dreamswill come true!