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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 01:31:39
American windfall in World War II,the material life level improved significantly.The new economic pattern formed a large middle class,money becomes the center of social life,moral standards and values of traditional culture,are tend to collapse,utilitarianism replaced the people's pursuit of an ideal.Ease and surplus to young people's attention to the modern world of fun,they drink,carnival,drug use,gregarious,and at the same time,between the person and the person USA society becomes hypocrisy and indifference.However,American young people in the pleasures of excitement,but also for future trance uneasy anxious,how in this environment to survive,the Americans after the Second World War,eager to ascertain the confusion.Since the end of World War II of this social background,the majority of life have a feel helpless,powerless feeling in this era of americans.The people in the spirit obstacle,to society,to the future disappointment and the resulting loss and loss,make many people deeply disturbed,even on the verge of a nervous breakdown,they are called "the beat generation".America theorist Laurence Li Pudun (Lawrence) pointed out that "the beat generation":"insist on spontaneity,improvisation,pay attention to enjoy pleasure in good time,indulge in sensual pleasures.Despise the sense of the sacred,sincere frank." "The catcher in the Rye" is produced under this social background,is hypocritical,mediocre,fallen American society and the society of the "Beat Generation" a true portrayal.
英语翻译美国在二战中发了横财,物质生活水平显著提高.新的经济模式形成了庞大的中产阶级,金钱成为了社会生活的中心,传统文化 如何评价二战后形成的以美国为中心的资本主义世界经济体系谢谢了, 《百年维新》观后感二战前后日本发展的模式发生了那些变化?战后日本通过什么样的经济和政治措施迅速发展起来,成为世界第二经济 二战形成了以美国为主导的资本主义世界经济体系,这一体系的三大经济支柱是什么 英语翻译随着人们物质生活水平的提高,他们必将追求精神生活的满足,旅游业得到了空前的发展.乡村旅游在我国是旅游业中的朝阳, 在老师的耐心指导下,同学们的朗读显著提高了水平.修改病句 为什么华罗庚舍弃了在美国优越的物质生活,毅然回到了贫穷落后的祖国 英语翻译在经济领域,互联网加速向传统产业渗透,产业边界日益交融,新型商务模式和服务经济加速兴起,衍生了新的业态. 英语翻译这次新准则的修改中,公允价值计量模式的运用成为了一大亮点.在投资性房地产采用公允价值计量模式之后,其公允价值与账 一战的美国和二战的美国都发了战争财? 英语翻译2008年起,美国新蛋对市场战略进行了调整,在新的全球攻略中,中国市场将逐渐成为其主要战场,今后美国新蛋的市场除 英语翻译随着世界经济的发展,经济全球化已经成为了不可逆转的趋势.经济全球化与贸易保护扩大化是一对矛盾,经济全球化促进了发