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请教一篇改错如题.一共有10处错误.(这类题 貌似都只有1处是要删去的,1处需要添词,其余8处都是要改词的).谢叻Thi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 20:19:35
如题.一共有10处错误.(这类题 貌似都只有1处是要删去的,1处需要添词,其余8处都是要改词的).谢叻
This morning I went to a market to buy some food with my parents.On the way we met a young man with Western-style clothes and fashionable shoe who was riding a bike.Because he rode too carelessly,so he knocked an old lady to the ground.Instead of stopped,he rode away quick.We were both very angry with the young man.A girl who wears simple dress ran to help the lady up at once and sent her to nearest hospital.From this accident we know that we can judge a book by its cover.That is to say,only a people who has a kind heart is really beautiful.
请教一篇改错如题.一共有10处错误.(这类题 貌似都只有1处是要删去的,1处需要添词,其余8处都是要改词的).谢叻Thi
This morning I went to a market to buy some food with my parents.On the way we met a young man with(改为in) Western-style clothes and fashionable shoe(改为shoes) who was riding a bike.Because he rode too carelessly,so(去掉so) he knocked an old lady to the ground.Instead of stopped(改为stopping),he rode away quick(改为quickly).We were both(改为all) very angry with the young man.A girl who wears(改为wore) simple dress ran to help the lady up(改为out) at once and sent her to nearest hospital.From this accident we know that we can(加not) judge a book by its cover.That is to say,only a people(改为person) who has a kind heart is really beautiful.